League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Oct


Originally posted by LagOutLoud

Hey, In the post about reducing Crit chance and damage it was said that Marksmen would get compensation in base stats. Is there any news on when/how that is planned to happen? With the change to 20% crit and needing 5 crit items to hit 100% crit, it is now practically never viable to build defensive items, Since non of the crit items actually provide real damage resistance (made even worse by this nerf to shieldbow). Added to the fact that all legendries across the game are losing stats.

Sorry I'm sadly not super up to date on the marksman stuff


Originally posted by ZhicoLoL

Adaptive items would be interesting

Definitely could be interesting, maybe next preseason? :^ )


Originally posted by G0ldenfruit

Sure, makes a lot of sense when that is the case, I can imagine how annoying samira is to work on at the moment or not work on as the case may be.

One problem I have is that Riot literally enforce the meta, like ashe senna at this worlds caused by various changes over summer, but we never seem to hear from the balance team to learn their goals. Like if there is a lethality meta, did they mean to case that or did it just happen becuase they tried to fix a tank rune? Would be great to get more gameplay thoughts/ask riots specifically from the balance team about how they want the game to be, otherwise we can only assume that stuff like that is a mistake.

There are some articles we put out about stuff like the oracle (balance framework) and all that jazz. I suspect some of this might be we're not as clear as we'd like with patch notes etc.

There's also just changes that we can't anticipate for pro play, pros can sleep on picks for long periods of time (see cait) and then when buffed they play those picks like crazy, even after the buff is reverted. That means as much as we might like our changes to work exactly as desired, sometimes there are factors totally out of our control.


Originally posted by -Gaka-

So you're telling me there's no chance of a BF Sword upgrade suddenly granting me AP instead?

Never say never ;)


Originally posted by G0ldenfruit

True, but historically riot has never has stuff worked out by the end of preseason. Whether its new dragons being slightly off -> cloud soul change, or changes that make champions too strong e.g the year Leblanc+a few others needed a nerf all the way through feb(cant remember year sorry).

This is potentially the biggest change the game has ever seen that affects balance, and while the balance team have been improving a lot, I would be very impressed if they had it even close to balanced by S11. I would expect more of an akali treatment where items are being tweaked and mechanics removed throughout the year.

We'll definitely be tweaking stuff throughout the year, but i do think we'll be able to get the game to a decent state pretty quickly.

One of the problems with trying to instantly solve balance like this is actually that it just takes time for players to adapt. We might see Akali is at a 39% winrate but secretly she has a sleeper op build that nobody knows at a 52% winrate. It's gonna take a lot of learning from both sides here


Originally posted by bz6

Right cool. I’m trying to use EVERY channel available to relay feedback. I am a bit worried tbh. Especially when it comes to changes that have dumbed down the game per say. I don’t think I will be able to participate in pre-season this year, as I am not keen on playing one shot URF.

Best of luck 🤞🏻 and have a good weekend boss.

I'd suggest giving it a shot my dude, might play out differently than you'd expect

16 Oct


Originally posted by bz6

Do you think this overhaul will increase or decrease build diversity?

I suspect it varies champ to champ tbh. Most champs I'd imagine are better off than live but there are certainly some champs who might hardbind in the new system or have extremely high diversity on live relative to the average and lose out because of change.


Originally posted by G0ldenfruit

I wonder how long riot have been already balancing the items and how long until they are in a normal state. The past couple years has been some of the best balance in terms of champ diversity(decresing recently since summer). It feels like a nightmare for their team thrown at them by the game designers

There's no way the first few patches aren't gonna be at least a little bit of a fiesta, but that's what preseason is for!


Originally posted by alexclow

There's currently a bunch of items that do this on the PBE...hopefully they fix em to not lose stats as that feels kinda bad

We've done a bunch of tuning passes and sometimes items slip through the cracks because their recipes weren't changed or whatever. Don't worry these weird stat shifts won't last to live.


Originally posted by OromisOfficial

Hey, slightly offtop but I hope I can provide you guys some feedback since there's a lot of confusion regarding Viktor in preseason:

It looks like he went from a scaling mage into a bigger scaling mage into the current version where... he seems to have lost his identity as a late game mage? Surrender@20 is giving different information from what is currently up on PBE. The current iteration(no bonus AP) looks sharply different from his established theme and caused a lot of discussion. Would you guys mind trying an alternative? There's a lot of good ideas floating around, PLEASE don't just leave him as a "normal" mage without anything special

Don't have much directional context to give except that we are still very actively testing his new pattern. Might see some updates going forward.


Originally posted by bz6

Oh crap I forgot one point. Why is BORK now not an active but a 3 hit passive? Having it as an active I feel would be better suited in big team-fights where you want to selectively slow down a person. A target you may not be auto'ing.


I'm fairly sure it's meant to specifically/sharply be a split-push item.


Originally posted by bz6


Hello boss, hope you're doing well today. Thought it would be an appropriate place to shoutout Morello and New001 for the legacy they have left at Riot. They will be missed <3.

As we move to (a hopefully 2nd decade of LoL) I have a few pieces of feedback and questions regarding pre-season. Overhauling items is exciting and brings big changes to what has been very slow cadence of change in past couple of years.

1) Do you think the meta will devolve into a race to complete Mythics? Completely removing come backs, strategy, and just making snowball insane.

2) Speaking of snowball, you and team have stated multiple times that power creep is NOT the goal. Yet effects and (legendary extention) stats on mythics have true damage and tons of pen.

3) Apart from power creep, how are you going to battle a potential ability haste creep? The stat is too abundant on items.

4) Why has the item system over...

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These are all cool questions, and since I have the day off I'll drop some quick thoughts on them. For context I work on Game Analysis team, responsible for identifying and triaging some of the potential issues you outlined and helping designers work through them.

  1. While first item spikes on S11 are certainly some % more efficient than live, legendaries that follow are paying a cost to efficiency that should balance it out. The goal is that with fine tuning in the next month, we can ensure that coming back is still just as viable because having an additional Legendary won't be as heavily weighted as it is on live. That's a great call-out though.
  2. Power-creep is a really complex idea in a game like League, as it can manifest in higher % efficiencies on items, earlier access to more powerful actives/passives, or higher access to stats than you previous had (i.e, Pen, movespeed, etc). Our goals coming up to launch are pretty heavily skewed towards identifying "powe...
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Originally posted by supersheeep

Dont be the last guy in r6 they will kick you so fast

haha don't worry, I overcame that fear and I find that I do a lot better when not playing scared.


Originally posted by Permahexxed

I created a Reddit account finally, solely to respond to this. I agree wholeheartedly. The issue with this is not that the Varus learned wrong and bots need to be changed, it's the assumptions of a rather judgemental gaming community that were the problem.

Incidents like this is why I quit Overwatch; quit summoner's rift altogether; and why upon reaching max level in Neverwinter, I quit and uninstalled promptly after my first end game dungeon. The issue are the players that frankly need to feel superior to others. The ones who only feel content when they have something (even something intangible) to hold over others.

In league I will only play arams now (started playing the week between Voli and Fiora release). All my friends have quit league totally. In one friend's case it's the money grabs from a corporation(he hates Blizzard and WOTC for the same thing), for the others it's been the community.

Hell most of the games I play now are either single pla...

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Oh yeah for sure. As I get a bit older I find that my tolerance for what I have to 'overcome' to have fun in a game gets lower and lower. If the community looks too toxic or the game looks too grindy, I just don't bother anymore.


Originally posted by [deleted]

If you are so scared by the ladder and constantly fear about letting your team down, do you even enjoy competitive versus games? And if so why? It reads like a single player or coop game would fit you better.

Yeah this is a good question. I can't really explain it well, nor do I know why it happens. I just get sorta jittery and nervous whenever I start playing ranked. After a bit it usually gets better though.

It seems its not even limited to team games. Even when I used to play StarCraft2, I would get really anxious playing ladder. Despite hitting diamond in 1v1, I absolutely hated laddering and only did it because all my friends did it. I guess I'm just anxious about competition? It's pretty strange to me too haha

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Originally posted by eyalhs

Pretty sure its a bug, invisibility should end when hitting a champ.

This is correct.

15 Oct


Originally posted by unbeliever87

Nice to see another Ranma 1/2 fan!

one of the first mangas I've read! Unluckily, its not an easy IGN to secure lol

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/greaterbelugawhale are you able to share any context on these Annie changes, since revenge damage tooltip seems a bit messy

shields are clearer than % DR