League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 May


Originally posted by Aythriel

the observers are smurfing this msi.

Thank you <3


Originally posted by Bdodk2000

I think observers get a heads up on where to focus because the game is on delay.

If 3 seconds counts as a delay haha :D


Originally posted by youjustabattlerapper

I agree with this, personally, just didn't know how it applied to pro.

When I first started playing league I remember always being so happy playing blue side because it felt like I could see way more of the map all of the time regardless of screen management.

I actually wonder what Rumble's win rate was on each side vs Udyr who should be largely unaffected.


Originally posted by Wildercard

I assume it's because playing on the red side you have less space to click when moving to the enemy, because the UI gets in the way.

It's harder to aim long range skill shots though we don't know why: could be UI, could just be how people like their camera (we know the effect was more pronounced for locked camera).


Originally posted by youjustabattlerapper

I honestly think map asymmetry is a huge component.

Blue side gets superior access to 2 heralds and baron.

Red side gets superior access to dragon but early dragons aren't really useful unless you keep stacking and stacking.

Back when I looked at it when I worked on League, so a few years ago, and for non-pro players, it's often camera angle. There isn't much assymetry for Singed or Rammus but Rumble, Xerath, Nidalee, etc all suffer a ton on red side. Rumble specifically was head and shoulders above the rest. No difference was observed on Dominion or TT (again old analysis)

23 May

22 May


Originally posted by lolgambler

bye ender Sadge



Originally posted by Aromatic_Reindeer

I will miss Ender man

I will miss u too


Originally posted by M002

RIP Ender <3



Originally posted by XoXeLo

The casting is weird. "Despite being down in gold at the start, they manage to come back!" ... they were like 1.5k gold down at one point.

"Despite getting two solo kills!" Khan inted hard, Jayce only flashed.. And botlane also inted..

I mean, I don't get the casting this game.

My tone was intended to be like, it doesnt even matter that mad got solokills/gold lead. Damwon are just better + drafted better


Originally posted by NocaNoha

Could be, another player mentioned similar.. can't remember now if they also mentioned transfers, did you maybe transfer?

Nope, NA the entire time.