New World

New World Dev Tracker

10 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are creating a weekly thread in order to track feedback that popped up due to the most recent update Weekly 1.3.2 Update.

You can find resources on how to leave good feedback in the ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations Aventuriers,

Nous effectuerons une maintenance de New World à 2022-02-10T07:00:00Z. La durée prévue est d’environ 2hrs.

Pour plus d’informations sur la mise à jour: MàJ New World 1.3.2 - Actualités | New World

Merci pour votre patience et votre compréhension !

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações, aventureiros.

Estaremos mantendo o tempo de inatividade em 2022-02-10T07:00:00Z para a atualização [1.3.2]. O tempo de inatividade é estimado em 2 horas (~ 120 minutos).

Vocês poderão encontrar as informações deste novo patch aqui: Atualização do New World 1.3.2 - Novidades | New World

Obrigado pela paciência e compreensão!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer!

Wir werden heute um 2022-02-10T07:00:00Z Wartungsarbeiten durchführen, um einen neuen Patch aufzuspielen. Die geschätzte Ausfallzeit beträgt ca. 2 Stunden.

Alle Informationen zum Patch findet ihr im Blog: New World Update 1.3.2 - Neuigkeiten | New World

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime 2022-02-10T07:00:00Z in your local timezone for the 1.3.2 Update. Downtime is slated to last approximately 2 hours (~120 minutes).

Please find the release notes here: New World Update 1.3.2 - News | New World

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações Aventureiros,

Estaremos fazendo a fusão de mundos na América do Sul.

Por favor, leiam a informação para a sua região para saber quando estas janelas de manutenção irão ocorrer.

Nota: Temos mais fusões de mundo a caminho! Fiquem de olho na seção Notícias Oficiais do fórum para atualizações!

Os mundos a seguir serão fundidos em 2022-02-10T22:00:00Z no seu horário local.

A janela de manutenção para as fusões está estipulada para durar 2 horas (120 minutos).

  • Ekur e Lanka serão fundidos ao Devaloka.
  • Albur, Kitezh e Atlantis serão fundidos ao Irkalla.
  • Anu e Modun serão fundidos ao Apsu.

Como um lembrete, tão logo a mensagem seja publicada dentro do jogo, jogadores nesses mundos não serão capazes de transferir para outros servidores, nem jogadores serão capazes de transferir para um servidor marca...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be merging worlds within South America.

Please read the information for your region to know when these downtimes are happening.

Note: We have more world merges on the way! Keep an eye out on the Official News section of the forums for updates!

The following worlds will be merged on 2021-02-10T22:00:00Z in your local timezone.

The downtime for the merge is slated for 2 hours (~120 minutes).

  • Ekur and Lanka will be merging into Devaloka.
  • Albur, Kitezh, and Atlantis will be merging into Irkalla.
  • Anu and Modun will be merging into Apsu.

As a reminder, once in game messaging is posted, players in these worlds w...

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09 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I know this was from two days ago but just to follow up:

Thank you for reaching out regarding missing taxes for your settlement.

All players got a free week of taxes after the most recent update went live. When we upgraded the housing data during that update, it was a lot simpler to reset the tax timers.

This extension was free and did not deduct money from players.

At this time, we are working on a make-good for companies who owned the territory during this time that were not awarded taxes during this extension.

During the next tax payment period, you will see tax behaviour go back to its original behaviour (taxes will be given to whoever owns the territory at the time) and will continue to proceed as normal.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, thank you for reaching out regarding missing taxes for your settlement.

All players got a free week of taxes after the most recent update went live. When we upgraded the housing data during that update, it was a lot simpler to reset the tax timers.

This extension was free and did not deduct money from players.

At this time, we are working on a make-good for companies who owned the territory during this time that were not awarded taxes during this extension. We will make an announcement and I will update you here once that goes out.

During the next tax payment period, you will see tax behaviour go back to its original behaviour (taxes will be given to whoever owns the territory at the time) and will continue to proceed as normal.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is a weird bug. I haven’t seen any other forum posts about this that I can remember off the top of my head so I’ll send this over to the team!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

At 2022-02-08T20:45:00Z, we disabled the Corrupted Love Pack skins and the new Angels and Demons skins in the store to investigate a bug where the skins were causing a server crash. We are currently investigating the issue and are working on a fix. Players who purchased these skins before they were removed should be able to still use them. Once a fix is implemented, you will be able to purchase the skins again.

These are the items removed from the store:

  • Cupid’s Bow
  • Glowing Admiration
  • Love’s Cool Embrace
  • Piercing Beauty
  • Heartpiercer
  • Crush
  • Hallelujah Cannon
  • Angelic Bulwark
  • Spark of Light
  • Moloch’s Fall
  • Labor of Love
  • Knight oF Devotion
  • Fool for Love
  • Waveborne

We will update this thread once we have more information. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We hear you! We have some upcoming plans for server merges as mentioned here: [Notice/Downtime] Server Merge: Ramaja and Avalon - Central EU

Once we’re ready to announce the next world merges, you’ll find the announcement in the Official News section! Worried you’ll miss the notification? You can actually subscribe to the channel to stay updated.

08 Feb

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Trying to report the bug for five days to who exactly? You can DM the Community Managers or me with repro steps.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Avalon is back up. Thank you for your patience and see you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are running a bit behind right now but should be up soon! I will keep you updated here.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the suggestion, we are discussing this along with other options for salvaging legendaries :vulcan_salute: