League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Originally posted by edwardgreene1

Not sure if you’re involved in this or not, but in my podcast app this episode came through twice as two separate but identical episodes

Not directly, but I can look into it. Thanks for the heads up.


These are great suggestions! We are definitely open to exploring future releases of Eternals where the objectives are significantly more difficult. We are experimenting with a few of those in the launch release to see how they perform, despite some of the data indicating they will be way too hard to increment.


I just replied on Twitter, but to try and get the message out:

We had a brief error with the matchmaking system last night that caused some players to be matched WAY below their actual skill - and unfortunately, this game was hit by that error. We're cleaning up the last couple impacts of the error, and should have it fully resolved within a couple hours.


I posted this in the other thread on this topic, but I wanted to clarify that we didn't actually change the climb. The tweet from our support account was incorrect - sorry for the confusion :(


sorry to jump into this thread 8 hours late, but I wanted to clarify: we did not change the climb and we are not using the climb to combat smurfing. The tweet from player support was incorrect on all of these points and they will be putting out a clarification on that. Sorry for the confusion. To your point there are better ways to improve the experience for players vs. smurfs than this would be, which is one of many reasons we didn't do this. Again - sorry we spread misinformation with that one tweet.


Originally posted by Todeswucht

I specifically wanted to get this shot of Bwipo when we filmed with him. It somehow makes the most likeable guy terrifying!


Originally posted by [deleted]




Anyone gonna comment on the Gnar and Garen jungle buff?

Gnar W - HYPER BASE MAXIMUM BONUS DAMAGE TO MONSTERS 100/150/200/250/300 ⇒ 300 at all levels

Garen E - JUDGMENT DAMAGE Now deals 150% damage to non-Epic monsters


Originally posted by hochmusiker

TL;DR: (in front because this comment is very possibly not worth reading in full) Morello and Void might be roughly equal at 90 MR if you consider total gold efficiency on both sides, but it would vary wildly from one game to the next. In most cases Morello would be more efficient so u/a_lol_cat is basically correct anyway. I just felt like going into more detail for no reason

I think he must have been talking about gold value, and also mostly about a full Morellonomicon. Once we're talking about gold value you have to start considering the value of the health that comes from Morello's. I'll leave out the Grievous Wounds passive in comparing the two but it's worth keeping in mind.

Morello has the same AP as Void, and although it costs 350g more, it has 801g worth of HP. You also left out Sorcerer's Shoes in your calculations. At 90 MR, Sorcs+Morello gets it down to 57. Sorcs+Void gets it down to 43.2, which is still about 13.8 l...

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Just talking about the gold efficiency of Orb vs Void, nothing to do with the game state.


Also, magic resistance scales in effectiveness with your max HP, so flat penetration against relatively low max health targets with low levels of magic resistance goes a long way. You can see the calculations and conversions to damage reduction on the wiki as well:


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Originally posted by a_lol_cat

I don't know what math Kobe is using to say that Orb/Morellonomicon is better than Void Staff until you get to 90 MR.

Break even point of 40% pen vs 15 flat is 37.5 MR. @ 90 MR you have 36 Mpen on Void Staff.

Maybe he was saying Gold efficiency per point of Mpen? Well at 1600 Orb gives you 1 magic pen for 106.67 gold. To get to the same value, of just Mpen, disregarding the health on orb and much higher AP on Void, a complete vacuum of gold cost per point of Mpen. Your target needs to have a MR value of 62 (62*.4=24.8 Mpen) then you take that vs the cost of Void Staff (2650g/24.8 pen = 106.85g per point of Mpen), so still less than the 90 MR value claimed.

Just talking about the gold efficiency of Orb vs Void.


Also, magic resistance scales in effectiveness with your max HP, so flat penetration against relatively low max health targets with low levels of magic resistance goes a long way. You can see the calculations and conversions to damage reduction on the wiki as well:


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I feel like I'd go with Annie. No one would really suspect her, and if someone tried anything on me she could stun them and then dump a Tibbers on their head. It would be terrifying. Then we could go out and eat ice cream together after or something.


Really love the LCK teamfight damage thing


Originally posted by UlyUlyUly

I mean, if you stack couple milion points on that one eternal... its gonna look badass.

Yep, this is exactly why we have some Eternals like this. The hope is that when the numbers get huge over months or years, they're fun to show off because they represent an amount of games/success that might be difficult to comprehend, and is something you're proud of


Originally posted by Ariscia

I wonder whether Eternals will be restricted to tracking only on certain modes? Eg. no ARAM or bot games, because that would defeat the purpose.

Correct - at launch, core mode queues like SR, Clash, and ARAM will be supported. Most RGMs (namely, URF) and Co-op vs AI will not increment Eternals. There’s an icon in the Lobby screen at the top to indicate whether or not Eternals are tracking for that queue so you won’t have to guess!


Originally posted by ItsReallyJustAHorse

To be pedantic its technically rapid firecannon and not rapidfire cannon

Of all the firecannons, it's one of the most rapid.


Originally posted by zachkerr

He has to be the only streamer who can get away with shitting on other streamers like this lmao

I mean, literally every other streamer sh*ts on NB3


Originally posted by BDE_Was_Taken

You can't just tease us like that, hit us with some more weird looking development names. <3

Ones that come to mind (disclaimer, I'm probably gonna get one or two slightly wrong):

Sett - Grappler Yuumi - Catbook Aphelios - GunSwap Ekko - TimeKid RekSai - Burrower Azir - Seth Jinx - PsychoArsenal Syndra - Dark Sovereign Ornn - Forge (I think, possible I'm wrong on this one) Kled - YONAG (short for 'Yordle on not a griffin', since a prior concept had instead involved a Yordle on a griffin that we moved away from) Tahm Kench - FishTank Vel'Koz - Professor Eyeball

19 Feb


Originally posted by WarriorMadness

His new eternals are probably related to his new kit, so they didn't add his yet as to not spoil it.

That's correct - Fiddle's new Eternals for Series 1 will come out one patch after his rework. He'll still have his Starter Series at launch!