Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

05 Aug


Head of steel. We need to add some sort of sound and reaction when this happens ha

04 Aug


Originally posted by Waleb123

Active shooter should be the most intense game mode. Having to rush in and take risks with little to no information against a heavily armed person or group that’s trying to hunt and kill civilians.

We made some minor changes ramping up to bigger ones, but how did you feel about civilians running outside to safety when they could? This was one of the things I didnt see much feedback on -- makes me wonder if it isn't working sometimes.


Originally posted by GPGR

Thank you sir! You are a gem!!!

Any chance of a high ready to go along with low ready?

This is also planned yes!!


Originally posted by PhysicsIsWhyIDrink

It does, to a degree. The John Wick AI doesn’t kick in unless they’re triggered (line of sight or officers commands). If you order your AI to breach a room, they advance farther into the room as you enter as well, meaning in open maps, they go further than they should, triggering enemies further out.

An example is meth house. The first room, there was a door on the left that led to a small hall way with 2 bedrooms and a bath room. Breaching the first room prevented your AI from going into that hall way until you were ready. Now that door no longer exists and your AI wander into that hallway by default and any of those doors being open results in a huge fire fight because either 1) the AI’s see each other or 2) friendly AI auto commands triggering the enemy AI. Now combine the two issues of AI stumbling where they shouldn’t.

Closed off maps don’t fix the AI, but it lets me engage the AI when I’m prepared to do so. These two issues work in tandem. It’s a reason why I ...

Read more

This is a great little piece of feedback, and I agree. I actually was the one who removed the doorway there but I did it for aesthetic reasons not for the right ones, at all. I think in a future update we will fix this because I've seen more issues crop up as a result (when before that space was actually a very tense area to have a firefight in.


Originally posted by teven_eel

God the fact that we can have direct communication with the devs makes me so hard

Thanks, we try! Sometimes goes a bit ghosty on the Reddit though so I apologize in advance whenever that happens!


God damn, definitely got the cherry browns


Originally posted by diaryofsnow

We know, you're good. Just try not to release the school level on April 20th

Yeah we'll be more conscious of what dates we're releasing stuff.. there are probably a handful of other dates we would have to look miss too, now, unfortunately. Really horrible state of affairs right now.


Originally posted by GPGR

Hi Gruntr!

Personally I haven’t noticed any sort of laser accuracy through walls. I think it is just people hiding within 1 foot of the doorframe they disappeared through. (Since the newest update)

One question for you! At some point will we get the ability to “tap” our friends shoulders? It should make organizing cqb with 5+ people on complex geometry much more manageable!

Initially we were against shoulder tapping because it felt pointless...

...but now I'm confident we're gonna add it, it would serve bigger operations well. :)


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Also i think it sucks that u were forced to put the game on steam. Now if theres ever a dependency that forces a full rework of the engine/main code, its hard to do without people complaining about a lack of frequent updates. So i feel for you having to squeeze changes without being able to rework things to too much of an extent

I mean it worked out for us! So that's ok. But we wont be reworking any core architecture. :)


We're looking to rework all of the modes in the future, and honestly if it's a level where the mode doesn't seem to fit: it's probably because it's just placeholder while we make these changes.

That said, very true. Great feedback.


Originally posted by Bomberman3301

The human spider after making fun of Bonesaw’s sexuality.

im gonna put some dirt in your eye


Originally posted by timbotheny24

The level already existed as a white box test level for several months, and it didn't officially come out until June 29th when the big update dropped. Before the official release of the map, the finished version was playable on the Supporter Branch, and it just so happens that it got pushed to that branch on the anniversary of the Pulse shooting.

I'm positive it was a coincidence. Considering the statements Void have put out on their Twitter about how they want to treat the subject matter respectfully, I can't imagine they would do something like that on purpose.

Absolutely a coincidence! Honestly wasn't much of a PR nightmare anyways, I think most people understood it was purely coincidental. Wild stuff either way, and very unfortunate.


Originally posted by Stephen1877

The nightclub level was also released on the anniversary of the pulse shooting.

When we found this out we were so surprised. To be fair, we are also all over the world so the date shifts depending on who is asked. But not intentional believe me.

03 Aug


Looks like fog (possibly volumetric fog) being disabled between versions.


Originally posted by smokelzax

would love to see an option to ask ai squad to breach without also clearing the room

SWAT AI improvements will address this as well as other things. :)


Originally posted by zaeviairl

Yes I will. Thanks for the response. Is the performance an actual issue? Or is it a case by case bases unrelated to the game?

This in particular would probably receive a lot of feedback if it was across all players, so it might be unique to your situation but that doesn't mean it's not a bug or something we can fix.


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Is the next update gonna be meaty? Or the early access list? Cause i understand that the latter being meaty just means more time in EA or cutting things :(.

Our next update is gonna be meaty unless we cut it into a few smaller ones. I know many in the community want this it just depends on, well, code and design dependencies. Unless something catches us by surprise, we aren't gonna cut anything in the game, just improve and add!


Originally posted by SuperSix-Eight

Oh wow, a dev reply! Hi Gruntr! The Hotel navigation weirdness I mentioned were from tons of less-than-lethal Bomb runs on the upper floor. These navmesh issues aren't usually much of a problem on lethal runs because the AI will quickly gun down suspects before it becomes obvious, but these "hidden" navigation caveats can really mess with less-than-lethal runs.

I drew a terrible diagram for that Hotel room, but basically breaching the left door is a bit awkward because the AI won't throw grenades far enough and they won't advance past that hidden "doorway" or end up moving too far left to shoot at suspects using the table as cover.

Oooohh yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about. Thanks!


Originally posted by SuperSix-Eight

Yeah what counts as "one" room can be super arbitrary in-game. You get weird ones like how some rooms in the Hotel upper floors count as two spaces so they need an additional order to go in. That U-shaped room between the storage closet is awful to breach from the left because the first half counts as a separate room, so the AI doesn't push all the way in towards the two way mirror.

Then there's the darkroom/photo wall room on Valley which counts as one room even though there's a doorframe to the photo wall. I lost a run there when the AI just waltzed in without instructions and got gunned down.

Rooms are the spaces between doorways attached to the navmesh in-game, so if you have a weird issue actually it could just be a "doorway" that has been placed, and we sometimes place them to make it easier to command your AI. Doesn't always work though!

The darkroom doorway might just be missing a doorway actor -- a likely oversight, I'll have a look. Thanks for flagging it.