Originally posted by D3monFight3
Nice, and although I do not fully agree with the reasoning considering you can buy other stuff with tokens and those got nerfed too, it is good that you guys addressed it. After all if the intent was to make those skins rarer you could have just made them cost more tokens.
Though I would be curious why you first implement stuff like this and then you address in depth why it is like this? Is it some PR technique like you talked about when you made those announcements for the anniversary? Kinda like the saying that it is easier to apologize than to ask for permission?
Re: timing of the post, we did actually post the English-only message early via Twitter yesterday. We had to wait for localization (three day window) to get it into today's QGT.
I think if I could do it over I'd get it pushed out by our official channel vs. a dev's channel. Frankly I underestimated how much people would care, given that it's not too big of a change (and you still get tokens faster than you ever would've in events prior to Night & Dawn). That's a mistake on my end, so feedback taken and noted