Originally posted by caP1taL1sm_420
Thanks for the response! Yeah, I had multiple back and forths with support because I was using an abbreviated phrase that the algorithm blindly picked up as a slur. I was honor level 4 and 2/3rds to honor level 5 so it was annoying having gotten nabbed for that.
I guess it would make sense for me to just apply with my alt account, since the SJW's of the world will probably not want to hire me lol
I was temporarily banned for 2 weeks back in Season 2; I joined Riot in Season 6. It raised eyebrows, but it was pretty clear I had reformed since then.
Riot is not unreasonable and will take context into account. If it's clear it was a mistake on the system, then you have nothing to be worried about.
since the SJW's of the world will probably not want to hire me lol
I definitely would recommend dropping the use of the term 'SJW'. It's almost always used as a slur/pejorative and will not reflect well on you