League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Originally posted by hiimbr

You 2 guys were my favourite casting duo of Worlds last year and I did not even expect MarkZ to cast. I hope I can hear you together in the LCS soon.

We're on tomorrow for the first two games!

25 Feb


Originally posted by Ice__Berg

I get where you are coming from, but I'm gonna be honest you lost me on the example lol. Why would you nerf a champ if an objective is giga broken, you would nerf the objective?

I think the point this person is making is that champions get balanced around their interactions with bounty systems and it becomes part of their gameplay. It becomes an expectation that Pantheon is carrying a bounty most games, or that Kayle will claim more bounties than other champions on average.


Originally posted by JTHousek1

Team comps. For example, a full scaling team that’s down 3k against a full early game team could actually be even (or ahead!) and still activate Objective Bounties in their favor today.

I think this is a dangerous route to go down because it would somewhat require classifying champions as early or late game internally to the system, and inherently breaking that classification through some strange off-meta build could cause some weird cases where you can trick the system into giving bounties when it shouldn't. Maybe I don't quite understand the implementation of this if they went that route but it doesn't seem like a good idea coming at it from this angle.

It's a tricky problem for sure, but still an issue worth thinking about if there are good solutions that exist.


Originally posted by frosthowler

It's about 200% efficient if you're alone. But it's not at all efficient if you're grouped, plenty of more efficient options.

Hullbreaker is actually more gold efficient than many items. Not a great comparison, but it is more efficient than Goredrinker, Stridebreaker etc. One might compare it to Death's Dance as a legendary item, and it is more efficient than DD as well (although you buy DD for its passive and not for the stats necessarily)

It's the fact that on it's own it's a decent stat stick (as legendary items don't tend to have combat effects anyway, that's what Mythic items have) that also gives you the option of being stronger in split push which I think is making it more seen

Disclaimer: I am bad at the game


Second thought just because it's on my mind.

Feedback and opinions are not the same. If you write you hated the cast and my hype was flat, that's an opinion. It becomes feedback whe you add context and ideally very specific reference points that didn't land for you so that it becomes tangible and meaningful for me to work with, review and then have a discussion about the different perspective.

By all means share you opinions, that's what this site is for, but please don't confuse it with feedback.


I've read the comments and wanna confirm I was a little distracted today. I didn't find a rythym in games and had a lot of real life stuff on my mind. I'll learn from this and do better next time!!

I must say that I'm surprised by the amount of feedback. So I wanted to let you know that I'll watch this back in a few days with fresh eyes and distance from today! It's pretty common to also ask for feedback from the LEC crew so I'll check in with them too!

Thanks to everyone who wrote comments without crossing into personal attacks. I truly appreciate feedback, but ideally like to read something with a bit of structure and reasoning included.❤️❤️ .


Originally posted by TheWarmog

Sorry quickshot but to say this was good league of legends on the side of vitality (to the point of "shades of g2 2019 if i heard well) you gotta be blind.

This game was an absolute clusterf**k and far, far faaaar away from clean.

Out of interest what makes you feel that way? I'm interested to hear your perspective because even now, a few hours later I feel as though VIT were playing the game several minutes ahead the entire game literally from the draft.


Originally posted by Piro42

When the commentators praised VIT "clean macro game", I didn't know they meant inting 4 party members to let minions push the nexus.

I firmly believe those players have the skills, knowledge and personality types to discuss keeping SK busy while the minions killed the base. Under the assumption that what I said happened, that's incredible macro and mind games against their opponents.


Oh man I definitely did not hit my normal flow in this game. I was really struggling to find my usual grove. I really wanted to be more critical but felt it would make it a super hard to watch if I was railing on everything we all watched. Then I got caught in my head in a loop of uncertainty what I wanted to do. Every idea my brain came up with all came up short of the quality I aim to hit.

Lots on the mind from every possible angle and this game I was distracted.

24 Feb


Originally posted by Excalidorito

I always felt like Morde R should steal more stats when you level it up but maybe that would be too strong.

We had a version of Morde in-dev that R3 stole 25% of stats. I once ulted a Rammus with W and Aftershock on and stole 15k+ gold worth of stats :) Since stats just scale with game time, we deteremined that it doesn't actually need to scale with ranks


Commenting to ensure the MarkZ fan club celebration continues.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Also I was curious, was there a reason why you guys decided to do 2 Zaun champs back to back, was it related to Arcane?

I think I have answered this before, but the reason they are both Zaun is they were both originally supposed to ship during the Riot X Arcane event, so we had goals for them to both be either Piltover or Zaun to match the theme of that event. Both DNA teams ended up gravitating towards Zaun so that's why we ended up their.


Not saying this is a wholly good or bad idea, but just offering the counterpoint since you offered a few good reasons on why adding ult rank-up incentives is good.

Unless there's a very good reason, we usually avoid changing "hard immunity" durations via game time. This is mainly because it's something the player learns to play around and leans on for their expectation of survival. We've all had those moments where you enter a new game as ADC and almost kill yourself since you're surprised by how slow you attack. With ultimates that are cast way less (to learn about the changing duration) and way more crucial to survival, changing durations can be a real feelsbad.


Originally posted by Growupchildrenn

Messing up not taking broken dodge yellows

I don't think I was playing when dodge yellows were available, but I definitely got my money's worth out of mpen reds and hp/lvl yellows

also I remember the flat MR abyssal scepter rush meta where you would just stack MR in your blues and maybe even quints and hope you won the scepter rush first item or you would lose

23 Feb


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Don't forget your special Razor, Intel, and Christmas quints.

3 ms quints and 1 crit red, 9 hp yellows, 4/5 mix of scaling and flat mr


dear lord this is a nostalgia hit


Originally posted by AsnSensation

For the Uninitiated one of the most iconic early league clips of all time.

Actually the Full Version is better, best nick name ever. long live Radeon 6870

The number I people I run into that don't get this reference saddens me and then I remember I'm a LoL esports dinosaur.

Thank you for continuing to spread the joy of this classic League meme.


Originally posted by the-lonely-corki

Currently working on my wife’s visa, easily the most stressful thing I’ve ever experienced in my life

Oof that sounds horrible.

Best of luck for you both, I hope it comes around soon!