Star Wars: Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons Dev Tracker

11 Nov


Remember to wait for your corvette. If you fly in alone, you're the only target.

10 Nov


Good news! We've got a fix for this coming! Stay tuned to EASW's Twitter for details.


We've actually got a fix for this coming! Stay tuned to EASW's Twitter for details.

09 Nov


Thanks for the feedback here!


Originally posted by BlackBricklyBear

I'd like to report some major crashing issues in the singleplayer campaign and training missions. Mission 10 is full of them, especially if you get too close to an enemy capital ship. Also, in that mission, when you go to the Overseer Star Destroyer to rearm with Baradium Munitions, the screen stays black except for HUD pointers once you leave the Overseer. The only way around that is to load a Checkpoint.

Mission 14 is so bugged out I can't even do anything beyond starting it. It causes a crash, guaranteed, a few seconds after the player assumes control of their chosen starfighter when starting the mission.

A similar crash-producing situation can also be seen in the Fleet Battles Tutorial. Oftentimes it won't start properly before crashing just before the player assumes control. Other times it crashes because I get too close to an enemy capital ship.

I am currently running 8 GB of RAM and would like to upgrade in the future, but perhaps something could b...

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Can you try repairing/verifying your game files?


Originally posted by FatFreddysCoat

/u/EA_Charlemagne Since the patch I have briefings I can’t manouever out of as I can’t turn to look at the hanger door, and I have story missions that when I enter and “gain control” after the preamble I have zero DualShock control at all: no stick, button or trigger response. I have to hit options and completely reload on my PS4. Anybody else seeing this?

We're working on a fix for this! I think you can avoid it, though, by moving the sticks or pressing buttons on your controller periodically during cutscenes and such.


Originally posted by Skydog_01

u/EA_Charlemagne Just wanted to point out that when playing the campaign, the functions in the hangar and the briefing room stop working. Think the team at Motive can fix this in the next patch? I would like to continue playing the campaign but its unplayable at this state.

We're working on a fix for this! I believe you can avoid it by moving the buttons on your controller periodically, though.

05 Nov


We're actually looking into this as I write this!

Edit: Fixed.


Originally posted by tater_complex

Really looks like some good progress.. but still can't disable motion blur despite it being in the known issues list for this long? Surely it can't be that hard to add a boolean toggle?

Hello, guy from the dev team here. I’ve seen a few comments like this, so I wanted to clarify: Squadrons does not support VR motion blur. We looked into it earlier during development (hence the old variable under the hood) but it’s not a feature we actually shipped with.

If you’re experiencing something that feels like motion blur, it’s likely either a performance issue or something in your VR setup which can be adjusted outside the game (motion smoothing, for instance). In short, since the game itself doesn’t actually have a motion blur feature, there’s nothing we can “turn off” per se.

04 Nov


Originally posted by TehPandemic

I feel I should now mention that after todays update, I no longer crash. I have no idea if any backend fixed have been made, but I've played through 4 consecutive Fleet Battle matches with no issues whatsoever.

Glad to hear it! We fixed dozens of minor or rare crashing issues across the whole game, but we didn't list out each of them since so few were often affected by each.

Hey, pilots,

Following the release of some goodies based on The Mandalorian, we have a pretty large update that will provide a ton of great fixes, balancing improvements, and quality of life changes, much of which are based on your feedback.

To start things off, we’ve introduced a new mechanic for how matchmaking and lobbies work in our game. Here’s the rundown from Dan Kim, our Senior Systems Designer:

Dan: A new forfeit system has been implemented for Fleet Battles, replacing the old "Safe to Leave" and...

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03 Nov


Originally posted by Jai_Cee

Will this fix the rank bug? I'm sick of being stuck at rank 0 since release day to the point of not playing any more.

Yes! You’ll be able to reset yourself so you can properly place.


Originally posted by Mister__Sparkle

u/ea_charlemagne confirmed this was the patch on discord

Correct. Lots of fixes and balancing changes coming tomorrow.


Originally posted by TehPandemic

/u/EA_Charlemagne any info on a fix for those of us still crashing in VR? No matter what level VR settings I use, after dying in Ranked Fleet Battles, death 2 or 3 produces a hard crash to Steam Home. Every single game I've attempted to play in VR has resulted in a crash and a leavers penalty.

Dogfight works fine, finished plenty of games but I haven't made it through one game of Fleet Battles.

Interesting. Could you get a bug report for this up on EA Answers HQ?

30 Oct


Originally posted by Cutedge

/u/EA_Charlemagne can we get patch notes for 1.3? Was it only the framerate fix and a fix for mission 9 issue?

It was only those two fixes + the Mando content. We snuck them in so you wouldn't have to wait another week.


Originally posted by leleko_

Edit.. In Brazil now I can find a match, but it’s taking much longer that it used to take before

We'll keep tuning until we get it feeling better, so thanks for the feedback!


I believe we've actually got a balancing change coming next week that should render this inert. We'll monitor it, though.


Originally posted by GodBlessThosePagans

Thanks /u/EA_Charlemagne ! I got placed into Mav 1 even though I won all my placements. I'm now hotshot 1 after grinding my tauntauns off.

If I reset, should I expect to get the same placement (mav 1) or could I potentially place higher? Thanks!

You'd likely get higher since the game thought you were fighting against Rank 0 players. Your call, though, since you might end up grinding above where you'd place. That's why we didn't force it.

Hey, pilots,

About a week ago, we deployed a very brief server-side maintenance and have confirmed that it has resolved the issue with players getting stuck at rank 0. However, this only prevents people from being affected moving forward, and players who are currently stuck in this state are still affected. Thankfully, we have a fix en route and wanted to give you all a heads up!

In Update 2.0 next week, we’ll be providing all players with the option to reset their rank. This means players unaffected by the bug won’t be forced to reset if they don’t want to. We know this has taken a while to get out, and for that, we apologize. The team has been working hard on getting this fixed as quickly as we can, but we know it’s put a damper on Fleet Battles for some of you.

Additionally, we also fixed the locked framerate issue on PC and the bug preventing players from completing Mission 9 in Update 1.3 that deployed alongside the Man...

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