Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Mar


Originally posted by Voidot

What happened to the skilling prayers that we voted for?

The survey we put out was just used to help us decide on the direction we should go in so it was never set in stone there would be Skiling Prayers. This doesn't mean we won't in the future but this is just our first pitch with these new Alignments.


Originally posted by LieV2

I feel like these were not as creative as the ones originally offered? They all seem more boring.

What do you think is the key difference between the ones we've pitched and the OG idea?


Originally posted by Kvicksilver

As long as there are prayers affecting allies I will vote no.

Why is that? I'm genuinely curious.


Originally posted by Alakasham

If they're all going to be combat orientated, it'll be a hard no from me regardless. I can understand some alignments will be purely offensive, e.g. Zamorak/Zaros/Bandos. But in the example you gave for Guthix, surely that'd be the alignment to focus on more skilling based alignments?

What would you like to see from Skilling? I dunno if you had any thoughts on specifics or moreso just a general opinion?


Originally posted by ipeeperiperi

I like it but it seems scary at the same time.

Thanks! I think it would be naive not to be a little bit scared, but hopefully these early conversations can provide enough feedback and discussions to make them the best they can be!


Originally posted by miauw62

I feel like the Seren prayers should ideally be unlocked by a short additional quest. The area around Gwenith is not utilized at all right now, and there's even an unused shrine just east of it, which feels like it would be perfect. Nothing too involved, just a short and sweet miniquest to give some lore.

Out of interest, is this for all of them or just a couple?

09 Mar


Hey u/Arcaluck,

Unfortunately, the advice you've received from others is correct, with a Jagex account, there is no manual way to recover it.

In order to have had your email account changed, hijackers would have had to have been able to log in by entering the Jagex account email and password, and authenticating their login via the e-mail.

This suggests to me that your e-mail address itself is compromised, so I would highly suggest ...

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Hey u/tasius

Sorry to hear this has happened - hopefully we can get your account properly secured for you now you're back on the account.

Without access to your account, I can't say for sure how the hijackers gained access, but if a hijacker has accessed your account, then the hijack could only be for one of the following reasons:

  • They have significant information about your account which allowed them to recover it and register their own email - upgrading to a Jagex Account will remove the ability to recover your account through the legacy recovery system
  • They have access to your email
  • You've unwillingly provided your login info + authenticator TOTP (phishing/keylogging by the hijacker)
  • You've willingly provided your login info to someone
  • Yo...
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Hey u/Be-Nice-To-Redditors,

I can't guarantee that we'll be able to help, but can you please submit a ticket here for us to take a look at?


Mod Melora

08 Mar


Assuming that I managed to locate the correct account, it looks like the account was banned for macroing at Vyres.

I'm not available to really check further, so whether that's due to the account being hijacked, sold or account shared with someone who macro'd I wouldn't know.

I definitely would have been updating my account security the minute I'd seen I was banned though. First thought should always be to secure your account.

06 Mar


Thanks for raising this to us.

Nothing has changed in regards to your data or rights. The update today introduced a new footer (allowing residents of certain US states to opt-out of the sharing of their data with our marketing partners) and link to our Privacy Policy which is a requirement for compliance with the California Privacy Rights Act, which we need to operate within the USA.

Similar rights exist under the General Data Protection Regulation and/or E-privacy laws and have always been a part of our existing Privacy Policy. Previously though, there was no requirement to explicitly link the opt-out on our title screen – this has now changed.

Jagex does not sell personal information in the way that is comm...

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Originally posted by LovehunterEU

Karambwan fishing spots are despawning after update.

spaghetti code

((give it like 30 minutes and they'll be back))


Originally posted by NoCurrencies

That was fast

plot twist OP is me on my alt account


omg the players are so cool especially reddit ones


Originally posted by Chriskies

MAKE sure that the zap does the same damage as HMT too ! it only does 14 damage in HMT solos.

That's in there too dw!


Originally posted by Noksdoks

Collection log highscores when? (Or ever?)

Would this make players feel forced to do the Clog? I asked the devs and they were concerned that adding a HiScore would incentivise this activity in a competitive way. Mixed feelings, it's a collection log not a completion log. Idea is liked in concept but just worried about the outcome - do you know if the community feels the same way?


Originally posted by Anxious-Resolution63

Verzik Ph2 1 red crab when ur alone QOL PLS

Expect this to release sometime after Varlamore release. It will happen but with Varlamore releasing on March 20th that will take priority.


Originally posted by Molly_Hlervu

Thank you for the clue changes, both are good. An hour seems kinda overpower, but on the other hand - clue juggling isnt a terrible cheating anyway :). Now I can try it too, one day.

Will the clue warning work for impling jars, if you have a clue banked? Previously there was a nice warning when opening jars with a clue in inventory - but it didnt work when the clue was banked (you just opened as many jars as you wanted without any questions). Would be nice if now we have at least this sort of warning, at the price of one chance lost.

Yes, impling jars will let you know as well! (if your clue is banked)