League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jan


Originally posted by asiantuttle

Will there not being a self only players for the people who like to ride it solo?

Maybe in the future, but we've seen that there's a positive social element to seeing an ally do something cool and get recognized for it. We're hoping it results in a friendlier experience for people, but if it nets out neutral, we may give players the option to only show their own milestones.


Originally posted by ilovediversity33

Continue to do these, but please no NA players to cheapen it.

It's an NA product made by an NA cast so there will be LCS teams covered! I'm hoping to do international episodes as well though.


Originally posted by Offbeatalchemy

Not that I disagree but the same thing happened to Akali and she got 3 skins since her update. Kayle sitting at nearly 1000 days post rework means there isn't much of a demand for new Kayle skins.

Akali is one of the most popular champions in the game, Kayle is very much not


Originally posted by Zellion-Fly

They were way to cryptic on that.

What different toggles?

Can I fully mute them? So they won't exist whatsoever to me?

If so fine. If I'm forced to take their shit into my mouth, then no. Still shit.

You'll be able to choose from three different display options for Eternals milestones:

  • On (Allies, Self, and Enemies)
  • Self and Team Only (Self and Allies)
  • None (Off Completely)

EDIT: You'll also be able to show / hide the Death Screen Showcase as well. You can't permanently mute it, but we've significantly reduced the amount of space it uses and added Mastery info and KDA / bounty status. You can show / hide it by pressing "N" while dead.


Originally posted by Harry_Skywalker

I bet Taliyah mains were fuming before he read the last page



Originally posted by Narutojames

If you reroll the prestige skin with the icon + border still be full price or will they have a reduced token/point price like for skin bundles?

If you re-roll the skin during the event, you'll also get the icon + border.


Originally posted by Riegerick

I guess Zoe is joining the yearly skin club, lovely.

The season start video that just went out talks about skin numbers a bit. We made more than 100 skins last year and we're trying to hit 120+ this year, so if we can maintain these numbers moving forward, most champs should be in the yearly skin club~


Originally posted by Pheophyting

Hey, this has been raised to the team! Ty!

Also, tbh, I'd like Sett to use me as his sock puppet UwU


Originally posted by KillahJedi

> But don't let any of this distract you from the fact that in 2019 Sett threw Rakan off Summoner’s Rift, and plummeted 38 miles through a World Rune.

Is this our LoL version of u/shittymorph meme, cause I love it

Make it happen, Reddit.


Originally posted by Kuchenjaeger

You f**king memer. My god.

This is honestly the highest form of compliment I could receive. It's now screenshotted and in my IMPORTANT folder alongside a video of a fat cat, /u/cactopus telling me I'm great, and a gif of Nasus dancing with Marc Merrill's face pasted on it.


Originally posted by Oreo-and-Fly

The Aspect of Might is one of the most powerful things I want to see in League.

Not sure if joke, or...


Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Speaking in line with /u/Wolfeur I hope we get a Darkin support that's like Diablo from Heroes of the Storm, grabs you and flips you over, but like slowly. Not like Singed or Volibear. He smashes you. He's chonky, and doesn't like things. Just. Things.

Darkin support would be my JAM. Give me a cross between Pyke, Senna, and Sett and let's talk.


Originally posted by RuneKatashima

That's rough man, really rough.

Let me imagine I'm good at this game, ty.


Originally posted by TestRoyale

Uh oh. Icon now included with the skin means they'll likely be jacking up the prices across the board. Don't be surprised if using your Event Tokens for Prestige points means you no longer have tokens for anything else.

Rough Guess

100 Prestige Points + Icon = 2500 Mecha Tokens

Prestige Skin + boarder and icon = 105 Prestige Points

Not increasing the price of getting the icon + border with the Prestige. It's designed to be a reward for players who were there in the moment!


Originally posted by HerrToasty

No tokens on my end, mam.

I'd encourage you to write into player support if you are on EUW and purchased the event pass before the 20th of December. Its a little late to get you tokens but there are other things the good folks on the player support team can do to help you.

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Originally posted by mrbaconator2

could you please confirm or deny surprise party will stay super goofy and not be horror clown? his base is already horror (which is cool but that skin is meant to be silly)

Plan is to make it dark comedy, so funny horror, like Mundo


Originally posted by JanEric1

yeah, 7-9 hours. majority is done at uni and the rest at home chilling with the gf.

this event I got a total of 2000+2200+1700=5900 tokens.

obviously super easy was some hyperbole. but definitely achievable

I landed on 100 by finding the average amount of games players played during the same timeframe in the previous year multiplied by the amount of tokens players would earn per game and rounded (significantly) up. 100 tokens is far and above what most players would earn during the downtime. However, I am always trying to find a better way to do things. What do you think is a better way to fairly allocate tokens?

Another strategy I explored was based on individual amount of games a player plays. Honestly, this would be my default. I'd love to give every player some token amount based on what they would have likely played during the downtime with a bit of cushion as that seems the most fair to me but this would take time to model out what that behavior would be. There's also a logistics component of matching the right players into our magic token-granting tools, and making sure no mistakes or misallocations occur. We have to verify players actually received the tokens and bu...

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Originally posted by BrandsMixtape

I need conformation on how scary Nocturne is supposed to be compared to Fiddle. Where is Riot's scale of spookiness???

We want Nocturne to be scary Af when we VGU, but more psychological horror rather then physical, brutal horror like Fiddle