It's worth nothing that she starts at 60 AD early due to the 20% TAD on-hit she has. Her base AD is set to 50 to account for the extra 10 on-hit damage she's getting.
It's worth nothing that she starts at 60 AD early due to the 20% TAD on-hit she has. Her base AD is set to 50 to account for the extra 10 on-hit damage she's getting.
ok now do sit ups
Was scanning comments to make sure this was said somewhere. Have an updoot.
i think the best thing to do is reply to someone on twitter. not sure who exactly but there are some rioters on twitter and i believe theyve been known to fix bugs on skins and stuff like that
Katey is the person to tweet to for stuff like this! Here's her twitter.
I agree that the W passive charge up isn't as audible. I'll bring it up on Monday and see if we can do a quick fix.
That was me! When I did a pass on recommended items, I decided to throw that in there since I thought it'd be silly, and most people don't buy the last item anyways. Glad you enjoyed it! :D
I'm just an old man, looking for his potato
I'm just gonna sneak in here to say thank you so much for Pyke I love him he's my favorite character in any game I've ever played.
edit: every to any and snuck to sneak
I hope you guys don't remove it. It's funny as f**k
As much as we want to keep funny bugs like this, I would think it gets annoying after a game or two like this, and it gets in the way of competitiveness of the game. We especially wouldn't want this bug to happen during Worlds!
I play yasuo and I myself for it
That's super strange! Thanks for bringing up this issue. I don't know what might be causing it but we'll take a look into this on Monday! :)
What is it that has made manamune so common in pro play now? Was it buffed a while back to make it much better than building crit normally?
It's basically just very cost effective and if you don't need your champion to spike on a single item its a super good investment. Presence of Mind makes it stronger as well. Many ADCs have additional crit scaling so it's not good on everyone but it's pretty nuts on twitch.