League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Originally posted by Hasakill

Lil Uzi Vert plays League?

Yah yah yah yah yah (I'm actually not sure).

30 Sep


Wait, SKT and TSM didn't reach Worlds this year??

Kidding aside, this was not intended behavior so we'll be fixing this in the next patch.

29 Sep


Originally posted by ClockworkLike

Reminder: never plan big articles before taking exams!

Jokes aside, it has been a fun one to write, and I hope we've been spot on for everything we described.



28 Sep


Unfortunately we promised that Championship Ashe's border + icon would only be available during Worlds 2017.


27 Sep


Originally posted by the_next_core

A Riot member confirmed the total mission token amount is 400. There is another mission line not yet released.

This is correct

26 Sep


Originally posted by Summaa

not sure if you know this, but Marshmello dropped a League original at Ultra

Yepp. Pretty surreal hearing League songs when I'm out.

Alan Walker played his remix of Legends Never Die at this past Coachella and Mako has a sick live version of it too.


Originally posted by maddkid53

They're playing in my city soon, I'm half tempted to go just to see if they stick it in their set anywhere.

You should! Glitch Mob is always a crazy time.

The real question you should be asking is if they'll drop their remix of Crawl Outta Love


Originally posted by Hameli0

Wow they managed to get The Glitch Mob, pretty cool.

I look forward to hearing this song at Coachella 2019.

24 Sep


Originally posted by Rontheking

What happens with the EU production team during worlds? Do they have holidays until after worlds or do some travel to LA?

Can't speak for all, as we are quite a big bunch, but I can give some visibility on this topic. It depends on several factors like - what is your role, what work has to be done in the EU office/studio, does Central need your support for Worlds and so on. Some will work on getting the studio ready for 2019, making improvements, focus on personal growth or start working on 2019 EU roadshows. Others will squeeze in some holidays for sure, as this time of the year, with no EU shows running makes it easier to disconnect from work. Still, there is always work to be done, maybe a bit less than during a LCS season :)

I can give an example from the EU Events & PM team. One of my colleagues will be working all stops and she will be leading the content teams from all regions. She will provide support, like helping them to schedule their interviews and produce content about Worlds. Another colleague is leading the Player Management side of Worlds and she will also work most stops as t...

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Originally posted by dobiks

  • Video created in collaboration with Riot Games for League of Legends Germany *

In the description. So they probably did that

Yep, exactly :) It's always a pleasure to work with Diyyo. He creates such powerful and beautiful videos <3 If you haven't subscribed to his channel you should!

23 Sep


90% - An EU team makes it out of Groups (giving FNC 75%, G2 50%, and VIT 10% --> 1-(0.25*0.5*0.9) = ~89%)

50% - exactly 1 EU team makes it out of Groups (given the odds above, it would be: only FNC 34%, only G2 ~11%, and only VIT ~1% --> ~46%)

10% - G2 does not make it to Groups (the odds for 90% also imply that G2 would have a ~56% to advance from Groups if they make it there)

Yeah these numbers are a bit high for EU, but I don't think that they are too far off, especially given that G2 would end up in Group A or C.

21 Sep


Originally posted by Mixthefox

I don't, ELI5, pls.

CeCe -> CC -> Crowd Control -> BRAUM STUNS YOU A LOT

19 Sep


There's some pretty awesome suggestions in this thread already, but I thought I'd add a few more that I've seen have been helpful for people!

  • Speech recognition: It's sorta been mentioned, but this is a common way to get inputs into your PC. Might be a good candidate instead of typing messages in game as well
  • Macros to keys on your mouse: Autohotkey is the one that I've seen used most often, you can bind certain messages to the mouse and use that as a quick way to relay things
  • Windows On-Screen keyboard: I'm sure there's Mac equivalents - some players use this for certain key functionality that would be difficult to bind or if they already have a lot of things bound. It's not great for if you want to type in game, as you keep refocusing in and out of the keyboard
  • Pedals/other physical simple inputs: There's a lot of devices that are simply just a single button or clicker that you can tap that can provide a signal. Arduinos or raspberry PIs a...
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17 Sep


Originally posted by IgotUBro

Can we expect new HUD and interfaces when franchise hits? Keep up the good work.

I wish I could tell you more about next year, but to be honest I don't all the details myself. I am working in the events team - behind the scenes - on the more 'physical' execution of our shows. More and more details about EU future will surely be released over time.


Wanted to thank you guys also in this thread for all the positive feedback and appreciation this year. Cheer for your favorite team at Worlds and tune in, when we are back next year ;)


Goodbye, till we resume next year! Was lurking most of this year on reddit, but made me always happy to see so much positive feedback for our EU production!

16 Sep


Originally posted by lunfard0reload

What players do you use for those test? Many bugs are only possible be found by Pros/Challengers/OTPs which restraint a lot the amount of useful testers.

And not to mention the tons of known bugs that were never fixed (e.g: morde infamous bug list), so even if those tester found a critical bug, chances are you wont have time to fix it.

We've used a range of Rioters & QA; this week we'll be getting additional help from the Playtest teams at Riot (much higher rank than majority of Rioters) which will help us get games that are as similar to pro play as possible along with running the maximum amount of "direct connect" spectators (explained here) to add stress on the servers.


Hey everyone,

We are definitely taking these issues seriously and it's a top priority right now for multiple engineering teams. While the shows are going on, we're running internal playtests on our offline servers to gather additional data with frequent engineering changes, improving logging (and performance when possible) to help dig deeper into the root cause.

In regards to NA LCS today, the reason for the extended Chronobreak pause was due us moving the game between servers in order to provide information into the performance differences across setups.

In the upcoming week, we'll be ramping up the amount of offline game server playtesting we are doing on the Worlds patch as well as continuing to investigate potential causes outside of the game server process (which could be adding to the performance problems).

14 Sep


Originally posted by SernieBanters

I worded my comment poorly. What I meant to say is that those things aren't necessary to climb out of silver. I personally reached gold by spamming Bard and just destroying enemy supports.

Wave management is very strong (I got destroyed by Garens who just froze waves on me). Powerspikes are helpful. Warding locations are useless IMO because I haven't seen anyone play around wards in Silver. Usually people just put a ward before they facecheck.

Oh yeah, can definitely make it out without knowing much about it, but I think it is one of the most valuable things to pick up.