League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Feb


Originally posted by lynxbird

So Tier I teams from the bottom portion of Tier I will be more likely to play other Tier I teams from the bottom of Tier I, rather than the Challenger/GM teams at the top.

And this makes it even worse, you are punishing the good players in the same tier by giving them harder opponents just because they are good, while keeping the same rewards in the tier. As it is now, if you have a smurf, there is no good reason to not use it.

And smurfs are often not just the bought accounts, often they are accounts borrowed from friends just for the clash tournament so that the best ranked player does not pull remaining of a team up to next tier, smurfing is a requirement at the moment.

I have a solution tho

LoL successfully copied and improved ELO ranking from chess.

Why you do not use chess Swiss system for the clash tournament.

With 12 rounds you can c...

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Totally get your concern on matching teams of similar skill together, but we think the benefits of competitive games outweigh the min/max potential. Most of Clash's rewards are just for bragging rights anyway, so shifting rewards around to try and deter smurfing is not going to have as much impact. In the case you're describing, where someone smurfs to pull up their friends, they're not getting any rewards on their main account anyway - so making the rewards they're not getting better or worse probably won't change anything.

Definitely not trying to say smurfing isn't a problem - we have a lot more tools at our disposal that we haven't implemented yet, but this is going to be a continuing fight.

Swiss tournaments are pretty good for large groups, but they are very inefficient time-wise. Since you need to wait for a round to complete entirely before moving to the next, if a game runs long it tends to drag out the whole experience, and it also results in too many ...

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Originally posted by Zaghyr

Have the Black Cleaver changes been decided yet?

there aren't any cleaver changes


Originally posted by TheNotoriousMID

Also, don’t make east coast players play till midnight on a Sunday. I feel as though mid afternoon games are extremely reasonable for west coast players so everyone can participate and then get to bed and not feel tired on Monday

Generally, we're trying to hit the most players possible with our Clash timings, but unfortunately, time zones in NA can make that pretty annoying for one half of the country or the other.

We're not necessarily going to run Clash at the same time every time, though, and I would be shocked if we never tried a slightly earlier set of times in NA.


Thanks for the feedback! Some thoughts:

- Scouting bug - something we are working on literally as I type. Hoping to have that ironed out soon.

- Copy/Paste Names - We got this feedback about the copy/paste thing for names in scouting a couple times, so I'll start digging into what that would take. It wasn't something we had planned, but it sounds reasonable!

- Leaderboards - definitely something we're considering in some capacity. In general, we think Clash is doing a decent job now of getting a simple, one weekend tournament system into place, but there's a LOT we could do for team legacy and recognition. We really haven't scratched the surface of the cool stuff we can do in that space.

- Subs - we probably won't bring subs back for this structure of Clash. We want your team to stay the same once you get into a bracket (partly because we want scouting to stay limited to just 5 players, and partly because we think it feels less like a team e...

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Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

You can say "200 years" for a lot of decisions, but in this case they are following a balance framework for mandatory nerfs that they have made fully transparent. They didn't have to nerf him in 10.4 because he didn't meet any nerf thresholds during the 10.3 patch. It is likely that he will meet such thresholds (or be much closer) during this patch with the sunfire changes (I think squad5 said this IIRC). In that case, he would be nerfed next patch.

If you take issue with the thresholds that they've set, that's one thing, but that isn't the same as them being incompetent.

he still doesn't hit any thresholds (pro is not on 10.4), but we plan on nerfing him as a separate call

Originally posted by ghostgnome

There's only one real tweak to support items, it's the "ally nearby" requirement.

I was confused as hell by those changes, just realized they're the preseason changes that are already live. Ignore all the value changes as they're old news, no idea why they're there.

yeah this confused me as well >.> think S@20's bot bopped itself

btw dead allies count so if you adc jumps in a fire and leaves you alone in lane their corpse still counts x.x

Originally posted by Soxviper

Ok so give back the 20 ad to deaths dance pls

It still has the 30 AR and MR. This is just a tooltip error because there are multiple loc files since DD is not shipping but is on PBE


Originally posted by bz6

I actually had a half written response from this morning - promise I'm reading this :D


We're going to continue working against smurfs in Clash - we've got some measures in place already, but we definitely can do better! Smurfs in Clash are a major concern for us, but also a pretty rough problem to completely solve.

Increasing the requirements to play Clash are a possibility, but that carries a lot of risk. We've seen this before with the Honor restriction - even though a relatively small percentage of people were below Honor 2, every one of those people we pulled out of the pool potentially killed a team for 4 other eligible people. Game requirements can have the same problem, eliminating potentially normal accounts both through the restriction and through the people who would like to play with them. It's not off the table, but also something we have to be careful employing.

One thing to note is that the Tier system won't really have anything to do with it - Even within a Tier, you're matched based on the weighted average MMR of your team. So Tier I t...

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Originally posted by Black_Nanite

On the Discussion of CLG. I think I figured out why Crown just didn't work. The problem is that the 2 most influential roles in the early game (jungle and mid) are populated by an inexperienced almost rookie, and a guy that doesn't speak english. Nobody is coordinating dives, roams, invades, or jungle routes. It is the blind leading the blind basically. Who was in charge of Early game? Nobody. Now that Pobelter is there, he is in charge of early game. it isn't just Crown sucking or something, Crown and Wiggly was just a recipe for disaster together.

Jungle-Mid synergy is soooo important. Even listening to Perkz talk about why MSI 2016 didn't work out, Trick was playing Nunu and the Mid-Jungle stuff just didn't synergize. From champion picks, to coordination we take for granted how much teams focus on it


Originally posted by MegaverseFTW

Sorry, I saw an article saying clash would be every other weekend starting now. Is this true?

We're starting it off roughly once a month, and we'll see if it make sense to go more frequently from there.


Originally posted by L-E-iT

Cool. I assume you all are caching quite a bit locally then. I understand if you can't go into too much detail, but do you run your CI/CD on static agents or do you cache those builds on another service and then pull them back onto the agents at run time? I've been playing around with the later on my work's CI/CD system but I haven't had the chance to implement it yet. I'd be interested to hear how Riot is doing that if thats the case.

Our repo is gigantic (tens of gigs) so we mostly use persistent build nodes with persistent workspaces with a ton of locally cached data. We do also cache a lot of stuff in artifact repos (such as Artifactory) and download/reuse as much as possible. We've also been using our internal patcher tech (described in https://technology.riotgames.com/news/supercharging-data-delivery-new-league-patcher) as internal artifact storage/caching more and more, such as for caching Unity's Library folder. Part of how all this works is that at the start of each build, after syncing source code, we ...

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Originally posted by Mayhem370z

I just want to add, cause idk where else to add this feedback. But in the scouting phase, all of the data was mixed up. Like, the current Ranked for say player 1, was actually the ranked champs played by player 5. Same for mastery. Which, without really checking EVERYTHING could be confusing for some. As the person it was showing say all top laners, in the history they are actually the support and its showing the incorrect champs on the mastery tab. I confirmed this via checking up on OP.GG.

If that was confusing. Ranked and Mastery on one player was actually the Ranked and Mastery of another. Although the history was always accurate.

We're looking into this today . It looks like something during scouting is shuffling the data and the names around - so the ranked info is there, but it's all under the wrong names (which makes it a LOT less useful, obviously).

Haven't figured the bug out yet but we have some good leads and can hopefully knock it out before the next Clash


Hey guys, This was made by my esteemed colleague; StrangeLoop. He has been working hard on this with his editor over the past few weeks and hopes that you all enjoy this spotlight on one of the greatest European League of Legends players ever!


Welcome to League. It is great with friends, so bring them with you. ;)


Originally posted by Domovric

I only just noticed last patch that my ranked stats tab was gone. Now I know why i guess

I looked into this. The Stats tab was disabled because browsing to it caused issues with every other part of the client. As far as I can see, a fix is due for patch 10.5 but since I've learned to never promise anything, ever, at all: it's possible it won't be a complete fix and it might end up coming in a later patch entirely.

23 Feb


I can speak a little for Sylas and a little to the general strategy. We generally want as many champions playable for regular play as possible. This includes Sylas. Usually when we're talking about removing a champion for a role, this is with relation to Pro play as it makes then very flex heavy and thus high blind pickability (and raises their presence dramatically). Usually when we're trying to remove a particular champion from a role for regular play, it's called out explicitly in the patch notes.

For Sylas specifically, we wanted him out of jungle for Pro. As it stands, Sylas is very playable for regular players in jungle, but not for Pro and that was basically the intended result. We were prepared to accept Sylas being a suboptimal pick for regular players in Jungle, but it seems like for now, we didn't have to weather that cost.

The main times when we want to remove champions from roles is when their gamepla...

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Originally posted by Blood_Raptor

Maybe if you had the skin, you'd play him more often

I haven't played Amumu for a very long time, but after seeing Inferno Amumu from Your Shop I decided to pull him out... and now I look like an Amumu one trick.


Originally posted by jerichoneric

could we maybe find a way for us to mark what we find cool and what we dislike then? A wishlist for shop maybe. Have tags for the skins that we like "power fantasy" "Comedy" "creepy" etc.

Cause all the skins I got recommended were either creepy or comedy and I don't find either of those very interesting for skins.

I mean, it's just a fun little store promo, not sure it really needs to get any more complex for players to interact with. Sometimes you get project zed, sometimes you get shamrock Malphite. That how I view My Shop at least!

I'm sure there's always room for improvement behind the scenes on our end, but I'd advise against making it more complex than it needs to be.

I don't work for skins or player customisation at all, btw.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Again, beauty is subjective. Some players love troll skins or think they're funny. I also don't have that data I'm afraid.