League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Oct


That was sad to read, but thanks for sharing - I think it's important for us to remember that there's always someone on the other side of the screen. As an anecdote, I have terrible ladder anxiety. I always hated playing competitive games, and I hate even more letting my team down. When I started playing ranked in VALORANT, I always tried to hide and play super safe, not wanting to die first and 'throw' the round for my team. I'm glad to have a few great friends that offer positive encouragement, otherwise I'm not sure that I would have the gall to continue playing online versus games, truth be told. Every word of encouragement goes a long way, even if it feels cheesy. Thanks for trying to encourage the community to be better, I personally really appreciate it.


Originally posted by PM_ME_THICC_GIRLS

Rengar and bugs, name a better duo

Nunu Snowball and bugs

stop you're hurting me


Another Rengar bug. It's probably my fault too. I'll go fix this while crying

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This issue has been tracked to a service outage outside of the league client. the correct team has investigated the issue and reported it is resolved



Hey all, few tweaks coming in:

1) We altered Seraphine's animations to have more of them with her eyes open.

2) Increased the passive music volume since a lot of people were having trouble hearing it.

3) Fixed a lot of bugs; if you keep seeing them, please let us know and enclose a video if possible.

Thanks so much for testing her out on PBE!


Originally posted by PoopyAlpaca

Server: EUW
Type: Client
Description: When i start looking for a game in ARAM/URF mode I get the message below my profile banner "Players are not ready". For Summoner's Rift the button doesn't change after clicking it. After clicking it multiple times I somtimes get the message that I "Declined too many matches in a row". I playing solo and not in a group. I'm in a closed party. Restarting the client did not help.
Expected result: Start looking for game.
Observed result: No action taken or error message.
Reproduction rate: 100%

Did this ever resolve?


Originally posted by Excllencepersonified

Server: NA

Type of Bug: Client

Description: When i try to queue ranked, i get "players are not yet ready" even though i am

Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/tBDPuW5

Steps to reproduce: Open client> Ranked> Select roles> try to queue

Expected result: I am put in queue and and a count down begins.

Observed result: I get this error, no countdown, no way to resolve this

Reproduction rate: I have tried three times now. I was playing about 30 min ago. Came back to my computer and this bug started occuring. I close client and restarted it but it is still there.

System specs: MacBook Pro 13' 2015 Retina. 2.7 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5. MacOS 10.15.7

Were you able to eventually get into queue?


Originally posted by Goldw1nd

I may have to format this later cause currently on mobile.

- Server: EUW

- Type of Bug: Visual Bug Lobby / Champselect

- Description: Chatting moves some "black screen" up the client (see video)

- Video / Screenshot: here

- Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create Lobby with 2 (or more) players (to enable the chatbox on the bottom left)
  2. Type some messages
  3. Try to copy from these messages. The more messages you sent the more your screen becomes black.

- Expected result: No Blackscreen

- Observed result: "rising" blackscreen

- Reproduction rate: 10/10

- System specs: Win 10, Ryzen 5 1500x, RX480. 8GB Ram

This is pretty janky. Nice find!


Soooo good - lol

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Gaboesh1

Ow you are the guy that reworked shaco and listened to the shaco players with all the changes. Bro I love you, thanks for being so awesome

Thank you! I appreciate it.


Originally posted by AzuBK

Thank you! I am alive, just buried in preseasons :)

ty for fixing LeBlanc too <3

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SuicidalDarmausgang

oh my, you are alive

Thank you for fixing shaco, much love peepoWideHappy

Thank you! I am alive, just buried in preseasons :)

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

Are there any riot employees that comment/look on r/LeaguePBE ? Or do they not have flairs?

I know people are supposed to talk on the pbe subreddit but I only ever see riot replies on the main.

Thank you for looking at all! I’m just curious

Edit:also what’s the difference between r/LeaguePBE and r/PBE

Yes. We're picking up lots of bugs from r/LeaguePBE, and we have folks specifically looking there to gather feedback and disseminate it to the team. You'll just see responses here sometimes because this is a sub a lot of us are used to browsing when e.g. our game is building or what-have-you, and if we can hop in and provide an answer we'll do it.

14 Oct

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This happened during a tuning pass and will be fixed, along with other items that have this issue!


Originally posted by pm_me_your_Yi_plays

Oh no, why are you fired? (If that's not under a NDA)

New job, not fired :)