Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

04 Nov


Originally posted by Tranquil_Pure

So it's ok to attack other people's monsters so they can't get drops? Knowing the issues that have happened with previous tournaments (people making accounts to pk others just to let their main have spots in wildy in King of the Skill, clans locking down areas to prevent people from necessary progress such as locking down shilo village quest I'm DMM) I wouldn't be surprised if people made accounts just to tag and grief others.

We've already seen players hopping at bosses and popular training spots just to crash ironman players, it only takes one damage to invalidate all the damage the other person made, not a huge time commitment to get a free world.

As I've said, I dont believe this is an issue because then both players miss out and there aren't huge IRL prizes on the line like DMM. Especially because a most damage system makes boosting accounts so much easier which I'd say is a bigger problem.

We'll keep an eye on the problem and try to control it as best as we can with more worlds if need be or banning those intentionally grieving or harassing where video evidence is given.


Originally posted by Pinuzzo

I can imagine every multicombat zone becoming a giant griefing fest

I really dont see that it will be. You forget that everyone is an Ironman so if they "crash" they're also ruining it for themselves. Also as I said, no cannons and no ancients makes it less of an issue. Perhaps for streamers but that's a special case which doesn't affect the majority and even then its caught on video.

We are aware of the potential though and we hope to control it by the number of worlds we make available. However, part of the strategy for leagues is identifying which tasks will be heavily populated and considering I'd that affects the points per hour for those activities.


Hey, I've seen this come up a few times and tried my best to answer where I can.

I don't believe this is actually going to be an issue because there are no aoe methods in Zeah outside of Grey chins which are far less sustainable than if Ancients were available which just requires runes.

For shamans in particular, there are 3 places to kill them and only one is multi-combat AND there are no cannons so it won't be an issue.

We are not making any changes to the way that players will receive drops. If someone damages it you won't get the loot. Although, we are aware of the worlds problem and will do our best to make sure that there are enough worlds that you can hop to another one if someone is crashing you.


You weren't banned for using Runelite. You were banned for using mouse recording software to automate your gameplay for many hours across numerous game sessions. You also had a temporary Macroing offence in 2018, hence the permanent ban.


Thanks, I hate it.


Originally posted by andrew_calcs

Could you also update it for this one please? It happened over a year ago, Sept 17 2018.


Verified and done :). Added a few others as well. Thanks!


I see your Zuk, and raise you mine


Congratulations! I've updated the HCIM firsts page :)


Originally posted by rs_obsidian

u/JagexAcorn would you mind updating the HCIM firsts list please?

Done :)

03 Nov

02 Nov

01 Nov


Originally posted by wallymcdolly

Any idea what "Macroing Major (OSHC)" stands for? The bit I'm confused about is OSHC, no one seems to know what it stands for.

It's an internal code that holds no relevance externally. It doesn't mean any particular cheat or anything.


Originally posted by unknowncommand

Yeah I had no idea it was such a low amount of people, I don't feel as bad for only have fc now

e - apparently 1.2k is the amount of capes removed from accounts, I'll go back to feel shitty about my fc

Your firecape is nice :)

31 Oct


Originally posted by CertifiedOrganicCoal

Thanks! I almost exclusively do slayer on mobile so this is awesome!

Do you guys have any plan to change right-click dependent skills on mobile like construction or blackjacking? That's the only other thing that I've had trouble with on my phone.

I am happy to bring the discussion forward to the development teams but no promises. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Qverload

slight tweaks (love the changes on the small BH interace btw looks tidier less messy) -Have the NPC that sells emblems etc Yell like the town crier where the CURRENT hotspot is or tell you if you ask him.

-the crates need something currently theres no excitement I could easily spam click 20 and deposit the loot into my bank without even looking at what I got seeing as theres no 'wow'.

Idea for crate items - enchanted robes recoloured (blue/yellow/red/green) (both a practical item and a cool item.

  • Potential untradeable item/cosmetics?

  • Rogue Ring - maybe a ring which collect charges for kills, the stats increase slightly with each kill (up to 5) and only works in PVP areas this could be an untradeable rare item and never be lost on death, but could need an emblem to charge it which would always be dropped on death. ( currently the meta is to use a recoil/ring of life or no ring unless you want to risk 3m in a ring slot) this would enco...

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Sweet - thanks for this feedback. I'll make a note of the reward ideas!