League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Dec


Originally posted by gordofrog


i think you're looking for this thread

27 Dec


Originally posted by astormintodesert

Could you explain how that can be done? Or link me to an explanation? Didnt find a good one.

They've been added to the screensaver app :)


Originally posted by EffeDiMarte

My favourite login theme and art of all time. Deep and beautiful!

Just one question: does anyone know which programme of plugin are they using for the facial espressions they talk about in the "MAKING MORE BY DOING LESS" paragraph?

I THINK the original art is done with layers in Photoshop and then the animation is done in After Effects, but I'd have to double-check with a motion graphics person to be 100% certain.

24 Dec


Originally posted by RampantGiraffe

I was gonna ask for the story on a zebra walking across your high school campus, but then I remembered being able to see elephants from the window in my high school once or twice and the surprise just kinda faded away.

It's not an interesting story. In Texas people with too much money and too-big ranches fill them with exotic animals (I remember reading there are more tigers in captivity in Texas than in the wild).

My school was in a rural area next to one of these richy-rich ranches. Sometimes a goat would wander over, sometimes an antelope or zebra.


Originally posted by Capt_Poro_Snax

I guess it's the Texas in me

This just feels like a contradiction to anything surprising you.

There are things that aren't surprising in Texas (a zebra walking across your high school campus), and there are things that are (a dude toking up on a public street).

These rules reverse if you're in Austin, though.

23 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


sh*t my bad


Originally posted by Galgameth

I'm more interested in the fact that more than 5% of South Korea's population plays ranked games in League.

Took a quick look at this before jumping on a plane, and while the Korea numbers look like they could be accurate, the NA numbers don't look even close. So I don't know what to make of it.

21 Dec


Originally posted by Alottius

I'm somewhat surprised to see World of Tanks beat out Dota 2. Is WoT really that popular?

It's HUGE in Russia and China.

16 Dec


Originally posted by kDart007

But you're from Riot so your guess is Riot's official stance on this and you'll be judged and later crucified :)



Originally posted by EisenheimGaming

Well, if Riven and Yasuo (or anyone else) are 110% permaban in a P&B with 10 bans, maybe it's time to really do something about these champions..

I think the issue with them specifically is that they aren't as strong as folks perceive them to be, but still have the potential to really ruin your day. The impact feels higher, or something.


Originally posted by Zerole00

What was the point doing an assassin rework if you were going to add 10 bans?

You might as well just delete Riven and Yasuo too.

Actually it's my understanding that this is one of the complications with the system. If people can ban out power picks/comp and have bans left over, they might default to banning "I don't like that," which sadly includes folks like Yasuo.

The team working on this stuff is thinking about that, but I'm not exactly sure what the solution would be.


Originally posted by Whole_Kogan

10 bans per team would be...interesting. Probably not good (and probably not even going through with that many) but would be interesting nonetheless. Good read.

This is bad editing on my end -- 10 total, five per team. Working to update the text :(

15 Dec


Originally posted by SmallSnorlax

If you actually read the boards, everything he says is consistent with what i've read from other Rioters and consistent what he says on dev Q/A's. I think it's a consistent design philosophy.

Hijacking top thread -- this is also a Nexus post and will go live tomorrow. If you're not the type to comment on Gamastra, you can plop into that post for further conversation via your League account.

We're trying something new with this one so curious to see how the Gamastutra cross-post works out!

13 Dec


Originally posted by AsoHYPO

You jest, but I still get the rare execute to raptors every few games or so. Free me from silver...

Happened to me twice this week

09 Dec


Originally posted by ProfMcPants

I love these kind of things.

Glad Riot is taking notes, from both the community's feedback and other games' developers, more and more in terms of communication.

Also, it's always a pleasure listening to Greg talking design (to me, personally, at least). The monthly, live Ghostcrawler Q&A sessions have been great so far, too- Always very interesting and fun.

We need lots of feedback! Trying to git gud

07 Dec


Originally posted by SovereignRLG

I'm glad to hear that. I tried to explain that to a Hardcore wow player, and he was adamant you could never enjoy a competitor's game... He also was sure Riot and Blizzard had really bad blood.

For me overwatch got boring in a way league never has. I still play with friends, but 60% of my time is in League, 20% in titanfall 2, 15% Elder scrolls online, and the last 5% between overwatch and halo 5. They are all great games. League is just the one that calls me back the most.... For the past 6...7? Years....

I could understand why someone would think that, but yeah -- walk around the office here and you'll see people playing all kinds of stuff. The computers in the PC Bang have Battle.net and Steam pre-installed alongside League.

I have a TV over by where I sit and it's always on Twitch streaming one thing or another. A lot of the time it's League, but a lot of the time it's a new game (FFXV right now, for example), or a tournament (like The International), or just a rando stream (I like to scroll to the bottom and turn on some obscure thing with one viewer, like a dude playing Metroid II).

Riot's not unique -- most people who work in games work there because they love games. I don't think anyone would accept a job where enjoying other games was disallowed.

06 Dec


ALMOST every loss. Sometimes when I'm frustrated at myself I'll close out quickly, and then I feel like a jerk.

05 Dec

01 Dec


Originally posted by yace987

I read that "Rito Manifesto"

that's actually what it says lol

22 Nov