I have 0 FGC knowledge, can you explain what assist-based fighting is and how it's different?
Not an expert on the space nor an expert on this game in particular, but to try to put it in newbie-friendly terms as best I understand it:
Many (most?) fighting games are 1v1. I pick a character. You pick a character. We fight until one of us dies. Sometimes it's best of 3 so we go again with health bars refilled. But regardless, we just fight until one of us dies.
An assist-based fighter is a 2v2, 3v3, or more. However, we're still sort of playing a 1v1. I may have 2 or 3 characters on my team, but the baseline is still that same 1v1 from before and we're mostly 1v1 at any given time. The reason it's a 2v2 or a 3v3 is that I can do two special things:
I can swap my fighter mid-round. I can also have both my characters on screen for a short time, making a brief 2v1 (hence the "assist" moniker). The how (other than "hit assist button") and why are beyond my knowledge of fighting games.
And because teams are 2+ characters deep, the round only ends whe...
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