Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

12 Aug


Thanks for the report and sorry to hear that.

It's possible, as others have said, that assets are still being downloaded after the update. Is this still happening for you?

10 Aug


This is working as designed and not a bug.

08 Aug


Selfishly speaking Im glad this hasn't changed much, if at all, since I left. It’s a good mode, it was fun to create and figure out how to make it flexible so it can actually provide different kinds of experiences and encourage different team builds.

Im definitely excited to play it, this is something we had been talking about internally for a long time and its a mode the game can build on for future stuff as well.

07 Aug


This one has been flagged as a bug already.

05 Aug


Were you able to complete the phase and transition into P3?


Originally posted by achwassolls

not a bug, working exactly as stated in his description, but certainly a unwelcome interaction between Vader zeta lead, DoTs and GG's automatic turn after getting damaged 7 times or something in that direction.

GG slowly takes Damage and will eventually die after a few hours or so.

^ This!


We have flagged this as a bug now.

04 Aug


We are aware of this and it has been flagged as a bug.

31 Jul


Originally posted by GonnaTossItAway

Yeah, we know.

Is a fix being worked on? Especially since the community did the work for you in figuring out what triggers the bug?

Darth Revan bug footage + investigation

There is currently no ETA for a fix.


This one has already been flagged as a bug.

30 Jul


What device are you running the game on? How much longer does it take to load the game than it used to?


Which battle did this occur in and what was your squad? Do you have a video of it by any chance?


What device are you using?

29 Jul


Originally posted by Spacemilk

What is the timeline to fix this bug? Where is it at in the queue?

Sorry, we do not have an ETA at this time.


This has already been flagged for review.

28 Jul


Please PM me your ally code and the ticket number, so that we can have a look for you.

27 Jul


Originally posted by AdamBremley

Yes he does. He has for a long time now and this is the first I’ve seen where the assist wasn’t working.

Who was in your squad other than Rey and BB-8? Who was in the enemy squad aside from Unmasked Kylo?


Does BB-8 have a Zeta upgrade applied to the unique 'Roll With the Punches'?


What date did this happen in game for you? Is it something that you have seen since then?