Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Originally posted by Serious_Day4842

With what I just said explained. Jagex has locked an account for no reason. With no proof of any real suspicious activity. Essentially taking an account and all of its progress from someone who has spent immense hours into the creation and building of the account. I am left with two options. One. Quit the game because of what I can only see as poor management of strange (to say the least) circumstances. Or actually break the rules and just purchase an account so I don’t have to go through the troubles of putting thousands of hours into a fresh account when my account was essentially stolen from me by the creators of the game. I’m going to go ahead and quit and charge back my membership (since I don’t get to play because of something jagex did I see this as completely justifiable) because I don’t want to waste real life money and give jagex the benefit of my monthly membership. But I did want to express that in situations like this jagex is pushing people to, if not out right promot...

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Hey u/Serious_Day4842

Sorry about the delay in response here, I've been off the last couple of days. You will have received that message because the information provided in your ticket wasn't enough to find the correct account (this can be caused by something as simple as a typo or misremembering of login info).

Could you let me know your RSN so I can look into this for you?


Just to cut into the speculation here: We did try this. Had it working in game. But it was less fun than the version without moving terrain. And whilst it does sound cool, and is an idea I'd like to revisit for future, our goal for the Colosseum was to make a difficult, fun piece of content. We tried this, it wasn't making it more fun, so we cut it!

I did worry that we'd already mentioned them on stream but we can't let our old ideas hold the game's fun hostage. Fun comes first!

21 Mar


Originally posted by DoranWard


Can we get a response on this? Seems like the community is pretty staunchly against such a ridiculous clue step.

Honestly I picked the salute to be a later glory reward since I thought it was safe enough as I didn't want gate anything important behind the final glory unlock like that.

I did not realise it was a master clue step, my bad, we'll be discussing what's the best way of fixing this tomorrow.


Originally posted by RespectfullyYoked

Just curious, why wasn't it in the update post? Just a miss? A special surprise inside?

a special surprise just for you x


Originally posted by mdshield

I‘m not sure if it is intended that way but the spots in your inventory still count as „used“ when withdrawing (only „tested“ at vorkath). Lets say i have a full inventory, when withdrawing it will equip all the worn gear but it will leave the inventory spots empty for however many worn items and leave the rest of what was in the inventory inside the storage.

yea we dont have a very good way to do it so it just tries to auto-equip things after they enter your inventory, rather than being able to equip them from the gravestone directly.


Originally posted by GregBuckingham

How long has this feature been here? Anyone know?

a bit over 24 hours

20 Mar


I think somebody else on the team might have reached out but just in case, you should have received a message upon login telling you to chat with Eyatlalli in the rewards room, and you'll be able to get your Scythe back!


Originally posted by dannithew

Can we confirm if the max cape versions of the quiver were added to the PoH cape rack?

Yes, though you cannot have ammo stored inside


This should be fixed, we released a hotfix around an hour ago. :)


Originally posted by qweqwezxc

So I've completed 7 rumors, but still can't receive the basic quetzal whistle. I've gone through all the dialog options for the rumor hunters, the soar leader (says I need to get closer to the guild), and the guild master, but still no basic whistle. I wonder if it's because I got a blueprint for the enhanced version from the G.E. before completing 5 rumors

Heya! Just to clear up any other info we may have shared previously, you'll get the Basic Whistle Blueprint from Pitri after 10 Rumours.


Originally posted by OreoTriangle

I have a divine rune pouch filled with lava, nature, and mist runes in my bank

hmmm thanks will look into it


Originally posted by hefen

Is there a reason tier 3 rumours (expert) are giving tier 2 loot sacks? is this right?

I'll share this from another thread:

This is all correct, but for some clarity for you all:

  • 4 Tiers of Rumours - Basic, Adept, Expert & Master
  • 4 Tiers of Reward Sacks - Basic, Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3

They should coralate with each other i.e Expert Rumours should give Tier 2 Reward Sacks.


Originally posted by OreoTriangle

That's so weird. I teleported to Varrock as well and it only used my law rune

do either of you have a rune pouch full of air runes or something in the bank


Originally posted by w-holder

aren't perilous moons and nepotzli dungeon the same thing or am i stupid

Perilous Moons is the quest that unlocks Nepotzli, but I think people will probably call the dungeon as a whole 'Perilous Moons' just because that's what we've been calling it the whole time


The majority of Varlamore is super approachable, but under no circumstances would we ever consider pushing deep into Colosseum waves something achievable by 'mid level players', Colosseum has hands and that's fine because there's loads of other stuff in the release to enjoy, including Perilous Moons and the Nepotzli dungeon!


This is all correct, but for some clarity for you all:

  • 4 Tiers of Rumours - Basic, Adept, Expert & Master
  • 4 Tiers of Reward Sacks - Basic, Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3

They should coralate with each other i.e Expert Rumours should give Tier 2 Reward Sacks.


Originally posted by mxracer888

Haven't logged in to see, but I feel like Varlamore would be a good opportunity for an extension to achievement diaries. Has that been given any consideration?

I imagine we'll look at that once we've released the rest of Varlamore.


Originally posted by nametaglost

What are the odds we get more birdhouses in the hunters guild?

I would say very low as we wanted to give alternatives to Birdhouses, not further encouragement.