League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Feb


Originally posted by MojoGG

Hello Rioters,

Really glad you take time to present your jobs to us. I'm actually into performance testing and i would love to know if you have this type of job in your organization. If yes, where can i apply to the job ?


Originally posted by RiotIAmWalrus

Hey there! I'm the designer in charge of Ranked, so I can speak pretty directly to this. To start, I totally get the pain you're feeling here - seeing players with really different ranks in your game feels like garbage, even if we tell you that the MMR makes it fair. We want to solve this problem by getting MMR and Rank closer together, something we'll be talking about more over this season. But there are some really good reasons we don't just show MMR:

First, check out this post from a couple years ago where Riot Gortok goes over this question: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2018/02/dev-matchmaking-real-talk/ . I think that answer holds up pretty well, but I'll also give some of my own reasons. Strap in, this is gonna get long:

  1. MMR is meant to measure your progress, not display it. For MMR to measure skill correctly, it has to do a lot of...

Read more

It really wasn't that long. But it was pretty smart.


Originally posted by The_Real_HeXed

Does it provide more stats than morellonomicon?

yeah, +20 to pen testing


Originally posted by Sobriqueter

How big of a role does automated vs manual testing play in your CI/deployment process? Which bits of the company’s software are difficult to test? Which are easier? If you can disclose, what kind of 3rd party tools do you rely on? (P.S. one day I want to come work with you all)

I can answer part of this question. On LoR we have extensive test automation. There are unit tests that run using xunit, functional tests that run using pytest, load tests that use locust, and more. They all run in Jenkins and use a bunch of off-the-shelf tech like ADB, docker, various python and dotnet libraries, etc. Besides all the automation, there's a ton of manual testing, but I can't really speak to the details of the manual testing.


Originally posted by caP1taL1sm_420

Thanks for the response! Yeah, I had multiple back and forths with support because I was using an abbreviated phrase that the algorithm blindly picked up as a slur. I was honor level 4 and 2/3rds to honor level 5 so it was annoying having gotten nabbed for that.

I guess it would make sense for me to just apply with my alt account, since the SJW's of the world will probably not want to hire me lol

I was temporarily banned for 2 weeks back in Season 2; I joined Riot in Season 6. It raised eyebrows, but it was pretty clear I had reformed since then.

Riot is not unreasonable and will take context into account. If it's clear it was a mistake on the system, then you have nothing to be worried about.

since the SJW's of the world will probably not want to hire me lol

I definitely would recommend dropping the use of the term 'SJW'. It's almost always used as a slur/pejorative and will not reflect well on you


Originally posted by RiotSafeandSecure

Printers are the bane of my existence.

what about DNS blips?


Originally posted by bendzio

Hey, do you have jobs for programmers that are not working primarily in Java?

Languages I've seen in use at Riot: C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Python, Groovy, Go, and a bunch more. So yeah, we need people with experience in all sorts of different languages :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


I would not encourage lying in order to start working at Riot. :)


Originally posted by caP1taL1sm_420

When applying to Riot, do they do a background check on your summoner name?

I got tagged by the automated algorithm for saying a "naughty" word (wasn't even the actual word, it was an abbreviation that was meant to stand for a different phrase) but I'm worried it will affect my chances at employment

Yes, your account will be checked for toxicity, but if it was a long time ago or something minor, you are probably fine.


Originally posted by terere

Thanks, that sounds quite standard :) Do you also practice no-release-Fridays? :D

LoR release engineer here :) on Fridays at 5 pm we have a slack reminder that says:


Originally posted by L-E-iT

u/RiotReleaseMan ever had to pull a release before it went out? How does riot handle that with bi-weekly releases?

Also, how long does it take to run a full CI/CD process for a game like LoR or League?

I can answer your second question, I work on LoR's CI/CD system. Our build pipeline does a lot of clever tricks to reuse stuff that hasn't changed. As a result, build times vary depending on how much stuff you've changed. Typical time from pushing a commit to being able to test it on a local patchline varies between 40 minutes to 80 minutes, including building everything, running a bunch of automated tests, and deploys.


Originally posted by Mafros99

On another note, can you tell Blau to drop Yasuo? It'd greatly enhance his mmr


Originally posted by Verrem

Who is the most underappreciated riot employee?

There are tons of super valuable people at Riot that players never hear about. If I had to nominate JUST ONE I would mention a person named Megan P. (she knows who she is). She is basically a producer and organizational machine who works behind the scenes to make events like the League 10 Year Anniversary happen. She's a complete beast and I think a lot of cool stuff that players love is secretly dependent on her continuing to be a beast.


A bunch of us will be hopping off now: wave 2 of responses coming starting around 2:30pm PT! (Two hours from now)


Originally posted by Rexorapter

/u/the_cactopus are you looking to stay in your current position or move up eventually to a role like maples before he left?

Seems like everyone here knows who you are.

my boy maple was a product manager, and i'm more on the marketing communications side of things. i feel pretty good about the type of work I get to do for Riot, so whatever the future holds for me i'm pretty sure it'll still be in that marketing/comms niche


Originally posted by westofhello

what's L10?

the League 10 Year Anniversary :) I'll edit it to be more clear


Originally posted by CosmicNeeko

Oh wow thats actually something thatd be looked at seriously? That makes me feel way better about doing it for so long! :D get better i shall, thats my goal forever as i will def always have ways to improve, tbh ive been feeling really downtrodden about not knowing if i could truly cut it, but this is the exact inspiration i was needing to get back into it with the passion i felt years ago. Bless you cactopus 💚

All of us want to work with other people who are passionate about the work! That's why personal projects like that DO matter.

Bless you too!


Originally posted by hydroctopus

Who makes Cactopus’ coffee and what do I have to do for you to f**k it up every time from now on?


but i need my daily morning flat white