Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

11 Aug


Hey, thanks for posting - if you roll back your drivers, does this still happen?

What are you playing the game audio through? Specs?

10 Aug

09 Aug


Needs more pine cones 😂

08 Aug


Another detail I haven't seen anyone mention on Penthouse is how the room the Left Behind set up in is actually a vacation rental: the host has left pamphlets on what to do in the city left around the house, a wi-fi password on the fridge along with numbers to call, house rules, etc.

07 Aug


Someone get this methhead a katana

06 Aug


There goes our YouTube relevance when searched..


Originally posted by _KONKOLA_

I'm new to the game and confused. So do we all already have access to this update or only 'supporters'. :/

This isn’t an update just a newsletter previewing future work (minus the stress mechanic which is already in all builds)


Originally posted by PyrusZodiac

Yes pls, I have literally not touched the game ever since the weapon attachment resetting bug has been in

Get ready to touch the game again! Coming in a hotfix. :)


Originally posted by herder123

Sad thought we could’ve played as the bad guys


05 Aug


Originally posted by lykke_lee

Game balancing should always trump "IRL" arguements, IRL there would be far more SWAT members/Police than suspects on each scenario.

This is definitely why we’ve never added options, though we’re looking at some solutions for that that have other balancing consequences. But yeah you’re spot on.


Originally posted by ZeusAllMighty11

Also let us use both lights and lasers

I believe there was a thread the other day about this and a dev replied saying that it's something to look forward to in a future update. Could be mistaken.

Planned yeah.


Originally posted by diaryofsnow

Your game is what made me finally commit to learning Unreal 5, and my team and I have already started our first game! So I just wanted to thank you for that, you've made an incredible product.

That's so cool to hear. All the best on your game! Unreal 5 will definitely make things easier with all of the extra features.


Originally posted by Flogger23m

As title says, suspects are seemingly tracking me through the wall and shooting at me. Luckily the bullets cannot go through this wall. This is at the entrance in the Neon nightclub.

I am also seeing suspects ignoring near hits. I fired 4 shots from an SR-16 at someone walking by at the top of the staircase. They just kept walking by with no reaction. Same thing happened on the night ranch map with a UMP-45 with two different suspects. Fired a burst at each, neither responded.

Other problems in the latest build seem to be that I cannot get officers to restrain some downed suspects. Seems to be random, but about 1 out of 5 I cannot get the restrain prompt to show up.

Thanks for this, will take a look. Are you running any mods?


Originally posted by CrispyLiquids

There are more mass shootings then days in a year in the US, currently at 11 per week for 2022: you guys are doing the right thing by being realistic even if controversial, thereby highlighting some of the real things that we should be angry about instead of your videogame depiction of the same. When OP posted this i didn't know which nightclub he was talking about, cause it's not just one.. i hope the campaign and other missions follow the same style in the regard and perhaps with more fleshed out story before and after missions, some in your audience may come to understand why it's important to not just "kill all suspects". Swat 4 had dark themes, but bad guys were generally only bad. I think you guys have got the same increasingly depressing feedback from TOC as you report more casualties, this really also immer...

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By the time this game is done I hope that we have a very confronting and enlightening tactical shooter that gets players to think a little bit more about the situations and how it affects your team.


Originally posted by GPGR

Well I’m happy. Keep doing what you do! This is the best fps on the market right now!



Originally posted by diaryofsnow

I was about to ask if this game was made in Unreal, and there it is!

We started on unreal when you had to pay for it HA! Back in the day..


Originally posted by MAXlMUM_

I know the sloppy execution is why we died but homie was cracked out blastin us

Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.

Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).

Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.

Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Siren was already dead.


I would've loved to jump in on this one but alas, it was 5am! These guys did a great job of fielding all the questions -- they're experts in their respective fields, and the ethic we have at void means all of them are knowledgeable regarding most other sides of development. Great show!


Originally posted by KamiKaze242

I'm always relegated to clean-up. Following behind, reporting corpses/detained and securing evidence in the wake of my three buddies' wake of destruction.

The unsung hero