League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Jun


Originally posted by ariel12333

Maybe the difference was huge because only people who knew how to play ryze actually knew how useless was his ult?

The 10 point increase definitely had confounding factors but even a Ryze with 100 wins on Ryze doesn't have a 10 point increase in winrate compared to a first-time Ryze, which seems to imply to me it wasn't necessarily about skill of the operator

I'm not a data analyst or on the balance team, though, so I could be wrong!


Originally posted by ecoreck

Th...they didn't actually code the Nexus as a minion did they...?

I can only respond to that question with a "technically yes"... but also it's not incorrect to do so (as /u/Les_Petits_Morts well described).
Our base unit class is unfortunately named "Minion". It's possible to rename, but would be really annoying to do (will likely occur at some point). The minion that you probably most commonly think of when you think of a "minion" though are lane minions. Though all Lane Minions have the Minion class, the Minion class does NOT imply all the behavior of the Lane Minions.

The issue in this video is more related to handling swapping between two kinds of characters: A structure --> "Allied Epic Monster" (like Rift Herald). Part of the data for the structure half is incomplete. It will take adding a little bit of code to make that possible in our engine and...

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Originally posted by SulkyJoe

The Dive is becoming a whole franchise of it's own! We got the standard series, the Quick Drip, 10 Thoughts with Kobe & Kien, and had the Papasmithy interview on Ssumday...

Loving the extra content, and can't wait til we start getting to the point of daily Dive episodes!

Glad you're enjoying all the extra content!

One of the few benefits production wise of being in quarantine is that we're able to pop on for quick episodes a lot more easily without having camera people come in, lighting up the set etc - can be a lot more easy to say "Hey I wanna talk about x!" then pop into a call and record it.

Hopefully we'll continue to find more avenues to bring more shows / content that we're excited about & you'll enjoy!


Originally posted by Sqantoo

I feel like some of Azael's recent takes in the last few episodes are so off base. This is out of the blue? This team was a dumpster fire, getting slammed by everyone, both in and out of game. I can't tell if he's trying to spark discussion by throwing in different takes, or if he's just out of touch.

Talking mostly about the timing of it!

I think it's surprising for a team to drop their coach / GM two weeks into the split if they weren't going to do it in between splits - generally signals that something exploded and they are reacting quickly.

This paired w/ the fact that IMT hasn't tweeted, or put anything on their website etc about the official people taking over duties makes it seem like it's pretty out of left field even for the team itself.


Don't worry - Eternals Capsules are the only way that Loot will drop Eternals Shards. Also, if you don't want the Eternals Shards, you can disenchant the shards for Orange Essence.


Originally posted by Strikerjuice

Was there a significant sample size for this? Also, the increase in winrate might have something to do with only diehard ryze mains knowing about this and doing it, so it might just mostly be the winrate of skilled ryze players.

Not sure just thinking out loud

It was mostly skilled Ryze players playing it, but that in itself should tell you that it was known to be the optimal build. It wasn't like it was one Ryze player doing it for the lulz. The sample size was statistically significant

25 Jun


Originally posted by BloodSurgery

This was before his flux damage scaled with his ult. That change pretty much killed that strategy.

Isnt it kind of bad to kill different playstyles thought? Forcing people to upgrade ultimate sounds weird.

On one hand I agree with you, on the other hand, the difference was so large on such an unintuitive build that leveling the 'normal' way you do with every other champion was essentially a trap. It wasn't so much that the skip R build was a playstyle so much as the optimal way to play the champion if you were solo. Building juggernaut items on Darius isn't a playstyle, it's just the best way to play him - similar thing here.

Ryze was changed for reasons unrelated to this max order, I believe - More to do with the massive gulf between his pro play and regular play performance.

His waveclear with his old E scaling was very strong, particularly in the laning phase, so it had to be changed. Shifting the damage increase of Q away from E ranks to his ult was a great way of doing that. It just so happened that it also made his leveling order more similar to every other champion (ie max a single ability at a time, always level your ult when you can). It's a useful tactic, be...

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Ryze, before his most recent rework, had a significant (read: 10 points) winrate increase if he didn't skill his ultimate at level 6 but instead at level 11. His most optimal leveling looked something like 3 points in Q then max E and then take R in solo queue.

Back then, his ult only had two ranks and not very useful at rank 1 in solo queue because of its short range. Ranking up your E instead would give you significantly more waveclear because your Q damage on targets with E would scale with E rank, not Q.

This was before his flux damage scaled with his ult. That change pretty much killed that strategy.


Originally posted by Phoenix1615

You ma'am are now my favourite rioter

Thank you, but not a sir


Originally posted by yenwood

It's been 1 more month since then, u/Porosite has disappeared from Reddit

He posted a comment 2 days ago?

Huh. Reddit pings me when tagged in comments but not posts. TIL


Originally posted by WheredMyVanGogh

Brb banning a dude who went 0/100 against this for inting

If this case happens, please write into Player Support, they know of these issues and are well-equipped to to review cases and make sure innocent players can get back in game. If you know of any scenarios where a player was banned for intentionally feeding after being affected by one of these exploits within the past couple days, please let me know.


Can't wait to play some more NB. I miss.


Originally posted by iCrimsonPurple

It's been 3 months since players using scripts and bugs causing global damage arrived at the Grandmaster and are making the lives of many people hell and Riot doesn't care about it, and unfortunately I believe they won't pay attention to it at the moment.

We're actively working on these issues. I understand the frustration on these issues, and I know it probably sounds like BS to everyone in the thread, but we've been making a lot of progress on a lot of these bugs.

I really wish I had the bandwidth to review all individual cases but we've been working on getting these players out of game. Please report any abusers, I know the turnaround might not be instant but we use this information to help come up with detection and fixes.


Originally posted by pulo97

Does the fact that this is getting much more work done (visually at least) means that it will be possible to get this mode more frequently? It seems like if it has some popularity they can bring it back without having to change much each time.

Yes, it does mean that. :)
Our aim is that this isn't the last of Nexus Blitz and is instead an ongoing part of our modes roster that we'll bring back in the future as well.