Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

25 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains the October Calendar, an update for weekly shipments and several new bundles.

  • October Event Schedule can be found here
  • The next Grand Arena Championship has been announced! Check out the ...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for October.

Daily Login Character for October: Poggle the Lesser

24 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

There are some upcoming changes to the buff, Advantage, and we wanted to clarify some current inconsistent interactions. At the moment, Advantage works differently depending on the circumstances. Sometimes when you can’t crit (IE the enemy dodges) Advantage is consumed and you don’t get any value out of the buff but in other cases, like Critical Hit Immunity, Advantage is not consumed. Here how Advantage currently works:
  1. You have Advantage and your opponent has Critical Hit Immunity. Advantage will not be consumed in the attack.
  2. You have Advantage and your opponent has Foresight. Advantage will be consumed in the attack.
  3. You have Advantage and your opponent has both Critical Hit Immunity and Foresight. Advantage will be consumed in the attack.

To address this erratic behavior, we are changing Advantage to no longer be consumed when the attack is dodged in the next Content release.... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Grand Arena Championships wrapped up yesterday and it's a good time to talk about the plans for the next Championship.

Our goal with Grand Arena Championship is to make each event feel unique with new feats, titles or even new mechanics. The changes for Championship 2 are not ready yet, so, instead of delaying entirely, we will rerun the Championship with the same feats and titles as before. This gives us time to finish making changes and you the chance to continue to earn rewards while trying out a full Grand Arena Championship with Relics. We also have a valuable opportunity to gather some useful data on matchmaking and character balance with Relics in Grand Arena.

This Championship will be functionally the same as last time. Points earned will still count towards your Lifetime Score, Feats will have the same requirements, you’ll climb the ranks to get better rewards, etc. You’ll keep any titles earned last season so you don’t nee... Read more

20 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

I wanted to share a quick update on what the team is currently working on. We are presently investigating and actively fixing a number of bugs from the recent Title Update, especially the performance slowdowns. We are working on getting these resolved as quickly as possible in a future release.
  • Here’s a list of some of the issues we’re currently tracking:
  • Performance Issues (slow scrolling, laggy character screen, etc.)
  • When selecting ships for the Fleet defense squad several ships are vanishing/are invisible and becoming invisible when scrolling through the available ships
  • Link to Guild activities can cause a soft crash
  • Last seen view for mods not saved when moving mods
  • Last used squads are not saved in squad arena and fleet arena
  • Advanced Search not listing some Guilds
  • Prohibit overlay is not displayed properly on TB Geo
  • Can’t place squads or attack some Territory Wa...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are seeing reports of connection issues with the start of Territory Wars. We are investigating and will update this thread with more information when we can.

19 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Yesterday's Server Update was delay to today. It contains some minor server changes but there is nothing publicly changing with today's update. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

18 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains some minor server changes. There is nothing publicly changing with today's update. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

12 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains some minor server changes. There is nothing publicly changing with today's update. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

11 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Our next big title update is upon us! Besides a host of visual changes and bug fixes, Relics are finally here! Head over to the Scavenger and start powering up your characters today.

We’ve also revised the Update Notes and Known Issues from yesterday to include today’s release changes. We are aware and investigating the lag issues that appeared with yesterday’s soft launch. We are currently working on a potential fix. Read on for more info.

10 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We started rolling out our next big title update earlier today and soon you'll be able to use the Scavenger to breathe some new life into your unused gear.

A quick PSA before you start using the Scavenger, lock your most needed gear! Stop those Stun Guns and Carbantis from being turned into Relic materials before it's too late.

1) Tap on the top left Lock icon

2) Tap which gear you want to keep safe

... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today, we are preparing to launch our next version update - featuring Relic Amplifiers and the Scavenger! This Version Update will begin rolling out to some Google Play players starting this morning - and to all players this afternoon.

The Scavenger and Relics will be locked initially, so other than a handful of bug fixes (see below), there won’t be much to do for the first 24 hours . We are planning to launch part 2 of the release tomorrow (9/11), but it could shift depending on how the rollout goes. At that point, players will be required to update (if they haven't already) in order to access the final features and fixes for this update.

Here’s what you’ll see for Relics and The Scavenger today:

cw6ycjqroiey.png The New Character Screen
uzsc1m07c7bc.png... Read more

09 Sep

Take your squad to the next level and power up your characters with Relic Amplifiers from the Star Wars universe! Each character has a special Relic that provides stat boosts based on their role and aptitudes. Enhance the power of relics such as Han Solo's pistol, Yoda’s walking stick or Kylo Ren's lightsaber, and other legendary items from the movies and TV shows.

Upgrade these unique items through the new Jawa Scavenger holotable. Bring the Scavenger your unused gear and turn it into the scrap parts you need to bolster your Relics.

06 Sep

Hi folks,

We are aware of the login issues some players are experiencing and are investigating right now. I will update this thread when we have more info.

05 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We finished our monthly Developer Q&A earlier today and I have added all the responses from the team to the thread. Thanks for all the great questions (even the hard ones!)
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains some minor server changes. There is nothing publicly changing with today's update. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

03 Sep

Welcome to the first edition (in quite some time) of the State of the Galaxy. Previously we used the State of the Galaxy as a catch all, update on the game, which eventually morphed into what is now “the Road Ahead”. Over time we realized that the Road Ahead was acting like a single monolith of information and that we didn’t have enough touch points with the community where we acknowledged things that were going well (and not so well) in the game. We want to use the State of the Galaxy as the once-a-month check-in with the players talking about our progress on building new features, what may be coming out that month, and discuss some tough topics that are currently affecting the game.

Our hope is that the Road Ahead acts as our broad intent about upcoming major changes to the game, the State of the Galaxy is our monthly check in, and the monthly Q&A is a way that we can talk about things in the Road Ahead and the State of the Galaxy with you in addition to our other normal p... Read more

30 Aug

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We're collecting questions for the September Developer Q&A and will be answering your inquires live on 9/5 from 12:30-1:30pm PT (19:30-20:30 UTC) in the General Discussion Section of the Forums.

You can submit us questions beforehand or respond to the thread during the Q&A and we will get through as many questions as we can. Click the link below to submit your question and include your forum name if you wish to be credited.
Click the link to submit your questions >> SurveyMonkey
Hello Holotable Heroes,

With the upcoming release of Relics, I wanted to provide everyone with some information about how you will be able to upgrade your Relics once a character reaches Gear 13.

As has been mentioned in prior posts, the Scavenger lets you convert gear into scrap that can be used to upgrade your Relics. Each scrap can be made by converting gear from certain MK levels. We tried to make it very straight forward (e.g. Scrap 1 uses gears Mk 1 - Mk 3, Scrap 2 uses gears Mk 4 - Mk 6, etc.), but there may be certain pieces of Scrap that don’t follow that rule perfectly.

In addition to Scrap, you will also Signal Data to upgrade Relics. Signal Data will be farmable from certain Cantina Nodes. As part of this change, we shuffled some shards around and removed a few characters to give us some space to add the new Signal data to Cantina Nodes:
Gear Inflow

... Read more

29 Aug

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains some minor server changes but there is nothing publicly changing with today's update. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.