League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Jun

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Breadwinka

Yeah this is the only bug i really face as well. I have a high end system so relaunching the client only takes a few seconds but its super annoying. The Reconnect bug at the end of game seems to be mostly gone now which is nice, I get to the honor screen almost right away.

Thanks for the feedback! We are continuing to look into this issue as its been reported a lot here. Appreciate the feedback on honor, we have introduced some enhancements to better the experience but we know we have to continue to make even more improvements in all parts of the client, including honor :)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nibiria

Is there any data you could use that we could provide? I had it happen so many times in a row today it told me the League service was down despite it being (very clearly) still working for everyone else.

This could actually help! I will need to check with the team to see if there is an appropriate channel to collect this information


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

Ahh my bad lol. I got too excited and assumed it indicated something big. Since you’re the most active of them on Reddit I figured you were the most senior/experienced member of the team. But you’re right, speculation is indeed fun. And yes you’re being watched XD, I’ve been way too excited since I saw that tweet. I’m always on the lookout for hints.

No worries! @kami_banani on Twitter is the newest member to the release team and is also posting pretty regularly about her patch stuff if you want another RM to follow.


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

Summer Event that was said to be held sometime in July (most likely next patch, as Riot confirmed that it will be coming along with Nexus Blitz).

I think it’s 10.15 not next patch. Nexus blitz will be 10.14 (next patch) but I don’t think the event starts at the same time. The person who releases the patches (/u/porosite) took a break from 10.11 but they said they’d be back on 10.15 (I’m assuming they wanted to give some new guy experience) which means something big was happening on 10.15 and they needed the main person behind the wheels. https://twitter.com/riot_porosite/status/1265685303185960960?s=21

Then a few days ago they freaked out over someone mentioning patch 10.15 instead of 10.14 saying something about the patch being leaked, which I assume is something huge related to the event.


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I have been summoned! Also I feel very watched right now...

Not gonna say one way or the other what's right and wrong with guesses for the upcoming Summer Event (speculation is fun, whether right or wrong!). I'll elaborate on my job and team though, since there's some misunderstanding there.

So I'm a release manager for League, and there are four of us total who rotate owning a patch. That just means I run 10.11, then 10.15, then 10.19, etc. Another would then run 10.12, 10.16, etc. That's all I meant when I said I'd be back for 10.15. There's too much to do with one patch for any of us to manage more than one patch at a time.


Originally posted by Qiluk

LMAO That supportal combat moment was absolutly hilarious. The "how dare you" at the end was peak from /u/endercasts

Milica is a jerk :(


Originally posted by MrAw3som3_GER

Medic: "The circle of suck".
Actually enjoyed them casting. Nice duo.

thanks :)


Originally posted by CamehereforKarma

Kinda ironic how frosk says this is the best rivalry cause FNC and G2 are at the top, but they are both 3-3

That's a quote from last split ha ha. But yeah the battle for 5th isn't quite the FNC vs G2 you expect. Still think it's the best rivalry but maybe not the best time for that rivalry.


Originally posted by AzerFraze

Is unso still on the team?

He definitely is 😊


Originally posted by unso

I was casting LoL but way before LEC was a thing, played back than for team ALTERNATE as a Jungler with Forellenlord for 3 Years.

There was nobody with observer experience for league at the time, while casting i had to manually move the camera myself.
Afterwards LCS started to become a thing and they needed someone in Germany since our studio is in Germany. I fit perfectly into that profile therefore they offered me a Job as an Observer, which I took.

Our current core observers were chosen by me. It would take me long to go into detail how i chose them, but some traits that are important are game knowledge, communication, team player, being decisive, working under pressure.

I genuinely believe our observer is the best in the world. The entire crew genuinely love observing and as a caster, being given additional stories that I miss while yelling a lot helps so much. <3 you obs


We've been considering this idea for awhile. Don't have anything to share yet, but I can say that this is something we're talking about right now!

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ozbal42

By doing the german cast you mean observing for it or casting it?

Also for the rest part, how did you guys get chosen? Sounds like one guys main job is video editing so that one sounds simple enough, but the rest of the applications im imagining "ok this dude has a degree in history and is diamond 3, should we ask him for an interview?"

One last question, if observing a full time job or a side gig?

I was casting LoL but way before LEC was a thing, played back than for team ALTERNATE as a Jungler with Forellenlord for 3 Years.

There was nobody with observer experience for league at the time, while casting i had to manually move the camera myself.
Afterwards LCS started to become a thing and they needed someone in Germany since our studio is in Germany. I fit perfectly into that profile therefore they offered me a Job as an Observer, which I took.

Our current core observers were chosen by me. It would take me long to go into detail how i chose them, but some traits that are important are game knowledge, communication, team player, being decisive, working under pressure.


Originally posted by Riot_Aotus

It was a risky move, but I pushed to show some of the bugs we've squashed. The way I look at it is this: we want to give transparency on what we're working on and one of those things are bugs. It's less of a trophy and more of a 'hey we fixed these bugs, hold us accountable.' If they aren't fixed, tell us which ones aren't and how they are being reproduced. I think there is some misalignment when we say 'we addressed' an issue because people will assume we fixed that whole area and nothing will break, but that's just not the case. We know there's a lot of work to do, and by communicating this information, we get a lot more feedback about what's working and what isn't. By broadcasting these bug fixes, we get a better idea from you all that we are either on the right track or we missed the mark and need to look more closely at some of the things we thought were fixed.

Also, these are just bugs we've fixed while working on other things. We haven't started focusing on 'the real' bugs yet because we need to put in some more work into cleaning up how the client functions because right now, the bugs are happening intermittently and we don't quite know whats causing them since there's so much noise from other things


Originally posted by Abarn279

Lol that cactoboi included a list of bugs that theyve solved this year to show they're actually doing stuff

... And almost none of them are the actual issues players are complaining about

I (Jokingly) like to imagine yall have a gigantic jira board of 500 issues and the devs have it reverse sorted by priority cause theyre scared the tackle the serious issues

I appreciate how hard the team works, just will end with the fact that we measure value in improvement of experience, not hours put in

It was a risky move, but I pushed to show some of the bugs we've squashed. The way I look at it is this: we want to give transparency on what we're working on and one of those things are bugs. It's less of a trophy and more of a 'hey we fixed these bugs, hold us accountable.' If they aren't fixed, tell us which ones aren't and how they are being reproduced. I think there is some misalignment when we say 'we addressed' an issue because people will assume we fixed that whole area and nothing will break, but that's just not the case. We know there's a lot of work to do, and by communicating this information, we get a lot more feedback about what's working and what isn't. By broadcasting these bug fixes, we get a better idea from you all that we are either on the right track or we missed the mark and need to look more closely at some of the things we thought were fixed.


Originally posted by Soggy-Doctor-3765

After this patch i started getting this message when im like 10-15 mins into the client: "Your session has expired. Log in back to continue." and i dont know what to do. I tried everything that riot support told me about reinstalling the game and resetting the modem and router but it keeps happening. Any ideas ?

Are you connected to TFT mobile while youre online (even if its in the background)? I wonder if it's trying to log you in on both platforms.


Originally posted by lolpeeba

Good to hear. I've always been very quick to be critical of Riot. However, I will say I've noticed improvement in the Client. A couple patches ago I had to re-login about 5 times a day after games, that problem has vanished.

Ayyy! :)


Originally posted by gotlockedoutorwev

Help me out with something.

So in some previous announcement, I remember them naming "reducing client boot time" as one of their main goals for the year / season in terms of fixing the client, and if I recall correctly, they kind of got flamed for it, as it seemed an arbitrary metric and unrelated to all the experience-breaking issues people encounter with the client.

Was that just bad messaging?

From reading this, it seems like their goal is to tighten up the client overall by consolidating apps, and making the code more efficient and easier to work on (which will presumably make resolving all the experience-breaking issues easier), and just as a byproduct of that focus, boot times are going down. Which now seems like a neat way to illustrate that their behind the scenes work is making headway. Whereas the way they framed their intentions in the original announcement, as I recall, lent itself to a very who t...

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Regardless of intent, the fact that you feel that way means we missed the mark on communicating our goals. I think the initial work of "faster boot up times" is something tangible that we can tell to players while we can take a deeper look into the architecture and try to stabilize and improve it going forward. A lot of the work we've been doing the last few months is behind the scenes and wouldn't make a ton of sense to talk about unless we could tie it to something we are delivering. One of the biggest outcomes is bootstrap time, but it also gives us a better point of reference for trying to reproduce bugs


Originally posted by Lengarion

The client got much better for me on the last patch. Getting to the honor screen still gives me the typical bug but it's much shorter now.

My biggest problem that still exist is relogging into my 2nd account and being in "offline mode" aka can't see friends and they can't see me. But that is probably a low priority bug.

Does that happen every time you log in? Do you see your friends list in 'offline mode'? Kinda sounds like a feature ;)


Originally posted by Llex47

Seems like patching a hole for then two more to appear. The fact that you said most of them don’t reproduce is not very reassuring either.

I mean.. it's not great


Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

My client freezes after every other game and I have to end the task and start the game again. Today I had no friendlist for a few hours (just when Riot released a mission to play a game in a premade party, lol). What's there to clean up? Make a new one from scratch.

When you had the friends list missing for a few hours, did restarting the client at any point fix it? Was it in that state after multiple sessions?

26 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


I wish it were that easy >.> I've played a fair amount and while I have seen the client freeze up after honor, it almost always recovers within a few seconds. If we can 100% repro cases, we'd be crushing this faster than grandma's lemonade on a hot summer day.