
Outriders Dev Tracker

15 Apr


Inventory Wipe Edge Case Reporting Sub-Thread:

Follow up Edit:




If your inventory has been impacted, please note that our efforts to restore your items are a separate process from today’s released patch. Restoring the inventory of affected players is still our highest priority, while today’s patch is intended to prevent the issue from continuing to occur. The restoration process is run via our server database and does not require a patch to be implemented. We will have news of this very soon.


  • Some players may occasionally encounter multiplayer connectivity issues followed by items being momentarily invisible. This is a known and onl...
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Hello Everyone,

We have just released a patch on Steam, Epic, Xbox and PlayStation platforms that addresses the bug that has, since the previous update, been causing the inventories of certain players to be wiped.

If your inventory has been impacted, please note that our efforts to restore your items are a separate process from today’s released patch. Restoring the inventory of affected players is still our highest priority, while today’s patch is intended to prevent the issue from continuing to occur. The restoration process is run via our server database and does not require a patch to be implemented. We will have news of this very soon.


  • With this new patch, some players may occasionally encounter multiplayer connectivity issues followed by inventory items being momentarily invisible. This is a known and only temporary behaviour that is part of our three-step inventory safeguarding measures.
    • Restarting your game or wait...
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Originally posted by ASingfield

Does this affect both World Tier and Challenge Tier? I've only seen people complain about CT so far.

It's present in both world tiers and challenge tiers. It may be the case that you are more likely to go down in challenge tiers with higher gear level.


Originally posted by xBoomk1ngx

So, if I'm understanding correctly. And PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong. On WT15, all my gear will be downscaled to 44? If this is the case.... It feels inherently messed up. if people are having trouble getting to the final CT's, it's already punishment enough to have to farm under leveled gear. But to make me less effective at doing it? Why?! Why take away what I HAVE earned???

On world tier 15 enemy level is 42, so if you come with gear level 50 yes the damage is scaled to level 44. Which should be quite the advantage without making the game silly and broken. Without overleveling it was basically impossible to die in those circumstances and gameplay basically didn't exists.

Additionally dowsncalling doesn't affect benefits from attributes or synergies.


Well first of all thank you for understanding. For the last couple of days I was helping as much as possible with technical issues and didn't had much time to deep dive into reddit threads. I still won't be able to do it as much as I'd love to but you are in the good hands of u/thearcan who is meticulously noting all your concerns.

At this time we are dealing with the game breaking issues first but this one is quite high on my list as well. We are open for discussion on the overleveling and how it should be adjusted. Possibly the biggest flaw of the system is that it's a black box that isn't explained at all so in order to have informed discussion here are the rules it uses.

  • The system uses difference between average item level and enemy level as a base, you can check average item level o...
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14 Apr

13 Apr

12 Apr


Originally posted by ProfCee

Now you need to prioritize? You should've prioritized game stability over some balancing that could potentially aggravate an already aggravated community in the first place. Not to mention that the balancing was butched.. Whoever's calling the shots - You, Sir, did a terrible job. Not hating on the community manager here or the game as a whole. I really like the game and am a 100h deep. It's just the post launch decision making which feels very irrational and therefore irritating to me.

Just in case you didn't read the balance notes, balancing is done by a team that is entirely separate from those working on game stability or debugging.

Both can be done at the same time without one taking precedence over the other.

There are only two community managers and we are spread across everything going on.


Originally posted by No-Subject-6327

Just one thing : Does your plan also concern / address the characters being unplayable in the process resulting in an inventory wipe ?

I mean, some of us « just » get a wiped inventory but still can play with the character while others can’t (are immediately disconnected as they enter the game with the character).

I read all your news but ... well, you never talk about this in particular.

In short, do you plan to restore the save file them self or just refund epic/legendary ? Do I have to level up a new character or the one unplayable will be playable again ?

Just one thing : Does your plan also concern / address the characters being unplayable in the process resulting in an inventory wipe ?

I believe that some affected characters being unplayable is actually a current safeguard that prevents further corruption of the save game.

The inventory wipe issue is a big one to grapple with so it's hard to provide definitive answers here and now, but ensuring that all characters will return to full playability is something we are doing our utmost to ensure.


Originally posted by Mr_Smurfette

I wondered how long it would be before we saw a post like this, and finally it has happened! You have lasted longer than most of us would have dealing with the shitstorm of negativity and salt!

Keep up the good work, and ignore these shitposts and do what you do.

Yep, we're continuing to truck on! Thank you for the kind words and support! :)


We're still here - Same two community managers on Twitter, Reddit, Steam forums, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube.

There are two of us and we've had a lot to deal with this weekend as you can imagine. We've been monitoring the inventory wipes, collecting reports of it across multiple threads and platforms, building patterns that we feed back to the team attempting to reproduce such issues, on top of responding to some questions and providing the latest news on social.

Why haven't we addressed the balancing question on social yet?

Because to address such community concerns requires more than a 280 character Tweet. Any shorthand response will just aggravate annoyed players even further.

You'll want details and bigger explanations.

I'm working with the design team to write up a bigger and longer insight into the balancing process behind Outriders in-between dealing with the inventory wipes.

It's coming, but we need to prioritize.

... Read more

11 Apr


Originally posted by Confusion-Fluid

20-30 min ago. Havent been able to logg back on since. Unplugged Ps5... But nothing

Thank you for the info - could you DM me you PSN ID?