League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Sep


Originally posted by Thoronris

The segment about their early relationship was so interesting. It really shows how much both have grown as people that they now can talk about it.

Also, it's really crazy for me to see how much Quickshot pushes people around him to be better and to have chances to prove themselves. That he "forced" Medic and Drakos to cast Athens instead of himself is really mind blowing to me. He truly is not only a caster, but also a manager. He could go the easy way, cast it himself and not take responsibility for other casters, but he deliberately chose to not do so. It's really inspiring to see that.

Same with Sjokz - going freelance and leaving behind a hole in the team that need to be filled takes courage, because it can feel terrible to see that you were easily replaced. That she has the strength and confidence to say that she knows her value and doesn't need to worry about getting replaced permanently is just as mind blowing to me.

It's so good to see that two peop...

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Something that's super important to clarify, while yes, I'm pushing people to take roles (even when it's one I could do) they have to have earned it. Drakos, Medic and I have grown so much over the years we have worked together and over the last 18 months Drakos and Medic are fantastic at their jobs and even better colleagues. If they weren't able to do the job, I wouldn't be able to make the call.


Originally posted by mtm__

Started watching from ~52:00 to see how he breaks down the turning point of the game.

Two things immediately:

  1. Wasn't a mistake from Fnatic, just poorly executed. Broxah and Bwipo shouldn't have been behind G2's turret. Why is FNC positioned like this when their only goal should be to pressure the turret and dance back to Baron? Rekless moving towards G2 even before the charm hit was also horrible.

  2. Flash from Perkz wasn't blind. He's reacting to the auto + q from Nemesis, dodging ult was lucky.

I hate how doing VOD reviews are the thing to do now even though most of them know hardly any more than the average person. I think they take themselves a little too seriously. Yes, Papa included. It sucks that these are the people voting for MVP.

LCS / LEC "analysts": basically anybody with a youtube channel d4+

LCK analysts:

  • Madlife (retired pro - lege...

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So you decided to listen to a tiny part of what was a 6 hour VOD review, decided that you didn't agree with 2 things that I said and are now using this as evidence to say I don't know what I'm talking about.

  1. For the most part, you are right. Calling it a mistake was probably the wrong choice of words and execution could have been better. I still, however, believe going for the baron was the safer and better play. They already had all of the vision set up and given G2 were starved of vision, they would have been forced into an extremely unfavourable fight. Instead, they chose a path that gave G2 the best opportunity to come back into the game because they could attack from the flank. At the end of the day, this is why I call it a mistake, but as I mentioned maybe that was the wrong word, it's pretty open to interpretation.

  2. I'm extremely confident he was planning on flashing the ult, however neither you or I can say for sure. I thought the flash was ...

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I don't have more information all. I've been out of the office and it's not my call to make. Sorry wish I had more info.


TL;DR: I made a Google Spreadsheet that allows you to pick the characters you play, and generates tables that display how those champions synergize with different team composition types (and even suggests bans that are strong against those team compositions ranked in tier list order)!

Hey guys!

Over the past few months, my friends and I have been assembling to **Actually Imp...

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02 Sep


Originally posted by DivineSwordMeliorne

I just woke up. 6000 upvotes . Divine sword skin where

i cant give you a divine sword meliorne skin but i can continue to give you the gift of my friendship and love and support


Decided to post game 3 first as I felt this was the game most fans were interested in being reviewed. One mistake from Fnatic led to another and G2 could mount the comeback. Pretty great game imo!


Originally posted by jespelibur

Alt+R seems kinda pointless considering that the ability is self-cast only.

Wait are you for real? Ayy lmao


Originally posted by Precat8

Actually a similar tip: Jax’s favorite food is eggs has influenced me to consume 3 eggs for breakfast and dinner daily. This has substantially increased my protein in take versus the bowl of lucky charms. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat than the yolk. Eggs are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Eating eggs have also expanded my finger tendon which allows it to intake at least double the torque pressure of any regular human. This lets me auto cancle with W perfectly down to the nano second and has improved my eye lube which improves my map awareness. Your shit however does turn to a light shade of yellow but you get over it rather quickly.



Originally posted by AllVision1957

Kindred: what do I do with this ultimate?

Yea i keep spamming alt r to selfcast but works like 1/20


Originally posted by WhereAreDosDroidekas

By that logic I could say Darius has 5 dashes.

I mean Pyke R is literally told to be a blink which is even better than a dash since it can dodge abillities


Originally posted by WhereAreDosDroidekas

Not sure if Riven or Akali.

Pyke has 6 if you manage to ult on all 5 members plus his E


Originally posted by RighteousRetribution

I agree, but Riot most of the time, for some reason, is flat-out putting their foot down when making some changes, namely some prototype mechanical changes, in that if and when they don't work out, they don't revert said changes, but rather try to keep the last set of changes, whilst making bigger massive changes on other areas of the kit that no one really asked for or wanted.

Basically, it feels like they don't learn much from said experimentation, or, rather, are sometimes doing experimentation/different shit just for the sake of doing it, and not because it is necessarily better in any manner. As if they don't fully understand what aspect of any given champion its players actually like and play said champion for.

I see what you're saying. For instance, I know a lot of Kled mains' response to the healing reduction changes were basically "stay away from my champ, he's fine". On the other hand, I think a fair amount of other ones were also pretty excited about upping his competitive viability. One of the problems with collecting opinions on forums (particularly on Reddit) is that it's very hard to believe a dissenting opinion has any real amount of people behind it (not saying this is you or anything, just in general).

A lot of these experiments carry a lot of risk and are pretty hard to tell if they're successful without giving them some time. As an example, I remember a lot of people thought the Volibear E change to deal extra damage to airborne units was a bad one, but now it seems like Voli means really like that aspect of him and are pointing to it as something they'd like to keep. We're doing our best to learn, but there's definitely hits and misses.


I didn't do those changes, but I think we targeted Kled/Kat specifically because they hadn't seen much play in a competitive environment, so they were good candidates for these types of outputs. Varus has been a staple in pro play for quite a while so it didn't make sense to give him another tool.

01 Sep


Originally posted by MasterOfBinary


I'm kinda confused as to how your data addresses the argument - Taliyah's pickrate has historically been shown by stat sites to be significantly higher when she's fringe meta, going as high as 6-8% iirc. Where is the data that you provided coming from? If it's current patch, then I think it's a fair point to make that Taliyah held a significantly higher pickrate when she was more meta.

Are you looking at ranked only? I'm looking at all SR queues. I actually think things like blind or normal can be more representative of what people want to play (have fun with) because they're not as worried about playing what's optimal or strong in ranked.

Also this is aggregate for all regions. ALSO you're looking at playrate (higher % numbers, basically saying "did this champion appear in this game") and not selection % (did this champion get picked in this single instance)


Originally posted by fe2o3x

Still waiting for some data that track champion popularity vs gender.

Do you not track players gender in your game?

We don't actually collect that demographic data unless you opt into it in a survey.

I have champion affinity by gender from the Mass Champion survey. It's not behavioral data (what champion you're actually playing, etc.), but it's what champions people say are most appealing, either visually, gameplay, overall, a bunch of other Qs too.


Originally posted by Snowhead23

Remember that the stats he used were from 2016, hence why Mord was in the bottom 20 (which isn't nearly true post rework).

Yeah to be clear it was Jan 1, 2016 to 2019.


Originally posted by Inkiepie11

Hi blaustoise

hi :)