Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

27 Jul


Can you PM me your ally code so we can look into this further.


This looks like there could be an asset missing.

If you keep running into this, could you reinstall your game and leave it at the main Cantina screen to make sure that all the required assets and files have completed downloading.

24 Jul


You’re thinking too hard

23 Jul


That is usually happening when you lost connection to the server at some point during the battle and the final battle result can't be communicated. Switching to airplane mode or turning your internet connection off temporary and back on should resolve this.


Could you try reinstalling your game from from the Play Store or App Store. Once the game has been reinstalled, leave it on the main Cantina screen for a few minutes to ensure that all of the additional files and assets have been downloaded.


This has been flagged as a bug already.

22 Jul


That error code is related to a failed asset loading (usually due to bad internet connection). A fresh installation of the game should help.


This has already been flagged as a bug.


We have now flagged this for review.


Originally posted by Padgaus

That was it, thanks!

No problem, glad it is sorted.


What "Heroic Battle Bonus Tiers" are you referring to exactly? Some events require specific characters as r/nowhere537 said.


Not sure what you think the bug here might be, I assume you are referring to the issue that you can't see and therefore sell the mod? Check if that mod is part of a loadout. If you delete the loadout you should be able to sell that mod.

21 Jul


Originally posted by jahajajpaj

I don’t think that anybody neglects that it’s the same amount of work for CG. However, I think that many people would like CG to stop creating new characters for a while to just focus on giving us real content. If it takes so much effort to create a new character and if it interrupts new game modes (real content), why keep doing that then? You as an ex employee probably knows better than me but I imagine that you have a bunch of different teams that takes care of different tasks. Some teams are assigned to create a new game mode, some are testing, some are creating the designs and the art and some are coming up with character kits. Now, to create a new character the most work is probably in creating the kit, coding and testing to see how it interacts in the game. But those are different teams compared to those who create a new game mode. It’s not like it steals a lot of time from the coming up and creating “real content” teams/people. Maybe some from the art department and etc but ...

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I don't mean to ignore you, because you are being polite, but youre asking the kind of question I can't answer casually. Lots of it has to do with me detailing our content production pipeline which I have no interest in divulging (for many reasons, some obvious, some not) and lots of it has to do with the amount of typing it would take to explain it in general terms. Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of my move to Spain and I cant commit to either.

The one reason I commented in the first place is because I get that when people say "content" they mean "new raid" or "new galactic war" or "whatever mode they like from game x", sure, but some users (bait trolls aside) take it to such an extreme where they make themselves believe that creating a new character plus the marquee event that goes with it = zero effort and, well, that's something that needs to be cleared up.


Originally posted by namjd72

Do you have a new game mode button? New characters are not new content.

Events and modes to use the characters are content.

Not a difficult concept.

Doesn't matter if it’s not considered new content or not, its the same amount of work for the art team.


Originally posted by ArcaneWeapon

Careful, lots of people don't consider new characters to be content.

I mean, call it what you want but its still the same amount of work for the team. Its not like theres a “make character” button we can hit.


I don't see her getting a rework anytime soon, to be honest. Not cause the people in charge wouldn't want to, cause my guess is they would agree but touchups are usually tied to related content releases.

If and when more OR content comes out (I have no info or knowledge of that so Im not hinting at anything) then theres a chance. Otherwise, Im not seeing it.


What device are you playing on? We've checked the feat text on several devices and the full text was displayed.


Try switching to a different connection (WiFi to cellular or vice versa, different WiFi etc.).