League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jan


Originally posted by Th3_Huf0n

Riot: Let's buff every enchanter under the living sun and nerf one of the only 2 supports in the current meta that are capable of shutting them down (who admittedly are broken in their own right).

Also Riot: Let's nerf crit.

I just... Can't...

Is this some sort of a f**king joke?

Back to mages in botlane (seeing that f**king fat Ziggs buff), I guess.

Enchanters being strong is good for marksmen you donkey


Originally posted by Umarill

As usual. They can't seem to accept that Nautilus issues are not a couple more base damage, it's the extremely reliable chain CC tied to a broken animation.

Ah yes, that's why nobody played him until they buffed his damage...


Originally posted by Jozoz

Was pretty funny when Karma got hardnerfed before worlds.

Riot gave out the balance metrics where a champion had to have some level of high pro play presence before they would look at it.

Karma was not at that threshold and got nerfed solely because Riot didn't want top lane Karma to be a thing at Worlds, lmao.

Never thought I'd say this, but man I miss Morello. I didn't always agree with him, but at least he was a big proponent of letting the players, and not the devs, decide the meta.

Karma Top was only a crutch played by bad teams too. Just revert it ffs.


Originally posted by Ksradrik

Warum liegt hier eigentlich Stroh rum?

Eve sagt das.^ xD xD xD

Warum hast du 'ne Maske auf?


OOoo, really digging the triple+ layered teeth! This is awesome :D


Originally posted by goku332

August from what I understand when you made Jinx she had the same design goals, as Aphelios. Someone who cycled through and used various guns. So why did Jinx only get 2 guns on her Q and Aphelios got 5? Not complaining, I like both champs, just asking what changed, if anything at all.

My original Jinx kit was ranged Udyr (a gun on every button). Ended up being kinda lame cause all she did was basic attack. There were no fun spells to cast!

Swapping her to two guns on one button opened up her W and E to be interesting contextual spellcasts that made her way more fun to play.


Originally posted by JealotGaming

Show me a good Blitzcrank in Gold.

I'll one up you. Show me anyone good in Gold. /thinking

14 Jan


Just incredible work on fiddle. The "Grudge" and "Mama" movement is my personal favorite brand of horror: where things move in a manner that's not right.


Originally posted by TheInactiveWall

somethingsomething Crazy Cat Lady Yorick somethingsomething lame Meorick instead.

Excuse me, do you not like watching Yorick ride on a robot vacuum???


Originally posted by La_vert

Lees ult does scale of enemy health, just 1/3rd of setts scaling.

Oh RIP. My not playing this champ is showing.


Originally posted by Caenen_

"Die Saat ist ausgebracht!"

Aber sie braucht Wasser.


Originally posted by DicksDongs

Tbh I'm just sad we'll never see those concepts in game. The Darkin and Robot Butler are amazing.

I can't speak to specifics (because I don't work on champions), but I don't think we'll ever discount a good concept that resonates with players.


Originally posted by panznation

Given that a lot of people have different but beloved attachments to those other concepts shown in the article how does riots champion design team feel about doing a vote by the community on some cool champion designs like those shown to be fully developed into champs similar to the voting done for the volibear and fiddle reworks cause I know for a fact either the targonian aspect of might or the darkin behemoth concepts seem fantastic to me

This is a really good question and something I can't answer. I was talking to /u/bananaband1t about votes, VGUs, and champion designs literally just before this. But this is a question for /u/Reav3 that I cannot answer.


Originally posted by Hobodacious

This was great to watch. It's great to see how you can truly abuse certain match-ups, but this does leave me with a question.

Is there anything Jensen(Akali) could've done? With the way the match-up plays out it seems like there was no real answer. I guess at a pro-level, everyone is on the same page and kinda accept it from draft phase, and attempt to make plays elsewhere.

I think here there were two things that could have been done differently:

  1. Jensen did not need to TP bot lane. The dive was lost the moment Rakan hit W on Olaf.
  2. Bot lane needed to attempt to prevent the wave hitting tower; this dive was mostly possible because the bot lane wave was crashing and iG knew that Gragas was top lane recalling.

Had Jensen not TPed, this lane probably would have gone back in his favour since Orianna ended up roaming for nothing and iGs jungler died.


Originally posted by HopefulJade

Do you know many tokens we received? I'm sure I got mine but didn't feel like it was a lot.

For this event we granted 100 tokens for the downtime for players who have purchased the pass before the 20th.


Originally posted by JustBronzeThingsLoL

are Rioters allowed to be toxic

I thought yall learned from the Sanjuro Situation

You clearly haven't looked at my match history.


Originally posted by Riegerick

Don't think we did, although I got downvoted and got no answer when I asked the same question yesterday so who knows.

We did award EU players who had purchased the pass before the downtime with tokens. If you had purchased the pass before the 20th you should have received tokens.


The hecc? It's been that long?

OMG I'm a boomer.


Originally posted by CommentToBeDeleted

Just wanted to say how hilarious this line was:


haha, my coworker had to come over and ask if everything was okay I was chuckling so hard. I can definitely see myself not telling my team this as I feed my ass off top lane...

All-in-all, that was quite a delight to read. Thanks for sharing!

Glad you liked it! I admittedly laughed too hard at my own joke when I thought of that one.