Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

11 Feb

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draco Humble: im gold no matter who I Q with always plat diamonds and champs every match its not even fun anymore they just all are sweaty 300 LB ash and doc mains

Hey there Draco,

The dev team was made aware of how the community feels about the matchmaking system used for it, so thank you for sharing your Quick Match experience with us! The mode contains a hidden MMR system and a portion of the community doesn't seem to be a fan of that. Do you have any suggestions on how you'd like to see matchmaking change for Quick Match?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ryanator97: I made the mistake of trying to enjoy myself solo in ranked yesterday and ended up on a team with two players that refused to play unless the rest of us team-killed a teammate they had some issue with. They took the defuser to the edges of the map, stood in front of everyone on our team to initiate RFF, placed rook armor outside, called out our positions, and destroyed all friendly gadgets. Obviously everyone reported them on both sides but as per usual, I doubt anything will come from it. Worse yet, these players were smurfing on secondary accounts with no care as to how their rank was affected. I don't know what the solution is for this but it ruined the game for everyone and after getting placed into a second match with them after, I just quit playing :/ Is there any solution to this beyond reporting? Should I start just screen recording people like that? I get that it's just a game but it'...
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    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not sure it's a bannable offense, but I do know how annoying that can be. I'd just mute them and continue on. If they're spamming the chat with insults and attempting to flame, report them.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey folks! Make sure you're reporting these cheaters to Ubisoft Support after reporting them in-game and bringing any evidence you have of them cheating to our team for investigation. Thank you!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yup! They're all unlocked instantly when you fire the game up. You can read our FAQ here to see what comes with each edition of Siege. [support.ubisoft.com]
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Renegat: Why this game have shields?>????? whats the point how am i suppose to kill dude with god dame shield

Hey, Renegat,

What's your experience with shields been like as of late?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr. Flibble: you'll get the tiers you have unlocked. So all of them.

Thanks for the assistance, Mr. Fibble!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Sewer Guide: Unless its already being planned, a replay feature would be useful to report people like this.

The idea has been brought up to the dev team for consideration, thanks for sharing! I think it would be a great addition to the game and could help our players in various ways.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Posty <3: have anyone else seen the mira glitch where she hold up her gaget but can shoot you?

Hey Posty,

Is this something you've seen in a game within the past couple of days? If so, can I get a video?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by PIPIPOOPOO: we need more defender with acogs 1 speed will do it

Interesting idea! Do you think all 1-speeds should have access to ACOGs solely due to their slow speed?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by K.A Thunder: I just got two questions.
Why have they made the gameplay horrifically slow?
When will they reverse it?

The fun with the game was that if you wanted to play fast, you could.
now all characters are slow, and the fun is gone.

Aside from the recent ADS changes, would you be willing to describe in what aspects you feel Siege has become slower? Keep in mind that Siege is a strategical-tactical shooter where taking your time to plan your attack is usually the best tactic.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there,

I know having some of your MMR removed due to a cheater can be frustrating, especially since gaining elo is difficult already.

The system isn't designed as a punishment by any means, and is more in place to make sure your rank accurately reflects the games you play. If there's a cheater on your team who helps you either win or rank up, the win doesn't necessarily count since you were aided by a hacker, even though you didn't know it. The same goes for players who lost games due to hackers on the other team. That loss isn't seen as legit since there was an individual in the lobby with a clear advantage over others.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by !𝕂𝕀ℝ𝔸: This game has the worst community ever i've seen, someone team killed me first so i killed him in a ranked match, then when i lobbed a nade, he ran into it so i got kicked for excess team killing, that guy was a lvl 260 scrub bottom fragging the game, gotta love the community

Hey Kira, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

I just want to start off by saying teamkilling is never the answer. I understand feeling the need to retaliate with killing a teammate that killed you, but no matter what, responding to toxicity with toxicity breeds more toxicity, which not something we're interested in seeing happen. Your best option at the moment is to report any players who are engaging in this kind of behavior and continue on with your game. I know that's not always easy since toxic players can be pretty relentless sometimes, but it sounds like you would've avoided... Read more
Hey there! I'm super glad you have been enjoying Siege Invitational so far. I'm super excited to watch Grand Finals as well!!

For Console, MnK is not supported natively on our end. If you want general tips for Siege, you can check out R6Academy.
Since your appeal has been denied, there is nothing further that can be done. We wish you luck with your future gaming endeavors.