League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Originally posted by Ilyak1986

Hey Jag, lore question (not sure if you're the right guy for this, but...) on Karma/Akshan.

Karma: clearly Indian representative (and painfully so--the whole reincarnation aspect, being named Karma, the actual woman that the Spirit of Ionia inhabits named Darha, the concept of enlightenment, etc. etc.), and clearly Ionian. And she fits fairly well.

Akshan: also South Asian, but Shuriman in origin, as opposed to Ionian.

Lorewise, do more Indian-representative individuals hail from Ionia, or Shurima? That is, if Shurima is more representative of north Africa, the middle east, etc. (I.E. if Zaun was the northern point, and Ekko is clearly a smart black kid gadgeteer genius), where exactly is the equivalent of India on Runeterra? Is it part of Ionia? Maybe part of Ixtal?

AKA while representation is cool and all, as someone that's also a bit of a worldbuilding Vorthos, I feel like I'm compelled to pester someone on...

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That's a good question that I'd direct to Johnotryin on Twitter.


I know how you feel. Being a person of Indian descent in American culture has been a pretty bad experience for the most of my life too.

I'm extremely happy to see this reaction from you. :) Thanks for sharing this, means a lot to me.


Good callout, we are planning some mitigating mechanics changes pre-ship I believe for ARAM.


Originally posted by letslurk

Can I ask from a design perspective why it seems like new champs have such overwhelmingly full kits in comparison to older ones?

They might seem that way, often when characters are revealed and first impressions come out, people will just rattle off mechanics back-to-back without any context. The same can be applied to a lot of old champions.

Karthus: Stays alive for 4 seconds after he dies, high radius AOE magic damage, reduces all magic resist on enemy team, high dps spammable aoe ability, global nuke ultimate from anywhere on the map.

That said, we have a philosophy to never re-print the exact same ability twice. This means every new champion will have 3+ things that haven't been seen before, and can be jarring for players at first release, then becomes more comfortable over time.


We aimed to give each unique mechanic in his kit some pretty large trade-offs, especially in both DPS and counterplay.


Originally posted by ComradePruski

I'll preface this by saying I love his design, but the champ insights diary literally listed Bollywood as his main inspiration

Bollywood was an inspiration for mainly his grappling hook. Jag wanted a really flashy ability that was action packed and fun to watch. The intent was not to design a champion who is essentially a Bollywood ripoff. And if the quote in Champ Insights misled you that's my bad.


Originally posted by BlackKaiserDrake

Lockdown whoever is carrying their team. If your team isn’t focusing the threat then it’s on them and there’s nothing you can do except make a suggestion to focus who you engage.

Can you think of a non teamfight plan ? Can Leona lead a split push effort ? Sometimes I try focus on warding and vision to enable objective taking potential. I should have said I'm in bronze


When a game goes past ~35 mins if my team isn't well ahead and playing as a team well idk what to do. If I engage the enemy team ( w,e,q,r) I just get melted and my team often won't pick up a single kill. My normal play is to babysit the adc or whoever is carrying in later game and engage for them but if that's not working I have no backup plan.

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Originally posted by komoset

Would it be possible to find out how spells are chosen? With you saying that I assume it's not completely random.

It's closer to pure random than not. But there's some protections in place to ensure you get at least something usable for your champion.


Originally posted by pehchi

I started doing this because I love podcasts/audiobooks and thought it'd be great to have the league patch notes to throw on in the background and listen to instead of reading through it all. I didn't find anything as simple and straight forward online so I decided to make it myself! I hope this is helpful to some of you!

This is great! Each section is very well paced.

Apologies for "Ult-ernate". :P


Originally posted by komoset

Sad that they didn't add 1 or 2 more spells to pick from in Ultimate Spellbook. Getting something like Bard, Zoe and Jarvan ult is not very fun when playing an ADC. It just becomes a normal game where everyone but you are having fun at that point.

You can never end up with that specific selection as an ADC. :)

07 Jul


Originally posted by Spinos123

If he runs marksman mythics how do you stop him dealing good dps, particularly considering his 3 hit passive seems to have no cool down. I assumed he would run lethality Are his base stats just that bad?

He will deal good dps for an assassin but not for a marksman. It's all relative.


Originally posted by NuclearBurrit0

What's to stop him from just being an ADC?

500 range, low AA dps. Also power budget in W roaming, which is mostly inaccessible from bottom lane.


Originally posted by Masalar

2 questions, if you don't mind.

Kit "fluff": It feels like it's not only common, but almost expected at this point that champions with this many small extras on their kit will inevitably lose some of them at some point. Akali, Azir, Irelia etc. While I don't imagine part of design is adding in bits and bobs so that some can be removed at a later date to help balance, losing parts of your champ's kit is arguably one of the most frustrating things to have happen.

So aren't you almost inevitably setting a champ like this up to lose mechanics and do you think that that's an acceptable way to design a champ?

Intended gameplay vs actual gameplay: Now, you guys clearly have more data here than I do, but I can't help but feel that his "ideal" gameplay pattern will be overshadowed by his "real" gameplay pattern.

And by that I mean the ideal is clearly: You start roaming bot as a fight breaks out. Your bot lane dies, takes the enemy support with them and the...

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Some general notes: W Revive only works if they are recently damage by you (similar to Rengar/Katarina). This is to keep him from just tagging everyone and calling a teamfight won.

As for the last points related to "game ruining experiences", the same can be said for a lot of champions. When Karthus presses R and gets a pentakill, ending the game from 6000 units away, that is an experience that happens very rarely, but sometimes. Defining the health of a game based upon the very best/worst case scenarios for every ability in the game is disingenuous, but keeping an eye out for how frequently they occur is important. If it's trivial for Akshan to flip games using his revive, it will be adjusted, but in testing that has not been the case.


Originally posted by darkacesp

So if the target dashes to where you will be you mean?

Just confused what you meant, like if the target gets in your face the hook doesn’t keep swinging or something?

Correct! If an enemy is very close to you (touching practically) or in your path, the swing cancels. This keeps it from being viable to escape champions that gapclose to you.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Can you also share his max order, i assume its q->e->w



Originally posted by Spideraxe30

What do you personally take on Akshan in playtests, i imagine PTA and Kraken sound pretty sweet with his passive

PtA and Electrocute are crowd favourites. For mythics we like galeforce for burst, but kraken/shieldbow are nice as well.