League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Mar


Originally posted by Goibhniu_

'a hero that has to land a skillshot, go into melee range and can blow up a single target is unfair, nerf!'

'why yes i do play a hero with no mana costs, no skillshots, AOE damage, incredible wave clear, incredible healing, the ability to oneshot literally any squishy, the ability to go invincible and move, with one of the cheapest item builds in the game - how could you tell?'

Incredible waveclear? In what world lmao


Originally posted by kanated

Old Diana was exactly like that, but a thousand times worse. At least now there's positioning skill involved with her ult.

Dunno why suddenly people are acting like it's a new problem. Her problem right now is that she's a bruiser/assassin with enough waveclear to go mid. Just nerf her Q and make her a top laner.

Because old Diana couldn't do sh*t until level 6


Originally posted by cg50

Well if you mean the ability to use GA once every 5 mins vs Zhonya’s every 2mins . And then , zhonyas can actually be used to bait out an important spell from the enemy . GA is literally die and hope you don’t get collapsed on by enemy team.

LE vs SS - LE actually gives straight ap . Not many champs who build shiv stack attack speed . They are champs with low wave clear . And shiv requires you to add more crit which is “chance damage” to be really effective . LE is guaranteed damage since all you have to so is buy any ap item and you get stronger .

LE is built by most ap carry’s because it’s literally the best ap item and provides ap,mana,cdr and the aoe proc scales off your ap as well.

LE is far better than shiv for wave clearing . Also it procs via any instance of ap damage , so certain AA/passives can utilize it .

Ludens is far from the best AP item, in fact it's not even the best AP mana item


Originally posted by 88cleanse88

Saying a better player can be afforded a break is not ridiculous. If Messi wants to take a month of rest no one is going to bat an eye. But if f**king rashford tries that shit it won’t go down.

Man that's a really bad analogy...


Originally posted by characterulio

Also how can we write off a player of Khan's level after 1 bad set?

The thing is Gimgoon/Khan have same champion pool because Gimgoon doesn't play much tanks either but Gimgoon can play without jungler help while Khan has bad habits(push with no vision), pick lanebullies like Jayce/Kennen permapush. If you put Khan you have to focus his lane.

GimGoon only plays Morde/Aatrox atm, Khan has a much bigger effective pool


Originally posted by wiggywonka

Cant dodge the point and click q - r into W.

That's relevant after you feed her 10 kills, sure


Originally posted by wiggywonka

Says the leblanc player which has literally 0 counter play

Dodge the chain bro


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Wrong. Khan did nothing with his advantages and with his demand for resources made LWX much worse.

You're making things up.


Most of these champs aren't even good???


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Even with Gim playing worse than last year, the team is still vastly better than with Khan. And the synergy with Khan was never the problem, it is his demand for resources which LWX also needs that is a bigger problem.

The problem was Tian and Doinb running it down for 2 series, nothing to do with Khan.


Originally posted by Zedeknir

Nah, they ganked him like 10 times in g1 and still played good the 2nd and 3rd game. Can't do much in those scenarios. The guy is untiltable though that must be sooooo infuriating

That's the thing though, last year he did much better in those scenarios! Even in the wins he was getting smacked around by Curse without getting pressured...


GimGoon is playing so much worse than last year. Gotta start working on developing Khan chemistry ASAP


Originally posted by BaronDraek

Too bad, I get her almost every game, if she's banned I pick Kassadin!


I hope you step on a lego

26 Mar

is this a sh*tpost LOL.