Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

17 Jun


Originally posted by 33_pyro

slug boss when

Honestly would love to see a continuation of the Temple Knights' storyline that culminates in something cool like this


Originally posted by Phantomonium

Tanking venom until it hits 20 just so you can have a small damagea/accuracy boost sounds like it will never be worth it. Even if Arraxor has a mechanic that quickly stacks venom you would still just anti-venom making the special useless.

Think this is totally fine, it's mostly there as a thematic 'nice to have' spec but the weapon's not intended to be used as a Spec weapon and by the time you're realistically unlocking this then you'll likely have better options for SpecDPS (or maybe even def reduction)!


Originally posted by Leading_Math_4955

I get the idea but surely its just a case of having the mobs that also count to the tasks be the option for people who dont want to take on the boss? similar to hydras or hellhounds?

That's also the case here too - a handful of 2x2 Araxytes in multi if you get a task but don't fancy doing the boss itself, but I don't feel like the approach taken here has to be mutually exclusive with an alternative (might make for a neat Vbow task or barrage task if you're using alts to dance/stack)

14 Jun

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Read the post to find out the latest on what's happening with RuneFest.

13 Jun


wish i made it mandatory to pick up the flier/potion/rotten tomato if you really failed badly tbh


Originally posted by Potential-Maybe-6570


Because It is to test how the mobile only UI works on mobile and players thoughts on that. Having it enabled on Desktop doesn't serve any purpose.


Originally posted by Potential-Maybe-6570


It's a Mobile UI Beta.

12 Jun


Fix coming :)


Originally posted by kajiggers123

This is super exciting, Are there any plans for an extended logout timer or even just an idle notification?

Had a discussion today about idle notifiers, it's on the list of things to do! It's not an immediate priority, but we know it's high value


Originally posted by undeadlegi0n

@Jagex_Gecko Do you know if the new UI will also have a black border or variable edge line to reduce fat hand syndrome when doing skilling?

Is Entity Interactions and NPC equivalent to menu entry swap?

Side question. Does the Beta version also have a increased player + NPC limit? I notice when I'm "afking" ardy knights that sometimes I can't see him but I can interact with him because there are so many people at the spot.

I see your failed tag and I raise you an answer. The setting you are looking for is called deadzone adjuster. We have made some tweaks to this to try and make it available on more devices than before. Please have a search for that in the settings menu and see if that helps at all. The variable line edge, I'm less sure on what you'd want here so feel free to explain a little bit. (My assumption is that you want a slightly bigger hitbox)

Is Entity Interactions and NPC equivalent to menu entry swap?
No, Menu Entry Swapper is on the list and on the way.

Does the Beta version also have a increased player + NPC limit?
Also no.

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We have a handful of fixes and updates for you this week!

11 Jun


Originally posted by mojo7125

Any chance a feature could be made to edit ground items overlay to a tile, kind of like tap to drop, so I can edit drops I don’t want to see on the fly while in combat. It’s kind of annoying to get away from combat, toggle it on, hide or highlight the item, and go back into settings to toggle it off before going back to what I was doing.

This is a hotkey coming with this beta - I think it is going to achieve what you're looking for from what you've described. I could be misinterpreting but give it a go and leave feedback if not


Originally posted by trueSEVERY

You are severely underestimating the demand for Portrait mode I feel, and I highly encourage including a question dedicated to this in the survey so that you can gauge just how many people would use this.

To clarify explicitly, I'm not saying we'll never come to it. But it is a very large project to officially support Portait mode across the entire game and we feel like there are higher value, more widely wanted features to prioritise.

We're aware that there is some desire for it but, ultimately, the only way we'd get that info is by surveying/polling. I imagine that is something we would do if we decide to move towards consistent Mobile QoL work in the future to help us understand what to prioritise


Originally posted by Cool_of_a_Took

Good stuff! Tile markers on mobile is huge. Menu entry swapper would definitely be next on my list.

Is quest helper something we might see on mobile one day, or is the team against that?

I don't know if we'd ever do an official quest helper, but with out Plugin API in the works, there's nothing to say someone else won't make one there. As for Menu Entry, it's coming.


Originally posted by mrflyinghigh

Will any exp, loot acquired in any beta, transition to main game after beta?

No, just treat the Beta as an open playground to test the features.


Originally posted by verticalboxinghorse

Awesome stuff! I remember there being talks about an HD update into mobile. Is this still in the works?

Can't talk much about HD but yes, the HD will also come to Mobile. They'll be more to talk about in the coming months.


Originally posted by Rjm0007

Tile markers?

Hotkey option! Once you activate that hotkey, you'll be able to mark away


Originally posted by MarkToast

About a week ago the agility helper on mobile stopped working. Can this be looked into?

Fix is being worked on, unsure on eta as it requires a new mobile client