League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Jan


Originally posted by Captain-Turtle

sadly didnt do shit for tryndameres legendary skin

Sadly there's only so much VFX that can be added on Tryndamere. He barely has anything in his kit that uses VFXs... :C


Originally posted by alexappeal_

Is it possible to give Frankentibbers Annie green fire like Zombie Brand’s? :xxx

Yup, I'll be giving her a recolor!


Originally posted by 10xkaioken

It's like you're doing a quick teleport Kamehameha

well sh*t now I need to main Sett


Originally posted by PrivateVasili

Overall good changes, but I don't really see the point of adding trails to Nautilus' autos when his shield isn't active. Just sort of feels like unnecessary vfx.

Sadly it's either trails or no trails, Nautilus is very old and I don't really have a way to add trails only when his shield is up, at least not without refactoring a bunch of his old stuff, which would be outside of the scope of this update. :c


Originally posted by Mikauren

Yeah, it's funny how someone can really love something like yellow, green or orange but I personally don't like any of those colours. I usually go for blue or purple alt costumes if available.

Now I'll agree that yellow doesn't always work in every shade and with every color combination but like the TD yellow Yasuo skin is 100% perfection in my eyes for instance


Originally posted by Mikauren

Why yellow? I don't get the appeal of that colour

Funny how our tastes work?

I just really like it idk! It's vibrant and weird and I just think it's a great color. I always go for yellow alt costumes for every character in every game I play


Originally posted by Javonetor

Only problem i saw is the hextech q vfx feels a little longer, idk what it is, but looks weird

I haven't touched Hextech's Q though.


Originally posted by carlsjos

Annie in Wonderland just shot up my skins to use list, those effects are awesome!

Super happy to read that!


Originally posted by shmellit

I like how naut Q doesn't spin anymore to add clarity to the actual size of the skillshot

Yup, we believe the spin was a big factor in feeling like complete BS, so now it goes in a straight line without spinning. Should feel more accurate, hopefully!


Originally posted by MuchPretzel

No I agree. He should do some combination of "strike, parry, dash." Except his W is not a parry. It is a shield. A parry would mean that it's a some kind of well timed counter, not an ultimate blocking wall that eventually gets a lane wide and lasts for 4 seconds no matter the rank. I feel like his 0.5 second cooldown targeted dash should be enough to deal with projectiles if you want him to be super high skill ceiling. TBH, I think his W should work more like Irelia's W where it's an actual parry but at this point the windwall is too iconic.

I also agree with your thoughts on his passive. The free stats and shield is such a weird combo that I feel like CertainT just forgot to make a passive until the last minute. The double crit rate frankly would be enough, just give him some better base health.

Maybe Fiora's riposte is a closer comparison than Irelia's W, which is another variation on the theme of parrying.

That being said I personally feel going with the Windwall as the "wind magic" interpretation of that idea was a good call that is also distinctly different from Irelia or Fiora. I don't feel that fundamentally changing that identity is necessarily the correct way forward, however I am super open to some ways to adjust it to feel more fair (shorter duration and shorter CD? Destructible? Has a cost like 50% flow? Having a start-up animation delay would severly hurt how the move is used but maybe something like a cost could at least be a fair warning?)


Originally posted by MuchPretzel

Yeah. I feel like Yasuo has a lot of weirdly defensive parts in his kit, namely his passive and W. It's like Tryndamere where their kit isn't super congruent with their intended design.

I don't agree entirely with that, my understanding is that Yasuo was designed with this idea of "strike, parry, dash" playstyle in mind and given low base HP to compensate. His passive shield ends up somewhat being a balancing mechanism to keep him from getting totally rekt in certain match-ups and be able to deal with trades in lane, but I still feel it could be a bit more interesting than "walk around til it charges up" (I do enjoy it on his ult tho?)

Same with his Windwall, just needs some way to deal with trade / poke since he doesn't have healing or survivability (outside the mostly random-feeling passive) built into his kit.

Still like I said I'd be super open to trying out some changes to make it feel less frustrating to deal with.


Originally posted by MuchPretzel

Hey, since you're a Yasuo main. How would you feel about Yasuo's windwall becoming more like Braums? I always find it weird that the shielding champion has a weaker shield mechanic then the 1v9 samurai. I know it has a 26 second cooldown for most of the game, but Yasuo has so many mechanics that can decide when fights start that I still feel like it maybe is too rewarding.

In all honesty I would be 100% open to seeing it maybe have like a healthbar & be destructible or something, or maybe do reduced damage like Braum's ult but it's hard to say how well that would actually work in practice.

His passive is also something that if they reworked it down the line i'd be very open to because IMO it's just not that interesting

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Originally posted by Concal1

Cant wait for my Flyquest episode

That’s actually tomorrow :o

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Originally posted by Scrub4LIfe734

I really agree with a lot of what is said about the new C9 roster. C9 clearly wanted a roster built around early game, and Blaber and Vulcan are great prices for that. Blaber is very aggressive and Vulcan has a good champion pool for skirmish heavy teams (Leona, pyke, naut).

I am worried about what games look like when they don't get ahead early. Or even if they do get ahead early, who is gonna shotcall the mid and late game? As far as I know Sven, Zeyzal, and Sneaky were pretty big voices for mid and late game decision making, so now that they lost all 3 of them, I think they will struggle in that department.

From an interview that came out today with Licorice and ESPN, it sounds like C9 is still working out how their team operates without sneaky, but that Licorice and Blaber are doing a lot of the early game calls. Also mentioned that they had a lot of practice during their Korean boot camp so ‘hopefully’ that makes the start of the season smoother.

Thanks for listening :o

Episodes 3 4 and 5 will be out on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday


Originally posted by Koalmar

It's too late for you but you can still help others.



I'm sorry I couldn't control it


Originally posted by stopfeedingplz

Wait i thought every1 had this. Am i part of a small minority? Why me though?

Yes, only a small proportion of players from selected regions got this new store.

You got it because you were randomly chosen.


I wanted to disagree, but I main Yasuo and yellow is legitimately my favorite color. Uh oh.