Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

11 Feb

    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support to be looked into.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support. Can you take a screenshot of the mail you received?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support!

10 Feb

    UbiViral on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm afraid we can only support Steam in English at the moment. If you translate your message, I will do my best to assist you.

Alternatively, you can create a support ticket for support in your language here[support.ubi.com].

- Ubisoft Support
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support, but please note that they can only assist in English.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey! This is a known issue the Uplay team is looking into.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks! This is a reported issue. As TGG mentioned, if you swap between drones it should fix it.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ege7811: when someone uses an acog on killcam, it'll be much smaller, thin and zoomed out. haven't seen it happen with other sights, anyone else?
Do you have a clip of this by chance?
Moving to Player Support!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving this to Player Support, but please note they can only assist in English.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there! Are you referring to the Community Challenge one specifically? This has been reported to the team.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
From out Blog Post:[www.ubisoft.com]
In test-cases where we roll backed MMR only from when a team with a cheater wins a match (only victories, no defeats), we found that it severely imbalanced MMR equity as the MMR they lost from losing remained, but MMR they gained from winning was rolled back. This led to exaggerated MMR compensation spikes (as seen on the chart below), and consequently tanked the MMR of players that played with a cheater (intentionally or not), specifically in the low Copper ranks. This one-sided removal of matches is not an ideal system, and we have concluded that, win or lose, rolling back MMR from all matches that have a confirmed cheater pr...
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    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Luutalainen: Was just vibing(not throwing)in Unranked, and of course my teammates starts to scream in mic and tk me on first round and I can't do anything about it, because it's 4 stack against me. I can't leave because that's toxic in Ubisoft's bright mind and I'm expected to take this ♥♥♥♥ to my face?
Please make sure you are at least reporting them for Abusive Chat or Griefing. If you have any clips, you can submit a Conduct Report[support.ubi.com] with as many details as possible.
You also have the option to at least mute them through voice chat and text chat so you don't have to listen to them anymore.

Do you have any suggestions on how to improve handling TKing in Siege?
Originally Posted by WhackyClock
Removing his gadgets charge time would be a step in the right direction, maybe make him invulnerable to Zofias and Elas stuns. Anything to increase his play rate. He has potential he just needs a little something that would make him less niche.
Originally Posted by mike_cauxmall
It'd help if you removed his gadget's charge time. Or you can modify it like if he's moving, it gets a penalty but if he's standing still it doesn't need a charge for it to be f...
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Originally Posted by McCartneyMartin
Give Warden smoke. That would change everything.
Smokes on defense? Now that would be something. Love your forums picture, by the way! Huge Splinter Cell fan.

Originally Posted by Nick Witucki
One of these days I will convince my friends to form a Tachanka, Warden, Clash, Goyo and Castle dream te...
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Originally Posted by WhackyClock
Warden is broken and I constantly have to play against one every round. Whenever I use flash grenades or Ying there is always a Warden on the other team that uses his ability and counters my flashes. On top of that he can see through smoke! So OP! and why does he hold his weapons like that when he runs sooo OP!! and why is he a 1 Speed 3 Armor operator?? He is a absolute tank with the devastating BB gun known as the MPX and Mutes shotgun. He is such a hard counter to so many operators! Plz nerf or remove!

- said literally nobody ever
You had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie. ... Read more
Originally Posted by Grasof
Is it possible to make the context menu appear if you move the cursor to the money in the game. Where will it be transcribed how much has been earned and how much has been earned thanks to the Season Pass
Could you clarify what you are referring to? Are you talking about the Battle Pass and proceeds for the Prize Pool at SI?