League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Feb


Originally posted by Thralee

I haven't bought anything from the past 2 maybe 3 personalized shops. They keep offering me normal versions of skins that I had already farmed for the prestige version of and skins that are dating to 2013.

The algorythm should also prioritze ignoring the skins on champs on who you already have all the skins for except the ugly ones. You don't already own those for a reason.

But ugliness/desirability is subjective.

22 Feb


Originally posted by The_May0r

I worked in live TV for three years before starting at Riot there are many similarities in our production workflow and what traditional live tv does. Many of the technical positions are 1-for-1 on our show and on other shows.

I'd say our main difference at the LCS is that we prioritize having a calm control room. Our executive producer u/RumbleStew made it a focus to build an inclusive environment where anyone can pitch stories and segments regardless of seniority or role.

Its unacceptable to lash out at others in our control room. In my work before Riot, I've been screamed at by producers and directors and team leads for any reason, but that type of behavior is not condoned here.

Yu I’m famous now!!! Appreciate the shout u/the_may0r. We’re lucky to work with a great group of people who really love our sport and enjoy our work. Makes for a great atmosphere.

Originally posted by qontrol12345

Is there a way you guys could look at how Cinderhulk interacts with Amumu's Bandage Toss? The item makes me a sad Amumu cuz both in the ganks and when clearing the jungle Cinderhulk just goes off in thin air and while I would normally say that it only makes Amumu's tears stronger, it's still a sad time.

the triggering cc spell also does the damage (unfortunately for amumu that still means you need to hit the unit u want to damage)


Originally posted by longtuktuk012456

Hi :3 i want to work at Riot in the future but i've only just finished high school , i plan on studying computer science and graphic design in college and working a variety of jobs to gain experiences , my goal is 8 years after this , i will be able to apply for a job at Riot . My questions are :

  1. Is Computer science and graphic design a good choice if i want to pursue for a job at riot ? and what other paths do you guys suggest beside computer science and graphic designer ?
  2. Is having a big interaction with the player base ( influencer , streamer , youtuber or cosplayer if you please ) help me impress the recruiters if i ever want to apply for a job ?
    Thanks for reading :> and sorry if this doesn't fit here :(


Glad to hear you're interested in working for Riot. It was my dream goal to work here too so I totally feel you on that.

For your major, do you know what you want to do in games? Or do you just want to work in games, doing whatever? (Both are legit but certain roles require certain levels of education/experience and have different skillsets.)

Having a big interaction isn't required to work in games and it could help depending on the role. Most roles though probably won't see it as a huge hiring decision. :)


Originally posted by firstbishop125

Are you legit looking at reddit between segments? Lol

Yeah why not?


Originally posted by erjdrifter

The likely reason is because they themselves have no idea what the problem is.

They’re probably finding a possible cause, trying to fix it, only to realize it’s not the root issue. Putting out a statement of what it isn’t won’t help ease people’s minds.

When you’re problem solving in a company you don’t share details until you know what the cause is and what you did to fix it.

This person troubleshoots.

We have suspects, we have potential fixes out, but we don't have enough confidence to run a high-stakes tournament on top of it right now.

Best I can say is we've seen no sign that the instability is related to Clash.


Originally posted by Zyaru

Why does Ender wear a bomber jacket on literally every single broadcast lmao

Why does Yamato wear a suit every single broadcast? Making me look bad...


Originally posted by uwualex

Hi friend,i miss Eambo.

I miss them too :(


Originally posted by ModsArePathetic

Is the lag connected directly to clash? Otherwise its an odd circumstance, since they always work otherwise.

The issues are not directly tied to Clash. That said, it's important that we considered the additional impact Clash would have had on everyone's experience if we had launched without total confidence we had fixed the problem.


Originally posted by SkyRider123

What is it that causes these issues on the EU servers and not on the NA?

I'm not a network engineer so I cannot speak directly to the specifics, but different load patterns and traffic dependency management services can cause issues in some areas and not others.


Question for u/CloakOfTheBat: what’s your favorite type of contract to work on and why is it commercial coventure agreements with your pal Kushnood?


Originally posted by ilovecollege_nope

Hi /u/dzareth, thanks for the great reply to this question! Your position was one of two that attracted my interest when looking at /u/The_Cactopus list.

Checking riotgames.com I see the position of Analyst, Strategic Advisory is based in HONG KONG, CHINA. Is there a particular reason behind that?

Do you have team members in LA or other locations? If yes, could you provide the link to it, please?

Location is not an issue for me, just interested in the reasons behind the choice. Seems like a great fit for me, so I will be applying soon - just need to update my Resume :)


Yes! We have many people in LA! I think it looks like Hong Kong office is looking for people too!

Originally posted by bdebrocolis

I have a sincere question.

When you guys release a champion do you guys purposely design it like broken or slightly OP? Or you believe it's just beacuse players don't know how to counterplay?

almost always OP. players take a long time to learn how to play champs. Yuumi started at 29% winrate day 1, and that was at a tuning that we were certain was actually super op (we est 56+% winrate resting if we just let her coast without changes). Course 29% is still too low for her to be a reasonable pick so we have to buff her (and then spent the next year nerfing her as players got better)

Its not fair to anyone playing if theres a 29% winrate champ in the game, even if that champ is actually long term at a reasonable power level

this is further confounded by the fact that higher elo players also just play the game more and learn these new champs faster. LS was telling me about how he "only" had like 70 games on sett the patch he was released, and i'm just thinking "yeah the average sett player is probably on like, game 2 - and it'll take them 6 months before they have the same amount of experience learning the champ as you do right now"


Hey everyone, we have a more visible update coming out in more formal channels, but I wanted to jump in here and provide as much context as I can surrounding the decision. It was definitely a tough one to make, but I think ultimately the right one.

Given the game start and network issues that EUW and EUN were seeing over the past two days, there was a significant amount of risk tied to launching Clash on top of that. When it came down to it, we didnt have a hard confidence value that we could hang our hats on that the issues with the servers would be fixed by launch.

In order to protect the experience for both the players who had signed up for Clash and those that wanted to play in other League queues we decided to make the hard decision to postpone to next weekend instead of adding a significantly larger load to an unsolved problem.

I know this isn't the best news late on a Friday, but we hope it results in a more positive experience when it's live.


Originally posted by Ildigrub

!RemindMe 15 years

Ah I didn't take that long :P


Originally posted by Xyrd

If you ever look at code you wrote six months ago and don't cringe at some part of it, you've stopped learning.

Nah, the code I write now is perfect. The guy I was 6 months ago was an idiot and the guy I will be in 6 months is a bit of an arsehole


Originally posted by MrDortydort

Hey is actually someone working on the client?

Yes. There are. Joe talked about this in Riot Pls: https://youtu.be/ADUMS8oZQkE


Originally posted by PilifXD

Are there 'machine learning' departments at Riot or anything related to it ? Always interesting to hear how different companies make use of ML.

Yes, we have MLE types, Date Engineers, Data scientists.

Your shop is powered by ML, for example.