League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


While I understand you believe this is something that should already exist in the client, there are reasons why it's not. The simplest of those reasons is that there is other work in the client that's higher priority.


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

She's closer of Ahri than Fizz or talon.

In the end Riot listed her like a mage.

Yeah no lmao


Originally posted by Serek32

Syndra Cassio Zoe Ryze Vladimir Lux Veigar Orianna are all in a decent spot atm, this is just reverse circlejerking.

Why should mages be better than assassins in soloq btw? Soloq is a perfect environment for the assassin champs.

Imagine unironically saying that Lux is decent lmao


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

She isnt.


Look at riot subclass.

And to be honest its obvious she isnt same as a Fizz, Talon, Zed...

Her play pattern is way more similar to a champion like Fizz than any mage


Originally posted by perocu

is 10.2 on monday?

no, that's when I fix Nunu silly


You should check out Wild Rift when it launches :)


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

No. Burst mage or something.

LB is an assassin with some mage characteristics


Originally posted by Carumo

As the /u/TitanDweevil already said, Talons waveclear is pretty bad in comparison.
LeBlanc, Qiyana, Ekko, Diana (arguably not an assassin anymore), Zed, Katarina, ... can all clear waves really easily and quickly, which in my opinion is the core problem to control mages falling out of favor.
Skillshot reliant control mages already have a hard time against very mobile targets, but if those champions also have the option to just oneshot the wave (often times without resource issues) and snowball the game you just don't have anything to do in the game cause they have all the agency to dictate the game flow.

LeBlanc definitely doesn't clear waves quickly, nor easily.


Seems like there is a tiny window where she can still be knocked back. Should hopefully be fixed for 10.2


Originally posted by Phloods

The biggest things i noticed is the system seemed to value Sett getting more KP and being that big frontline engage rather than CS/min or damage output. That being said he was actually the hardest champion i've raced with to get s's! I actually really think Riot hit a mark with this champion making him feel rewarding to play on a game to game basis but at the same time not making him feel overtuned and "free". I feel like i had to earn every kill or engage or s.

Typical Riot shill

15 Jan


Originally posted by hosi_hbhb

Also champs with no cooldown on Q and E and can eat everything with their W, f**k i hqte Yassuo

thought u were talking about tahm with the w thing lol


Generally speaking, we try to avoid having "UNIQUE Passives" on components (at the primitive stat level; eg. long sword, mana crystal, pickaxe, etc.), mainly due to the complexity that bubbles up into the items that build out of them.


Originally posted by Cuteboylolxo

Idk what urin elo you play in and how the f**k darius loses that matchup but man he surely must not have hands

Poppy players generally have way more experience in the matchup, since Darius has been the most common matchup since season 6.


Originally posted by Fractal_Audio

The only pack I would insta buy.



Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

Ehh, depending on the website to check, she's anywhere in the top 25-40 most picked, which isn't significant to justify getting ~4 skins since she was reworked.

You can't just look at ranked pickrates to justify champion popularity tbf.


Good stuff my dude. What were the unique challenges of getting and S on Sett compared to other champions you have raced on?