Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

25 Sep


We fixed the patch notes now and yes you are correct, it wasn't Darth Malak, it was Darth Revan.


Should be ok now for everyone.


The order of operation is as the ability text states: Call to assist, then, if the ally is a Phoenix squad member, dispel all debuffs on them. If the target ally is dazed, you won't be able to call that ally to assist (this is consistent for all characters in the game) no matter if he/she is Phoenix or not. I hope this makes sense.


It is not a bug. That change was made back in December 2019 intentionally.

24 Sep


If you are logged into the correct account and are sure you've lost characters and progress, please get in touch with our Customer Support. How to you may ask, here is all you need to know:


Originally posted by XpoZeD_GoD

It was happening last night but it's working now since the client update

Good to hear! Thanks for letting me know that it's no longer happening for you after the update.


Originally posted by XpoZeD_GoD

Any news for an ETA on a fix for this?

Is this is still happening for you when you lock a mod?

23 Sep


PM me your ally code and the date and time it happened. Thanks!


If you think something is not right you can always report via the in-game report function or reach out to CG_LucifersDaddy on the forum (


Sorry to hear that. Can you PM me your ally code please, so that we can have a look? Thanks!

21 Sep


We checked this and it is indeed because he is slower than Jedi Knight Luke. Therefore working as intended/designed.

17 Sep


What device and OS are you playing on?

16 Sep

08 Sep


Thanks for posting. This is one that we're aware of and have raised to the team.

07 Sep


Originally posted by skrotez

I did get it last night, about 8 hours after I bought it.

Good to hear! Thanks for letting us know.

04 Sep


Thanks for reporting this.

Have you still not received the Google Play packs in game? If you still haven't received them, could you PM me your ally code and the approximate time you redeemed your Google Play points?