League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Feb

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bensimmonsismydaddy

This is a question I really want answered.

In counter strike the 'sensitivity' is directly correlated with your dpi. If you have 2 sens with 400 dpi, your edpi is 800. Is it the same in Project A, and if not will there be information released on how to calculate your edpi?

yes to the latter!

11 Feb

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DreamsOfFoxes

Is making user generated content a part of the base experience really that difficult though? I obviously don't know the logistics behind how Valve pulls it off but I think it's seriously one of the best things to happen to the creative scene of any game.

I'm no tech guy but creating a platform designed to host/upload/distribute community created content that plugs into an engine and then everyone can play at scale alongside general QA support and ensuring no malicious craziness or community divides is a lot to take on when our original game was built on the Big Rigs 2 game engine

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pabpab999

Is there lore similar to LoL?

If yes, is it also in runeterra?

not in runeterra, entirely new ip

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gordonpown

why don't all your projects form an alphabetical continuity? like what happened to Projects B, C, D, and E

we want TRUTH

the real answer is we didn’t go by the alphabet we just truncated our real code names lol it’s a whole mess

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DreamsOfFoxes

I know this is a pretty loaded question but is there any chance Project A will allow for some kind of player created content? I absolutely love CS:GO not only as a game but as a creative platform, so much to say that I have more hours on CS:GO's SDK than the game itself.

I can’t speak directly for Project A but I think broadly Riot Games has always taken a less open stance on user generated content/platform support (or modding) vs. other titles because if an idea is good enough, we want to make it available to everyone in the base experience. Also we’re just not a platform company (that is: focused on creating a platform that others develop their things on). It obviously makes us less able to support community content creators in serving the community but hopefully that’s our job, methinks.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by theendisnear_

Is it first and foremost built as a competitive game or more casual play inclined? I'd love to play an FPS that competes with the csgo monopoly

It's first and foremost built as a competitive game - when the team even approached the genre, they wanted to make something that could really serve competitive players.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JoniDaButcher

Hey u/Pwyff, I think you guys a ton of people excited?

I have no doubts you guys will try to push it to be an eSport (which is great, a shooter like that is a really fun viewing experience).

Is there anything you can share that hasn’t been mentioned as of yet? It being free-to-play or paid, characters, abilities, guns?

Thank you!

hmm no, but there's more information out there!

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Xyrd

Anything you can say wrt timeline? When we might be able to see more of it, when we might be able to get hands on it, etc.

I can say that, uh, a few journalists have noted when more major coverage is coming. As for playing and/or hands-on, no updates for now sorry :)

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

oh thank god /u/rawstanky for tagging me, let's collect everything here gang it's a game it's pretty fun

also if anyone has any questions, ask them here and I'll see what's out there


Originally posted by Linajke

you kayn fan? my favourite caster now, forget about nocturne and skarner players

I was for like two seasons, but tbh it feels pretty impossible to win if enemy jungle has a brain.

How do you transform: Fighting

Things you suck at before you transform: Fighting

Vicious cycle and all that. But who knows maybe I'm just giga-bad.


Oh boy, if they nerf Lee Sin and buff Kayn I might be able to one trick again. Riot plz.

Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

This post lays out the initial balance framework published last year. Very recently, they updated some of the upper limits on the thresholds here. In order to find champ stats, I used gol.gg for the pro play stats and u.gg or metasrc for the solo queue stats

correcto. of course our numbers tend to be slightly different from the numbers on public sites since they don't have all the data. we also don't like back to back nerfing a champ (sett was nerfed in 10.3 so not gonna nerf him again in 10.4, especially since pro play isn't even on 10.3)

we have some changes in testing for kai'sa, but are being cautious since she is historically known to show up and dominate pro long before shes viable elsewhere, and we have already nerfed/are nerfing marksmen that actually significantly out-range her and can keep her down in lane, which we suspect is lowering her pick priority in pro (Senna + Aphelios). Course once again pro is lagging behind so we can't be confident that after those two champs are nerfed kai'sa isn't right back in the meta.

We are also talking about how to include winrate into elite tier data with a reasonable degree of confidence despite the sample size generally being way too small, so that might get updated in th...

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Originally posted by WorkKrakkin

So you retroactively went back and added an extra parameter to every single ability?

Not quite, at least not manually. The context of the ability (which dimension its created in) is inherited by FX, damage and anything else created by it. eg. The data/logic for a Morgana binding did not have to change but now it always carries an extra property that says which dimension it was created in.


Originally posted by FoxesOnMars

Thank you very much :D I'm working on more at the moment, is there a champ you'd like to see in particular?

Leona! Senna! Sett! :D


Originally posted by pls_send_riven_r34

It is quite possible. Likely even. Would you go as far as saying he ages by approximately 1 year every 365 days?

Can confirm

10 Feb


HOLY sh*t. As the biggest fan of chickens in the entire world, this is the best. Please draw more. This made my day.


Originally posted by RonnyBoyBoombayah

Thank you Vedius for showing us your point of view.
In my eyes the main focus of the LEC broadcast team shifted a little bit too much into pleasuring G2 and Fnatic fans. Maybe I am wrong but it is also understandable because a shit ton of viewers are G2 and FNC fans. Im watching LoL esports since the very beginning and Im still into it (1072 games and 1009 hours watched in about 2 years according to the watch.lolesports site) but as an SK fan I am having a very hard time to enjoy the LEC for the last few weeks. Not only because they arent that successful atm - more because I have the feeling that some of the casters want to tell me that I am watching a group of washouts in jerseys trying to imitate G2. I think the SK vs S04 cast was fine. Probably the best SK cast so far. But MAD vs SK on friday was painful to watch/listen to. Im sure most of the neutral viewers were entertained by Quickshots 'skillshot-missed-counter' but we, the supporters of the team who gets 30 minutes of ...

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I appreciate your comment and will share it with the team. I hope we can help you enjoy the SK games more from this point on!


Hey! I was the caster on the SK vs S04 game and I think you're mis-informing people of what we talked about on the cast.

I listened to the whole game before writing this comment and grabbed some timestamps to help clear things up. G2 and FNC were not mentioned once during the cast outside of this moment. I think Medic and I would agree this comment is unfair. G2 as a team make these fountain dives at the end of all their games and that's where the reference comes from, but I can understand how that would be received negatively. I do think though that saying "from minute 1...

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09 Feb


Originally posted by SimonSaysx

So Sylas stole Morde’s ult, then Morde ulted Zilean,m. A few seconds later Sylas ulted and they end up in the same “realm”.

I didn’t know the Sylas interaction worked like that. I would have thought they would have had separate “realms”.

A part of Mord's development was making everything be able to exist in a different dimension. Abilities default to dimension 0 (Runeterra) but Mord ult and a stolen Mord ult all go to dimension 1 (Death realm). Turrets exist across all dimensions, I haven't talked to the Lore team as to why that is.


Originally posted by Troviel

Can't believe he spent a year a split in academy...

Hey, he won worlds in Academy..