New World

New World Dev Tracker

26 Oct


Gold selling is certainly frustrating and is one of the things that is constantly on our Game Moderation team’s mind. They are fielding tons of reports on the situation every day.

While the situation is complex (more so than I actually understand) there is no call for sniping at other community members.

Be cool, stay civil, remain constructive.


We certainly hear the want and totally understand how annoying bugs, both big and small, can be.

Unfortunately not all bugs are created equal and some require server downtime to address. While chasing and fixing bugs is certainly one of our top priorities, we can’t constantly be restarting servers to deploy patches. As such, we try to only have one to two downtimes a week rather than updates with new fixes every day.

I know it is hard to wait, but we are certainly hustling to make the game a better experience. Hang tight and stay tuned!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there! The team discovered a persistence issue that is preventing us from releasing character transfers. It’s a top priority that the team is working to resolve!

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of the critical exploits and issues with War, addressing them is a top priority for our team. We have fixes for these issues and we are finalizing testing. Once ready they will be shipped, my understanding is if they aren’t ready for the weekly patch we will ship them as soon as they are ready. We understand the impact and urgency to fix these problems. Thanks for your patience as we work to solve these problems.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback!

I hear you, level 60 is a huge achievement and I completely understand that unlocking end-game content like Outpost Rush and War should be huge highlights. I, like you, am disappointed that Outpost Rush is currently disabled and War currently has some key issues the team is working to address, leading to an unsatisfying end game experience.

Right now, the team is working on addressing critical bugs that are preventing us from re-enabling Outpost Rush and issues, like the invincibility exploit, that are causing frustration in Wars.

Once we have addressed all outstanding critical issues we can begin to look forward toward a roadmap of new features and content, launch is just the beginning for New World and we want to hear your feedback and suggestions for future end game features.


As with all live games, weapons are not set in stone. There will be tuning and balance passes made as the game evolves. These things don’t happen overnight but they are on the dev’s mind.

Definitely keep an eye on upcoming patches and updates where we will detail any balance changes that may come!

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I totally understand that looking for NW Team responses in threads is not how most folks expect to find updates. While we have been active in the forums, we aren’t yet doing a good job of providing meaty updates in Dev Blogs and the News section. We are working to improve in that area, thanks for the feedback.
You can see similar discussions here:

Read more


It is easy to be frustrated when you are playing a thing and it doesn’t meet your expectations. It’s also easy to have an “us vs. them” mentality when it comes to people who are enjoying the thing that you are frustrated with.

It is ok for people to have fun just as much as it is ok for others to be frustrated. It is not ok for those individuals to actively attack each other. Everyone in this community wants New World to be fun.

We are all pulling in the same direction. We all want the game to be fun. Let’s keep the community constructive and civil while our team works to continually improve the New World experience.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, I just wanted to chime in to re-enforce that we hear your feedback and appreciate everyone wanting to hear more about New World and the team’s plans for the game whether it be through fixing bugs or providing new content in the future or general status updates. As Mugsy’s linked post above says, we’ve been busy addressing many of the critical issues the community’s experiencing but that doesn’t mean that we stop communicating on other fronts. In the future, we want to implement some other forms of communication like a bug tracker, for instance, so everyone can stay updated on our top priorities.

Again, we really appreciate hearing everyone’s feedback; we’ll work to improve our communications across the board.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Roadmaps are tricky, for sure. Game development is a fluid environment and sharing plans and goals can be seen as promises. Some folks react very strongly to change, even if you tell them to expect it.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are currently reviewing that mini map mod and I believe Overwolf probably jumped the gun on communicating an outcome publicly. It is likely they realized it was premature to announce an outcome and removed it.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are working toward a weekly patch, once we have a confirmed release window we’ll post an announcement.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Resolving this persistence issue and re-enabling server transfers is a top priority for the team.
We want to make this available again as soon as possible. We will share updates when we have reliable timing for when this can be released.
Thank you everyone for your patience.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The server transfer is also a top priority for us, we are working to get the persistence issue resolved and reactivate transfers as soon as possible. Hopefully it is a matter of days, not weeks, before they are made available again.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The bugs with War, specifically the Ice Gauntlet lag and invulnerability exploits are a top priority for the team, we have fixes for them and are finishing testing.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Haha, I think you are wise to call out that we have to frame expectations.
I think being predictable and consistent in how and where we communicate will prevent folks from expecting me to be aware of an involved in all threads.
I am working with Trevzor and Lux on establishing communication mechanisms that work at scale and can be regular ways to stay updated.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the kind words! Very appreciated.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is absolutely the worst faith read on my comment. I was obviously saying I am staff and do not use the forums as a player. The trolling is too much.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think mainly I want folks to hear that I am also not satisfied and agree communication needs to improve and I’ll be working hard with the team to make improvements this week.