League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Feb


Originally posted by masterz223

It is the name they use internally, I believe even when scraping the API it comes as MonkeyKing as well.

Yep. For some reason (before my time) Wukong didn't get his internal file names changed when his name was picked, unlike all other champs. Most champions go through a lot of their development with a code name (e.g. Talon was BladeRogue, Rakan was DuoSupport). They then get renamed when we pick a final name for them. Didn't happen with all files for Wukong though for some reason.


Originally posted by CheekyWanker007

Wait if i was correct, riot would nerf champions because they can be flexed into too many lanes, like sylas. Will we be expecting a sett nerf anytime soon since this champion can be played in literally every lane plus jungle?

We never nerf champions because they can flex into too many lanes, we nerf them if their winrate is too high (taking pick rate into account) or their pro play presence is too high. One of the common traits that pros value in their picks is the ability to flex into multiple roles in draft, so if we're looking to nerf a champion because they violated the pro play threshold one of the tactics we might use is to remove or reduce some of their role flexibility.


Y'all don't know how long I've been waiting for the support Sett.


Target patch is 10.6

Want time to make sure it's all good.


Originally posted by Cruddydrummer

His editor gets 100% of YouTube revenue btw. Really nice of him but well deserved by pinoy.

How is that related at all to this clip lol?


Originally posted by killerchand

Summoned the all mighty one, we have.

Haha, I wish. I build server farms not skins. :)


Originally posted by KyoJeRO

Can't really say anything about na server. But I see bunch of scripts pre-loaded into pc cafe in Vietnam all the time. https://imgur.com/nRigWnt

Beside the obvious cass, kalista, xerath script, how would you really notice.

This account seems to have been banned a long time ago. Scripts are definitely more prevalent in Vietnam, albeit still comparatively rare - the most popular ones are still banned very quickly these days.

If you have any accounts or scripts that you know of in Vietnam that are not banned within a few days, you may always message player support or me directly so it can be looked into.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The other way to look at it is that Sona top is just overpowered. She has a 55-57% winrate depending on MMR with a decent enough pickrate. We would nerf any champ with these metrics, she violates the guidelines found here. She can lose 5% winrate and still be a reasonable pick toplane, like I suspect she will be after this changes. Will her pickrate remain as high if she's not as overpowered? Probably not.


Originally posted by just_a_little_rat

a Xerath Q can't go cross map and 1 shot you no matter how hard you're scripting.

well yeah except for that one time



Originally posted by newworkaccount

Will we have a legal guarantee that you aren't accessing and selling data from our machines? A kernel-mode driver is God mode access for most people (who don't run virtual machines, or OSes other than the proprietary ones in their processor/baseband).

Additionally, what can you say to reassure us that your kernel driver will have a small attack surface? Building a driver meant to hook and examine memory access is basically malware by another name, and it would be very convenient for a malware dev to exploit a prebuilt driver like this, particularly as Windows has increased restrictions even around Administrator accounts.

I do understand why anti-cheat needs kernel mode drivers, but that definitely doesn't mean I like it. I also can't help but worry about a company owned by a company that famously does siphon up user data elsewhere (that is, Riot is owned by Tencent).

In terms of Data Privacy, we have a strong commitment to it, including and beyond regional laws. A little bit more here:


For the second question, aside from saying that our quality assurance, testing, and commitment to security is high, I can also say our team has lots of experience in this field. Our team has members who think finding zero-days is a recreational activity - we know how if you give any vector for abuse, someone will go after it. The team also knows what a vulnerable driver can do - we've fought against our fair share of cheats using them.

18 Feb


Originally posted by xMetix

There are some boring scripts like aimbot and there are some sick exploits like that one time Ashe allowed champions to do stupid things This is my favorite use of that exploit (f**king Cannon rush...) I wouldn't even be mad seeing this live but there were also Fiora Ults on level 1 and Brand ults level 1. It was wild lmao.

DR TERRIBLE comes to mind when thinking about exploits and League. His flashes can still be seen on the Summoner's Rift at night.

Also that one cheater in Overwatch that managed to pick the custom PVE bosses IN A RANKED GAME

Also I was wondering, if someone managed to make a really smart bot that actually played the game and played it at a high level how long would you watch it out of curiosity before banning the account? Would you let it get challenger?

Those exploits were certainly legendary, fun in retrospect but very game-ruining and frustrating at the time.

Realistically, we wouldn't let that bot continue to play. Sentient Skynet sounds interesting but also a nightmare for competitive integrity.


Originally posted by vaynebot

The reality is that scripting in this game will only make you marginally better (like 1-2 divisions), which is why there is relatively low incentive to cheat. This in turn means that almost nobody ever feels like they lost a game due do a cheater, got frustrated, and started cheating themselves.

How good Riot's technical anti-cheat is will show once they release their shooter.

Edit: Something to consider, if Riot actually manages to keep their shooter mostly cheat free without tons of false positives, they will be the only company in the history of competitive FPS titles that managed to do it.

We still have a slew of people trying to cheat in League, and players who are experienced in the way of spacebar do have decent winrates in the game or two they get to play, but I agree with you - a Xerath Q can't go cross map and 1 shot you no matter how hard you're scripting.

Going to plug our recent article on the technical upgrades we'll be making to ensure our future games have the same standard League is held to:



Originally posted by Jozoz

If they just keep buffing Amumu's numbers without fixing his actual issues, he's just gonna show up as an aftershock Support champion.

It happened to so many other champions (relevant flair). Just throwing number buffs at him won't fix it, Riot.

Aftershock support Amumu!? Have we just discovered my new pocket pick!?


Originally posted by adharsh2423

ban him

I have no more power than anyone else.


A few weeks ago a Diana flamed me at level one for dropping a deep ward and backing for sweeper. I had zombie ward and was playing support. They told me that only junglers need sweeper. I still think about that guy.


This is so cool, wonder if we will be able to see rune stats


Originally posted by puberty1

feels like an obvious development, but i wonder if more teams are gonna do that now that both Faker and Bierg have stakes in their team (and C9 had that whole thing). the ones that I can think of are Rekkles with Fnatic, Perkz with G2 and probably Doublelift with TL.

no way DL has any ownership with TL lol


Originally posted by Malheureus

Yusui is so freaking good

Agreed! It's a shame he's not always consistent, but the level he's shown when he's on is IMO very good.

I think we'll learn a lot about him after this Spring/Summer split, but I've been a big fan of his for awhile and I think he'll likely look better as he adjusts to his new teammates.