League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Originally posted by Inkiepie11

I think the reason why lee sin and yasuo winrates are so low is because of the amount of people playing them a bit and doing poorly, and their massive pickrates are because the champs are fun to play. Because lee sin and yasuo aren’t bad champs, their winrates are just dragged down because of the number of non mains just playing them a bit.

I think this is kind of true. And I think it was more true historically.

But then we look into how many games on Yasuo and Lee Sin people have... and even the "casual-just-playing-lee-sin-for-fun" people often have a TON of games and high mastery on them. This gets into our Breadth vs Depth Report that Riot Novaasterix (forgot his reddit name RIP) did that looks at not only how many people play a champion, but how much they play that champ


Originally posted by Serpexnessie

Dayum, the unpopular champs are REALLY unpopular. Like, looking at it, you could make 10 skins for unpopular champions and a yasuo skin would still sell way more.

What's also interesting is that the distribution of champion popularity changes by region.

NA has less variance across champion popularity (popular champions were played less, unpopular champions were played more relative to the global avg).

Meanwhile regions like China and Vietnam have higher variance (popular champs are played even more, unpopular champs are played even less relative to the global avg).

On an unrelated note I've been on a binge of looking into how different regions and playerbases engage with the game differently, and this is just another example of that. Can definitely lead to a "wtf is riot doing" if NA believes one thing, KR believes something else, and EUW is off doing EUW things... makes it so that the trend of sentiment in NA (on reddit, twitter, twitch, etc.) is super unified where it might not be on a global scale.


Originally posted by IWillNameMyChildZoe

I think that it should be asked in his twitter.

I wouldn't be able to answer if you did ask me. I'm just trying to bridge the information gap around champion popularity. I think u/DudeToManz answered it well below: my job is gameplay data, but here was something that had a bit of overlap with skins as they relate to playrate.

Now if you want to ask me about tiktok...


Originally posted by Degenerate_Gremlins

There's also artificial champion popularity.

Example being Kai'sa. She's been meta ever since her release and she's one of the most popular adcs. Put her in the gutter for a patch or 2 and I doubt she'd be picked at all.

A lot of people have said that about Kai'Sa, but there have been times where even if she was still getting picked in pro, her non-pro power/winrate (ranked, flex, norms, blind) was pretty low. Maybe it was the perception that she was meta.

There's more analysis to be done here, but you can look at winrate sensitivity of champions to see how much their playrate is affected when they're high/low winrate. Champs like Yasuo and Lee Sin are played regardless of their winrate, I think Kai'Sa is closer to them than to some of the champs that are more winrate/power sensitive.


Originally posted by King_D3D3D3

It also doesn't make sense to create skins only relative to playrate (that's unfair to the investment players put into niche champs). We do neither, but it's tricky to find a good balance in there.

Explain Kai'Sa then.

If we made skins relative to playrate Kai'Sa would get more actually.

This is a assuming that we don't need to adjust for when a champion was released, how many skins they already have, etc, but strictly "how likely is she to get a skin given her playrate" since her launch per each "skin launch" since then... I think she would actually have more (also I'm not counting the IG skin in here). Last time I looked she was #2 or #3 most popular champion in China.

Does that explain?


Originally posted by Ssumday_is_love

"The biggest loser is Schalke"

I did not expect that line to have the impact that it did, but I'm really glad that I said it. Let's see if S04 can prove me wrong :P



I'm so bummed I didn't believe he was able to do it. I really thought he was just goint to get killed, and then didn't ramp up the hype early enough.

INSANE play from Caps for sure.

31 Aug


Originally posted by Omnilatent

This was sad from any perspective

9k gold lead at 13 min is just ... mean

11780 the highest in EU history. The game also clocked in as the second fastest in EU history.


We started up a series over here that covers some of the things you talk about here. LEC Playbook if you wanna check it out


30 Aug

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IMainStashusAssassin

That's so exciting! Will we see it before the new adc comes out? I'm assuming the adc August is woking on is super close to reveal.

The Champion August in working on will be in the roadmap

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by La_vert

Wait, can you please clarify if the update on the next 3 champs will contain the smaller update on Voli/Fiddle?

yes it will all be in one Champion Roadmap, then we will do a actual devblog just focused on Voli/Fiddle later in the year. At least thats the current plan


Originally posted by KataFuFuu

I'm scared tbh. don't want the same problems we had during TFT launch to happen again. I could do without clash if this will be the case.

Our approach here's to segment the modes server side basically so overload on one shouldn't bring down the others.


Originally posted by SyriseUnseen

Unrelated, but:

A. Thanks for answering on reddit too

B. Thoughts on leblanc? I dont want her to get nerfed, but since shes more or less in the same state as she was when you guys nerfed her, will she receive changes?


No plans for LB at the moment at least.


What a fantastic performance from Rogue. I'm still so surprised at this teams growth considering their experience. Even more so, I'm impressed with Woolite, I've personally called him out being caught out many, many times in the past and I'm stoked to see him showing up in recent weeks.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IMainStashusAssassin

What are the chances of us getting a small roadmap showing the 3 upcoming champs? Like even if it's just text based. This no roadmap thing is awful to me. );

Yeah, the new plan is to do a roadmap going over the 3 new Champs as well as a smaller roadmap-esque update on Voli/Fiddle in the next couple months, then follow with a more in production devblog on Voli/Fiddle at the end of the year. Probably going to start writing it sonn

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

u/Reav3 mentioned that 2019 has focus on new champions , there will be more new ones.

I didn't know he meant that instead of 3 in 2018, we will have 4 in 2019. What an increment...

Lol, that's big assumption for a year that hasn't even ended yet


Originally posted by SSDuelist

From what you said it sounds like you basically got what you expected and the thing you didn’t expect should be a relatively straightforward fix unlike last time, am I right?

Correct. That issue's been dealt with already. Slight nervousness here more reflects you can never be 100% sure there's nothing else out there and Clash has a history of being a tough process to get right.


Originally posted by DeadNames

Any chance we could get some context on Aatrox' changes? They said they we're aiming for pro negative solo queue positive but these changes just seem like straight nerfs

Yeah, for now we're going with straight nerfs, though hopefully ones that hit pro harder than solo queue. Thinking is to then look at mechanics changes post 9.19, given those tend to need some followup and we'd like to land 9.18/9.19 smoothly for Worlds.


Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

How is support Lux now ? Any plans to buff her a little more ??

No plans at present.