League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by immongrel

Yea, I'm not buying that at all. Everything is about revenue.

Well people having higher engagement with LoL likely leads to higher revenue, my point is we don’t judge or make champions based on the money they make. The main reason we make new champions is to keep LoL a engaging game

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


This is fundamentally untrue. Lux and Ezreal skins are still money makers. It’s not like giving a skin to some new Champion makes way more then giving a old popular champion a skin. Champ sales themselves are extremely small compared to skin sales, especially since a large portion of new champs are acquired through blue essence. If we primarily cared about money making it would be a way stronger strategy to just move developers from champs team to make skins instead.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SSMBBlueWisp

Did they just acknowledge that they f**ked up with Aurelion Sol's kit?

And the whole article just feels like a big excuse to justify "Human champs are hot and sell more" without saying it outright tbh.

Lol, I actually wrote this to clear that up specifically. Champs team have no revenue goals but we do have engagement goals. Looks like unfortunately I guess that didn’t come through here though.

25 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It really depends on the Champion. Our goal with reworks is not the change the champion simply for the sake of change. Some champions have deeper kit issues so bigger things need to be changed, and that means the other abilities likely need to be changed as well to be in harmony with the bigger changes. Recent Champions we have done VGUs on haven't had as big core issues in the kit, so we haven't had to change as much. Like whenever we get around to Skarner that will probably have to be as big as some older champs like Galio, Sion, Urgot, Etc.


Originally posted by HanzoKurosawa

Random question, not sure if you're who to ask but hopefully you could pass it on to whoever is the right person to ask.

Would it be possible to get stat-tracking on Guardian like most other runes, and almost all the new items have? At the moment it just shows it's current shield strength, but it would be awesome if it also showed how much total damage it had shielded over the game. Like a mini locket of the iron solari.

I’ll look into it, this is a reasonable request


Hello everyone! I'm Riot Koyuncu, one of the QA Engineers on Champions team.

I'm pleased to announce that the Dr. Mundo's VGU will be available to play on the PBE starting today! The team has been hard at work updating his kit and all ten of his skins, and we would love to hear about any bugs you happen to come across during your games. Please head over to our Bug Reporting Tool and give us any information on the issue you can.

If you have any feedback on either the champion or his skins, please feel free to drop a comment here in the thread! We don’t have much time to make changes, but we will be monitoring messages in this thread to share back with the team and make what adjustments we can before his official release on Patch 11.12.



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Originally posted by Vangorf

So, if I understand it correctly, Tank Senna is too strong, so while nerfing her range gain from souls, they throw a shitton of buffs at her (Lethality and AP ratios). how is that supposed to meaningfully weaken tank Senna? Cuz now she can just go Frostfire into Ap like Ardent. Do I miss something or Riot legit this incompetent?

Frost fire gauntlets effectiveness is reduced over 50% on ranged users


Originally posted by CreativeAd481

A little confused over the Senna changes

In the notes it says

E now grants AP when camouflaged

but it also says

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 20% ⇒ 20% (+1% per 20 AP)

Does her movement speed scale off of AP, or does she gain AP?

Should be “scales off AP”.


Originally posted by PR3D8OR

Ahri's E - Charm no longer causes jungle monsters' health to regenerate if used out of combat



We did it Reddit


Originally posted by Jocelotknee

I love how Mundo is that gym guy in the Mundoverse splash, lol.

He really is