League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Jun

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dage-The-Ninja

Pretty sure it's more of an overhaul on the shop, I'd be surprised if they even touched items to the point any class rework did.


    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xEffiez

Our OG observer who has been here since the start, was a former pro player and i think he started off by doing the german cast back then, but that stopped and he was asked if he wanted to do observing. I may be wrong so maybe he can come and clarify it haha. The rest of us applied during a time there was a need for several new observers and here we are today!

<< OG Observer thank you for telling my story but"Did this really happen ? or are we keeping the truth under wraps ?" ;)

Also thank you everybody, very much appreciated :)

by the way

The story of the replay should have been "iam lvl 16 my dudes, lets go AHHHHHHHHH" that sums-up the hole replay

    /u/b4r0k on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by toxicplease

I'd like to also report an issue since you're here, if you don't mind. Every 5 or so games, my rune pages simply refuse to open on the champ select screen, i can only see the cloes button but nothing else. I don't know what causes it but it's annoying to the point where i had to install Blitz just to not have to dodge so constantly due to this bug. Unfortunately i don't know how to reproduce it, but i've had it happen as lately as last monday (since then i've installed blitz so i don't really open the rune page ingame anymore). Thanks for your work on the client, and for answering us here.

I'm sorry to hear this is still happening. Like I said in another comment, we made some changes that we hoped it would fix this problem for most people, changes were shipped with patch 10.10. Have this issue happened less frequently in the past month or so?

Also, have you experienced this at all if you look at your runes via Collections > Runes?

If possible, next time it happens, can you collect your logs and send them to me? Feel free to reach out via DM.

If you're on windows the log files should be at C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Logs\LeagueClient Logs

More info here, if you are interested: ...

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Originally posted by [deleted]

last time it was viktor

Viktor destroys Zed early game but the main problem when dealing with Zed is preventing his roams. Your goal should be to bully him early and attempt to keep the wave on your side of the lane - the closer it is to his tower, the more likely you will die particularly at 6.

After level 7 you will be able to kill the caster minions with your E upgrade, so you should start to look to shove and back out of the lane and place down vision.

You need to keep vision on Zed at all times so he can't roam and kill your teammates. If he can't do that, and he can't kill you, you will be more useful.

Think of him like budget Fizz.


Originally posted by Ozbal42

Im really curious, how did you guys get your jobs?

Like i know in csgo you can get started by observing for smaller online tournaments and kind of "build a resume", but i havent ever heard about LoL observers

Our OG observer who has been here since the start, was a former pro player and i think he started off by doing the german cast back then, but that stopped and he was asked if he wanted to do observing. I may be wrong so maybe he can come and clarify it haha. The rest of us applied during a time there was a need for several new observers and here we are today!


Originally posted by Glomgore

I would second this, I've watched 10 years of league and 20+ of various RTS and the fog of war is so damn critical and not toggled enough in any game tourneys.

More to the point, it's a fantastic observing casting tool because it builds suspense and anticipation. Let us be surprised too!

I agree it can be awesome at times, and it is a thing we like to incorporate if the timing is right. Just sadly we may not be doing it as often as we could! Finding the right moment to use it can be hard at times since sometimes there can be crucial movements from either side of the teams that would be missed out. It's a thing we are working on and will keep working on! But sometimes i just flat out miss the opportunity since i'm looking at multiple other screens at the same time, so it's partly something i can also just work on haha.


Originally posted by INanoI

Hey, great job that you and your colleagues are doing every week. I really enjoy the special moments that the observer highlight during the games.

Hope you dont mind me asking a couple of questions.

Very curious about the job as an observer. :)


  Do you prepare for specific games like the caster do? So things you want to look out for or want to highlight during the game?

  How many observer are showing us a typical game I assume at least 2?

  Do you communicate with whoever is casting the game? We know that you are listening and acting on what the caster are saying but is this working the other way round as well?

Thank you so much! I love answering questions haha :)

We don't prepare nearly as much as the casters, but we usually have a general feel of how each individual team plays, so we do change our flow slightly depending on the teams, but in the end every match is different so we can only do so much preparation. We tend to just focus more on what casters highlight and then build our game highlights around their stories or the flow of the game.

Generally 2 observers are showing the game. 1 for the live game and 1 for the replays, PiPs or Baserace. But we have a third observer as well who does jump in for double replays or if observer 2 are unable to show a replay. But he is also busy on the side making the awesome highlight reels for the end of the day amongst other things.

We keep the communication with casters during the game limited as casters are very focused. If they plan something special it's usually communicated before the games start. But we do relay inf...

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Originally posted by Pakwan___

So you click on the cannon but as soon as you enter, you click the map to where you wanna go. It transports you there. It’s kinda hard to do sometimes but you gotta do it instantly. I can show a video if you need more clarity.

Awesome, got it to repro. Thanks so much for the report!

    /u/b4r0k on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bolibombis

Not the OP but one bug I had some times is that the runes page doesn't open properly it just pops the top edge and the close button meaning I can't do anything to my rune page, it fixes when I close the client and re-open it.

Unfortunately, this is an old bug, we made some changes that we hoped it would fix the problem for most people, changes were shipped with patch 10.10.

A have a few questions for you when you have time.

  • Where are you located? NA? EU?

  • How often do you experience this?

  • Does it also happen when you try to access your runes via Collections > Runes?

If you don't mind, I would really appreciate it if you could send me your Logs (https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/a...

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    /u/b4r0k on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

  1. I only have a single page that I re do for every game in champ select.

2.i hit that little button next to the name of the page on the champ select screen and the delay is always the first time but not always every time after.

  1. It’s fully functional and all the assets are there.

  2. I almost never use the rune ui for collection.

  3. I do get an error “failed to save” sometimes but there have been a few times where I’ll hit save then I want to go in again and change another thing and notice the page hadn’t saved the first time. (Or when I went in again it reverted to before I opened the first time idk)

Thanks a lot, this is very helpful.

This issue is not new, we have been making changes to improve the data flow which seems to be what is causing the issue you're experiencing since the UI works fine.

I'll be in touch if I need more info.


Zed's not that strong. His kit is not broken. It would be helpful to know what you played and such to give you advice.


Originally posted by not_panda

Yo, it was great. I really appreciate observers as they do a very good job. Send the grats to the rest of the observers as well please, you people rock!

They have definitely read it and are all super happy haha!


As someone who usually stays invisible this means a lot! Thank you so much ❤️ (One of the observers)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lmui

The honor screen after games has gotten significantly more responsive this patch, so I'll take it as a win.

Appreciate it! As mentioned in the blog post, we have started highlighting enhancements & fixes the team makes in our patch notes, and we mentioned our honor improvements in 10.13!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thank you for the report!


Originally posted by papu16

u/givanse You have thoughts about building new cliend from 0 or integtare client in game like valorant or LoR clients?

We have discussed those options too. In fact, I just had a quick conversation about it this morning. Fixing the current client is the fastest path to deliver results. The current client/tech still offers many benefits to players (and us), we need to cut the fat.


Originally posted by Pakwan___

I’ve found a bug where you can use the cannons in the jungle and bot lane to transport you anywhere you want. Is this intended?

No, they should have fixed firing positions. Can you tell me more about how this happened?


Originally posted by DartExplosion10

Cool! Do you have any update on Ivern and Mordekaiser being disabled?

They will remain disabled for the time being.