Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

09 Apr


I won't go into detail about the Varlamore group boss but talk more generally...

Ultimately the issue is popularity of the content really, if there's only one per world you are either forced to group with people you may not want to group with or hop for potentially a long time to find a suitable world.

Some bosses can absolutely be designed to be 'group' content the way Wintertodt is, just turn up join in and get loot. That however is not going to let us do more hardened specific mechanics that may require the boss to be solo or fought in a specific team size. So do we then just have to let players sit and wait and hope they get in first?

The solutions we've tried are:

  • Many bosses but still on base map, like there are 3 Cerberus, there are 4 Sires. It just feels... very weird. It certainly doesn't make sense when it is supposed to be narratively one entity too.
  • Instancing is the other obvious solution which handwaves over narrative iss...
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Originally posted by Bigmethod

I'm kind of wondering why anyone would be against making a new method of training herblore for Ironmen when the current method is exp lamps and vague bankstanding. Can we agree that not everything in OSRS is good just because it's old?

Current herblore: High inputs/insane resources for high exp rates.

Proposed method: Mid inputs/low resources for mid/low exp rates.

This is relatively balanced -- give an option that averages 30-60k an hour based on player engagement and offer some decent rewards ala Guardians of the Rift that make the skill more palatable.

Reality: Herblore is a shit skill, and while I'm not advocating it to be balanced around Ironmen, it's especially dogshit for Ironmen.

The loop for ironmen is honestly really awesome. It feels so satisfying getting all these different resources from across the game in a variety of ways then being able to slowly level your herblore skill.

It's also incredibly rewarding as the potions are genuinely meaningful unlocks.

For mains it absolutely sucks, the whole skill boils down to go to GE, buy resources, Convert resources into potions, sell and repeat. It never changes except which resources.

It's pretty poor. It's fine, it's a simple buyable and not the only skill that operates in that kind of way.

Ultimately thus our question is how do we improve the skill without losing what it does that we consider awesome for ironmen but still add more meaning to it especially for mains - which are most of our players!


Originally posted by Joe___Mama-

Will the new boss be a resurrected. Cuthbert, Lord of Dread.

I don't think any of you are ready for Cuthbert to return.


Originally posted by nualt42

When it comes to unpolled surprise quests my answer is; not just varlamore updates. Everywhere you want.

If it’s not introducing new metas or making considerable changes to current skilling or combat methods, new items that might create drastic changes etc, then don’t even need to poll new quests in my opinion. Just drop them in.

Also is there any plans for what to do with leftover bird feed from rumours once we have all landing spots built?

I think for my personal take, Varlamore is a good place to try this out and see if you all like that approach. My biggest thing is too make sure we're polling any crucial elements of these surprise quests to make sure we're not going against the core ethos of this wonderful game.


Originally posted by mattbrvc

Lotta vagueness in this blogpost, keeping your cards close to your chest is fine for me. seeing as I enjoyed the majority of varlamore part1 I’m not too worried.

Herblore method balancing is going to be hard for iron progression ya? if it requires no input of your own resources w/ low intensity it will pretty much become the meta.

Earlymidgame group boss has me excited.

Yeah, we want to make sure that we get your ideas in just before we talk more about the content, but that will come very very soon!


Originally posted by Jaguaism

I appreciate the update, but is this really all the detail you can provide at this time? The entire newspost is basically we have some quests, a herblore activity and a group boss planned. Maybe some small teasers (images perhaps) for what that kind of content could look like? Just my two cents.

More of the content will come very soon, but we want to make sure we can give you everything from each of these pieces of content - hence why we want to get your reward ideas first.


Originally posted by CyberHudzo

Herblore activity reward idea:

Eternal amulet of chemistry, or if thats too powerful, an amulet that could combine the charges of different amulets of chemistry.

Use the new 'Varla-MORE' flair to get this idea tagged properly :)


Originally posted by DPH996

Said a lot without saying a lot. New group boss, new herblore activity, no real detail around either. I’d have probably waited until you’ve got more to share honestly

We will have more to say about both pieces of content very soon, this post is mostly to gather your thoughts around the Reward Space.

    on News - Thread - Direct
It’s time to see what’s next for Varlamore!

07 Apr


Originally posted by NonbeliefAU

Thank you!

I don't suppose there's any data on the current driest iron? I'd very much like to know what KC I need for that god-awful mantel.

I couldn't say personally, I work in content development and not data and analytics.

I know others have had worse dry streaks in general, you're currently just below 8x, I've personally had an 11x (trident), I've seen as high as 13x.

The grind really matters though, 5x on an Ely is worse than 10x on a whip for example. Enhanced seed is definitely up there for a bad one to go unlucky on though!


That's disgusting, good luck with getting it soon, it'll all be worth it

06 Apr


We are likely to change the pouch to be empty able in the Hunter guild and thus can be used for recharging whistles :)

05 Apr


Honestly, I admit this was really bad wording on my part, and I can only apologise for that. As a lot of comments pointed out, Kieren did a much better job summing this up in yesterday's stream than I did within this post.

What I was trying to get across was that we made a mistake and I wanted to showcase how we're trying to be better - none of that is on you as players and I'm genuinely sorry if that's how it came across.

As always I really do appreciate your feedback, especially when it's something that doesn't sit right with you all, regarding either content or communication.

04 Apr

    on News - Thread - Direct
Those much-anticipated drop rates for Perilous Moons and the Colosseum are here! Along with more Varlamore tweaks and a peek at next week's update.

03 Apr


Hey u/Substantial_Way_7161

Could you please submit a ticket here so we can look into this for you?

Sometimes a recurring charge continues on a card but cannot be searched via the search tool you used because it's actually being paid through a third party payment provider (like PayPal) and our systems view them differently.

We'll be able to investigate further for you if you submit a ticket and can possibly refund any paid but unplayed amounts.

- Jagex Support


Hey u/broawaay

Could you please submit a ticket here so we can look into this for you? I'm not entirely sure what's causing the problem, it may be due to the email initially being deactivated by Google causing an issue on our end. We should be able to give you more information once you submit a ticket :)

- Jagex Support


Hey u/Tswatz,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the account recovery process.

Just so I've understood this correctly, you started the appeal process from email X (an email associated with the account) but did not receive an update to that appeal.

You then submitted an appeal from email Y (an email that is not associated with the account) and received an update, but that appeal was denied?

If this is the case there are a few things we can recommend, depending on the precise issue.

A) The issue is you're not receiving emails to email A. If this is the case; the most common reason for players not receiving emails is because they are either identified as spam, or they are being filtered from your inbox.

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