League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Dec


Originally posted by SeizeTheKills

Has the team considered Aether Wisp instead of Codex? And adding some MS to the items instead? That would still help smooth the build path/item slots required but not give AH.

Yep, we also tried it, but we felt there was too much Movement Speed in the game, leading to a decent amount of movespeed creep. It's certainly not off the table, but was not desired.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Oraphy

Short question when it comes to the itemizing structure. Especially with IE now being put in 3rd place for a lot of crit ADC's, when you were talking about Runaans as a late game item, do you have a statistic on how often ADCs actually get to 4-5 items?

Usually the 4th item slot has to be some form of defensive item that you need in order not to get completely blown out of the water be it e.g. a GA or QSS. Thus Runaans would only make it into the 5 th slot, basically fullbuild, considering that in higher elo's the game time is only somewhere between 26-28 minutes, that would make it only a niche item that most ADCs would still forgo for a different choice probably most of the time.

Right, but there's still value in having late-game not entirely solved all the time. Games being 27 minutes on average doesn't mean long games don't happen, and long games should also be of the highest quality we can deliver—they make up a lot of the most memorable and momentous games. "I need more damage" is a really valid desire at 4th item, even if in a lot of gamestates it's incorrect. If you have a lulu protecting you, or if they're short on divers but heavy on tanks, it's good to have an item that fills that need. The issue we ran into here was a dearth of valid second items that felt good for some marksmen, which, as you're identifying, is a much bigger problem because games always make it to that point. That's why Runaan's is moving back to that slot. Choice is more valuable early in the game because you always get there (hence one of the reasons Mythic items can offer a lot of value to the structure).


Originally posted by PaintItPurple

This is a really confusing comment in this context. Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer are already healing-focused items, so wanting to keep ability haste on that path is consistent with OP's request.

Within the set of healing legendary items, they are aggressive, that's what I meant. Redemption and mikaels are meant to be more defensive and staff and ardent are more offensive.


This is my long term goal that I’m not sure I’ll ever actually hit. Grats on the achievement. Hats off to you.

09 Dec


Originally posted by PlentyLettuce

I mean in the states at least minor league baseball and hockey is essentially the same thing. Football and basketball are definitely just separate leagues but players move up and down from their farm team all the time in those sports.

Yeah Academy is in this interesting spot where it's kinda of like a minor league, but a lot more like a reserves league in football (soccer). That isn't necessarily a bad thing, just kind of what it is.

I think injecting more players into the season payoff (Proving Grounds) and shortening the season kinda helps all of these modes in some way and will ultimately be more interesting/entertaining than previous seasons.

As always, things will probably be in-progress forever but at least this IMO is a step in a good direction for the league.


Originally posted by boomboom4132

how can we as fans take Academy serious as a minor league when teams use it as a place to keep subs warmed up? Is this what the goal of academy is just a place to keep subs working?

In other sports/esports the minor leagues can be really fun to watch but I have neve felt that way about league academy. Its always just feels like a bunch of sub for a main roster instead of a few vets and new blood trying to get onto a main roster. Do you think opening it up to more armature teams could help foster a more competitive and entertaining minor league?

either way thank you for posting your thoughts on academy.

I think /u/tarongowens said it pretty well in regards to your first point.

In regards to your others about league/game quality I think both

1) It's gone up a lot as teams continue to invest and utilize Academy
2) We're actually planning on having Am teams play Academy teams in a small tournament in lieu of a longer Academy season which should increase both exposure to more talent and I think be super entertaining as a product too. You can read more about those changes here: https://lolesports.com/article/2021...

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Originally posted by DatTrackGuy

What you are referring to is a coach. A coach is responsible for developing and organizing new players lol.

Academy should be for up and coming talent.

Good Luck!

If League coaches were allowed in-games like other esports I'd be more aligned with this.

As it stands though, they aren't.


Originally posted by TehPangolin

If by that you mean most played then it'd probably be Memories

Pressure goes so hard, love that track.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tervort

Mortal reminder always gave 20 AD. The only thing that changed was the cost going down 200. The patch notes accidentally copied the mercurial scimitar AD change down to reminder as well.

This one. Patch notes originally incorrectly wrote the Mercurial changes under Mortal Reminder and left out the Mercurial changes altogether. Both items were buffed. Mercurial more stat efficiency, Mortal Reminder less cost. Patch notes still seem off though, I've passed it along and it should be corrected (for real this time) soon.

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Originally posted by Mr_Simba

All super fair and makes sense; FWIW I'm not "pre-selling" myself on the idea that Runaan's will be weak without the buff I mentioned. I'm very excited for this revert and really appreciate you guys giving all this stuff a go and being truly aggressive with these changes to get stuff right.

Thanks again for being responsive, as a player it means a ton to get to directly speak with you guys about your thought processes. ADCs definitely were a bit weak on launch but that's obviously totally understandable with so many moving parts in preseason, and at this point I'm super amped to play with the 10.25 buffs tonight after work and even more amped now for next patch.


Awesome to hear. Thanks for asking thoughtful questions.


Originally posted by Wedbo

Could be a mid tier LCS team

I thought this a lot about Academy teams this year LOL.


Originally posted by waynechang92

Probably 2 birds 1 stone. Help develop the 3 young players and be decent backups for the 2 question marks in the roster

I've said this is many threads involving Academy and probably will keep doing so for awhile as the ecosystem develops/gets more publicity. In almost every case I've seen, heard or talked to teams about having veterans on their Academy team the sentiment is pretty universal: you need some veterans to guide your less experienced players.

While I think the term veteran can and should spread also to the more established Academy players as well, I think the idea that every former LCS name on Academy is suddenly washed and useless is one I'm working to reverse.

TL;DR Having some veterans in your Academy team is the standard for a reason, you need them to develop and organize your younger talent.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

Quick question: I love this change, but compared to before preseason the item has lost almost 300g in stats (and that’s before considering that crit is a weaker stat inherently) while only getting 100g cheaper.

That being the case, is there any world where you guys could/would buff the bolt scaling to a flat 50% at all levels instead of 40%? It’d make the item much nicer in the mental space with the bolt damage being exactly half of your primary autos, while also making up for that lost value to make it more of a power neutral change.

Regardless, as an ADC main and Jinx/Aphelios lover I really appreciate your insight and you guys taking the time to think this through. Also appreciate you giving it a shot as a late game item even though it didn’t really work out.

A lot of items have different efficiencies compared to last season overall, because we care more about the ecosystem than individual items' power level. Items exist to create interesting and compelling choices and power progression/fantasy, and each individual item can range pretty broadly as long as it's balanced enough against its competition in-slot. In other words, if the subclass (basic attack-heavy marksmen) remains weak after the 10.25 and 10.25b changes, we'll try to find the best way to buff it, which might be through Zeal items or might be through something else. If it seems that Runaan's specifically is failing on either of those axes, through being unsatisfying to build or complete or through simply not being powerful enough to be a competitive purchase on champions who should consider it, then we should figure out a way to accomplish that (which very well could mean buffs).

One reason many items lost some amount of efficiency is that they also grant mythic pass...

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