What was the thought behind making the item worse than in s10, exactly?
You can check my other comments for context if you're interested.
What was the thought behind making the item worse than in s10, exactly?
You can check my other comments for context if you're interested.
what technical limitations inhibit yall from changin the tooltip lmao
10.25b is actually a micropatch. Riot leaves the office for two weeks immediately after, but we still want to put out a smaller, low-risk balance patch. We're missing localization resources and don't deploy a new game version at all.
Id imagine they dont do this because one of the support items give you ability haste. the other dmg. If you want more ability haste they want you to go specific items and id imagine that most enchanters heals are already build around not being too over powering late game with cd cap
This is correct. The choice is between more aggressive unique plus ap vs more healing focused and haste. The choice is mildly obfuscated because both ap and heal shield power contribute to the heal/shield strength, but the haste items also have a defensive unique. It is not desired from the design side for all support items to have haste.
Read moreJust wanna say first, thanks for taking the time to reply to these threads. I’m sure ADC mains appreciate being able to see the thought process behind the decisions.
I wanted to ask what your thoughts on the state of Mortal Reminder are right now. I often have the feeling of too many balls to juggle as an ADC in terms of buying items—needing to buy Damage, Armor Pen, AS, and a defensive item and then on top of that a situational Grievous Wounds item. If I need to buy Mortal Reminder, then I’m likely stuck without a defensive item or without a core-identity zeal item(e.g. Runaans Jinx/Aphelios, Rapidfire Cait/Jhin). If I choose to sacrifice my damage, well, then I don’t do any damage.
On another thought, do you believe armor is too strong in the game currently? By mid to late game we’re talking base armor that negates 40-60 percent of physical damage which, in turn, necessitates the buy of last whisper items. If armor was tuned and last whisper was removed I think b...
I would say that it's currently optimal for non-marksmen to buy Grievous Wounds. If you do have to buy it, it's intentional that you have to give up a property (lacking defense and utility is the expected tradeoff in most cases, though not always). Would love to find a way for GW to actually feel actively good to buy, but alas today is not that day.
I think armor is tuned pretty appropriately atm. Don't think LW items are optimal until pretty late in the game unless against multiple tanks or unless inability to kill a single tank is impeding your ability to fight.
Honest question on Zeal items, outside of champs that need runaans I haven't seen any Zeal items built all season (or built them myself). With the attack speed that mythics give + boots and AD / crit damage down, it feels like stacking the more ad focused crit items is just what feels best since it seems like a zeal item will just gut your damage. With IE becoming an auto 3rd item forever, what will make me want a zeal item second over the collector (or NQB on Xayah) even with the change?
Zeal items should be powerful for DPS on champions that are mostly basic-attack reliant, and generally stronger (comparatively) as you progress towards third item, picking up more AD. Phantom Dancer is a very high DPS item if you can actually basic attack. RFC offers a unique property in attack range.
I can't overstate the amount of feel difference a couple hundred gold on components and finished item can make. One of the main reasons that AD items felt more powerful before was they actually were just much more powerful.
to be fair to riot (lol), I can see how they were trying to keep runaans as a late game item choice but they didn't account for how dogshit some champs are without their runaans interaction (aphelios, jinx, etc.)
Basically this. Preseason is a time to try some things out—turns out that other champions weren't really interested in Runaan's later in the game, even if it's technically powerful. At that point, the choice is to try and figure out a different way to execute on it being a late-game item or to go back.
The delay on changing it back was because the rest of the marksman ecosystem also clearly needed some changes, in more obvious ways. Zeal items were underpowered and peoples' purchasing behaviors' take time to catch up. By 10.25, the other Zeal items are almost certain to be often better than Runaan's second on the usual Runaan's suspects, which was closer to the originally intended purchasing structure. However, it was pretty clear by this point that many people really like having Runaan's properties on certain champs every game and, especially given the long-shot odds of landing the broader late-game appeal, I decided there was more value in trying to tune it competitively ...
Read moredoes it still have the 40-70% scaling on bolts? would be massively buffed compared to season 10 if so.
Nope. Since the 10.25b patch has technical limitations, it will probably have to read as 40-40% until 11.1, when we can change it properly.
to be honest. the programmers of lol client are terrible. yes i said it. how terrible are you guys at testing such simple features. this is disappointing. not only those settings reset since the last patch but now the game wont accept voice activation and always switches my settings MID GAME to push to talk. i have to quit mid match. change, come back and it will change again to push to talk 10 mins into the game. its simple the fact that this client has been coded over and over again and instead of being patched, everything is an extension to it just adding on top of the clutter of code devs have to deal with. just re build the client and dont say "it will cost a lot" it wont. fixing a client broken from the ground up costs more. this is unacceptable.
appreciate the feedback. Yes, we are a client team, but we also have a large number of engineers (outside our team) working within the client to make their changes. We make every effort to test things before we push out changes. This client settings issue did crop up a lot more several patches ago, we listened to players and made three independent changes to reduce the issue significantly (we have metrics that confirm this). I have even reached out to multiple folks on reddit who have confirmed this issue does not occur. It also seems like you are experiencing an issue with something happening in-game? if So, that is an independent team that manages those fixes. The best way to help us is to open a support ticket, we do have a team looking into request and we address them accordingly
Absolutely amazing work. The dedication this took to complete is pretty inspiring.
Just for context I looked it up just now.
Everyone else on the list of thirty players has a rating between 27 and 35 (yes the numbers are smaller on this inhouse thing than on soloQ mmr). CoreJJ has a 49. lmao
Where can I look at it? Or is it impossible for us mortals
Why TF did Riot have to be so petty and say it like that? Like damn Riot tell us how you feel lol.
Ayyy lmao
Has the balance team given good consideration to adding crit scaling on spellcaster adc abilities? Similar to xayah and trist e scalings. This could be akin to a system change, just on the champ ability side.
Yeah I think it could be interesting actually, or even AS scaling or something too
Those 3 aren't popular champions at all though.. Riot always tries interesting skinlines with champs no one plays like the paper Anivia and Nunu, and then they act surprised that they didn't sell that well and these skinlines are never seen again.
We actually adjust expectations and performance benchmarks on a per champion basis. So if we say something like “Papercraft didn’t perform well” that doesn’t mean we’re comparing Papercraft against KDA. It means we’re comparing Papercraft Anivia against other Anivia skins and evaluating whether the core audience for that champion really liked it.
Frostfire Gauntlet
Wtf riot is nerfing my BIG YUUMI build
Why would Riot nerf LARGE CAT!?!?!?!?
Is Mortal Reminder having the Scimitar planned changes a mistake? or is it intentional and Scimitar is staying the same as live while MR gets the buff? Thanks in advance.
Checking in with the owner of those
Maldraxxus is just Zaun.
More like Zaun/Shadow Isles combo. Skellies bb!
Read moreIts just weird because in the yasuo and yone secnario you guys didnt wait to see if the crit buffs were enough, you just gave them a small buff to go with it, i feel like atleast the same could have been done to the others, mana cost reductions, cooldowns, base stat buffs, like something...
And they are defenitely not weaker than any of the adcs i cited above, the problem with just buffing the crit items is that it makes the better adcs that use crit (like kaisa, lucian) even better so in comparison the lower tier crit adcs dont get better at all.
There are still 0 compensation for runnans users (aphelios, jinx, twitch i guess atleast got buffed) that had it on their core build who just saw a EIGHT HUNDRED COST INCREASE on their core build with little to no tradeoff, like imagine taking a champion like jinx that used to spike with 6000 gold (old IE + runnans) and making it she now spikes at 10200 gold (Mythic + runnans + IE, as mythic + runnans still costs 6800 and ...
Since 90% of the enemies Yasuo/Yone fight against are relatively unchanged we can estimate what these changes will do vs the field. For ADCs 90% of the enemies they face in lane are affected by these changes
On a side note, why arent the underperforming adcs also getting some buffs?
Like seriously, buffing yasuo and yone and not sivir, xayah, jinx, aphelios????
We want to see how system changes settle. Because ADCs are (almost) always matched against each other touching their items can cause shifts in the overall class balance. Its not like we've decided sivir will never get buffs, she's just getting system changes and then we can reassess.
If I believe leagueofgraphs, she finished the patch with ~2% pickrate, but that also coincided with a drop in winrate, which is generally what happens when non-mains pick up a champion. I'm not saying she's not strong - I'm saying that the nerfs to Annie (-10% ms on E) and Fizz (-20 mana/level) are a joke next to Morg's, which is between -40/target damage and -108/target damage on a single W depending on missing health. In a fight with 2 Ws (most mid fights) that doubles.
It hurts her waveclear (which is already sub par early despite the memes) and hurts her jungling which was already down ~5% in preseason from last season, with no compensation. Ekko is getting jungle buffs for a 45% winrate - will Morg after her jungling drops <45% from this?
I could definitely see us amping her JG in a patch down the line if needed