League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Nov


Originally posted by aroushthekween

Bellissimoh I love you AND YOUR VOICE! 😍
I am so grateful to you for giving us such amazing skins and events this year and such stunning thematics!
The Spirit Blossom Event was so GOOD and I even bought the pass... I hope the next Summer Event is as grand as this was so I can buy the pass again and spend all summer glued to my laptop! 😅
Thank you for giving my mains Janna, Karma, Nami, Lux, Rakan, Kayle and Morgana gorgeous skins this year and thank you so much for giving so many unpopular champions some of the most beautiful skins after SO LONG! I know it means so much to people who main those champions.
Y'all are literally creating a Battle Queen skin line for the QUEENS OF LEAGUE (r/queensofleague) and I am so grateful for it!
I hope next year is full of gorgeous skins (Lunar Revel Camille?🤞🏻 Immortal Journey's Kayle?🤞🏻 Star Guardian Sona?🤞🏻), amazing thematics and hopefully the comeback of some of my favourite skin lines ...

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The team worked super hard to deliver more skins this year than ever before. (Going from an average of 70-80 a year to almost 140) This has enabled us to have lower play rate champs have releases in some of our newer thematics like Battle Queens. Cheers and thanks for the support. :)


Originally posted by jessicavotingacc

I main Teemo have almost 800k mastery on him!

My wife has almost 800k mastery on Teemo as well. :)


Originally posted by FizzyDrinksBR

Hey, thanks for the input. Contrary to the flak you guys have been getting I really love the new store and this post is mostly just about my pet peeve with the naming.

I'm a developer and I'm really enthusiastic about UX design as sort of a secondary professional interest, so getting your response is very insteresting to me. I didn't think about user testing and how they recognised the tabs more quickly with this naming - so I learned something today!

Consider my mind changed (but maybe just throw renaming the Mage tab in the air during a meeting because a Gold BR player asked you to :P).

Happy Black Friday to you too and keep up the good work!

If I had one thing to say about design in general it’s this: everything is about trades. You will never have a perfect solution that makes everyone happy. So make the best trades you can, be open to being surprised, and make sure you adhere to your goals.


Howdy, I designed the store. Here to give you some store lore.

Once upon a time: The tabs at the top of all items weren’t classes, they were attributes. Things like magical, physical, durability, etc. you could turn on tabs in combinations to get the profile you wanted. Diana for instance would have magical and durability turned on.

My thinking was that league champions don’t fit into neat little molds so players should have the ability to customize their view. Also note that at this point stat filters had not been implemented.

Well, as we continued to test I learned some things: 1. Stat filters did 90%+ of this job these were doing, were more precise, and more familiar to people. 2. Most folks hated futzing with the attribute filters. They wanted to click one thing as see the items they were looking for.

So I went back to the drawing board and reframed the goals of each system.

The top-level tabs should be easy to understand and get it ...

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Originally posted by trauja

Are you italian? Or is your name being italian just a coincidence ?

I’m actually half Filipino and half Swedish-German. The name Bellissimoh is a nickname some of my friends used, so I adopted it as my summoner name when I joined Riot almost 10 years ago.


What an absolutely incredible woman you are to do so much to get closer to your son. He'll boast to his friends for years about his awesome mum who plays league.


Originally posted by MommyShortTop

It’s enough to make a man cry...

Honestly this one of the biggest reasons I work at Riot. The community is simply incredible and I love stories like this.


Originally posted by twoawe123

Amazing when can i subscribe to this blog?

I try to write a bit on my Twitter @jbelliss.

I also do some hobbyist video editing on my YouTube channel for a variety of different games:



Originally posted by jessicavotingacc

I also named my dog Teemo! He’s a 4 year old lab, your Shiba Inus are super cute!


His baby picture chewing on some slippers https://i.imgur.com/fcbF4Jo.png

My doggy now!


What prompted you to name him/her Teemo? Is he a champ you play or just a fun name?


Originally posted by CMcAwesome

(@second pic) That smile, that damned smile...

Here are a couple more smiles:




Originally posted by intellextar

Hey Bellissimoh! I remember the video when you talked about the skins and other content your team had in store for 2020. You were very memorable because you had a great narrating voice. This was a great post, thank you for sharing. I hope you and your family have a great one.

I’m privileged to represent the team of amazing developers that I work with. Best to you too intellextar.


Originally posted by Raichau


Yeah they aren’t as affectionate as most other dog breeds, but they have a ton of personality and are super smart. (More like cats really than dogs honestly)


Originally posted by woodenrat

You guys get a lot of shit, but your team is passionate and you do a good job overall.

Thank you for the effort and excellence.

Truly appreciated.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

This is a really sweet post. As someone who is Native I've never celebrated Thanksgiving, always viewing as something to be a bit more saddened over then a time to simply give thanks to what I do have left.

Ironically this year was the year I tried to view things a little bit differently. My Mother is now confined to a wheelchair and I need to care for her. But I still have her. Something not everyone can say. This post just reminded me to be thankful for that. Have a good weekend Bell. I'm gonna go hug my mom now.

Thanks for sharing fruitful. Not only for sharing about your mom, but your perspective on Thanksgiving. Best to you and your mom.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I'm personally grateful for the amazing job your team has done this year despite the turbulent year due to covid, the Spirit Blossom event in particular was amazing and really brightened up my summer after a boring spring of quarantine and zoom classes. Very excited for what the team has in store for next year.

My father told me something when I was a kid and did well in one of my classes, “Now that I’ve seen you get an A, it means I can expect an A. With greater performance comes even greater expectations of future performance.”

Here’s hoping we can continue to deliver on what are ever-evolving expectations from our players.


Originally posted by penguin-cat

pet tax please provide pix of shibas


Originally posted by beardedheathen

As much as I love to complain something keeps drawing me back to league. We also named our pets after league characters. Our dog Annie and cats Kennen and Teemo. I appreciate the work you guys put it. The fire and passion that comes out is really because we love it and want it to be the best it can be.

You’ve got quite the family of fur babies. :)

Also +1 to the passion coming from high expectations.


Originally posted by toiletrage

Wise to hope for the 0/8 Yasuo since that means they won't hit the 0/10 powerspike



Some of you out there already know who I am, for those that don’t, my name is Bellissimoh and I’m the Product Lead for Personalization and Events on League.

Here in the US, many of us are separated from family on a day known for togetherness. Sitting at home and thinking about what I’m grateful for, a few things came to mind that I thought were worth sharing. Here we go.

I’m grateful for the mentors and coaches who believed in me early in my career and invested in me. They gave me opportunities, positive feedback to raise my confidence, and criticisms or perspective to check my ego.

I’m grateful to have a wife that shares a love for League with me. It makes staying up for Worlds or geeking out over things like KDA into things we share and remember together.

I’m grateful for our two Shiba Inus, Ahri and Teemo. In a year where it’s been hard to be home all the time they’ve made it a joy by constantly reminding me to play and be silly, and indulge ...

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26 Nov


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

The definite proof that this seems to be a bug for Urgot W is because it is almost like Aphelios Severum's Q which works perfectly on Ravenous Hydra.

Can you tell us if its gonna be considered for a fix? We are dying for an official statement.


I cant give ya a timeframe or even say which is the intended functionality but I'll make sure its in our database and someone looks at it