The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

15 Jul

I'm not sure myself, but I'll see what I can find out.
Originally Posted by Medicles
You kill a guy, then you get a timed buff. You can see the buff below the small ingame window, where your armor, health and ammo is shown.

It procs for the max armor you have. Bonus armor doesnt count. But yeah, increasing your armor through attributes, brand sets and mods does eventually lets you hit harder with UF.

The 2% are weapon damage, which count only for weapons.
Succinct, thorough, informative. Thanks for the solid answer.
Been seeing an influx of requests like this... I appreciate the feedback, for sure.

What of the current content do you find the most entertaining in general?
Originally Posted by pivamornfis
Like a topic. I want to ask Devs if you are planning to share any info how we will obtain a new exotic gloves?
Acquisition is still to be announced. Not much longer til TU5 though.

How do you think the gloves will compare to the holster?
Thank you for the additional report of this. Is it happening with other similarly scoped marksman rifles as well?
There are some likely changes that will come to PvP with TU5 - both in a large scale such as an overall lowering of TTK, and more specific like some PvP exploits. That's not to say things will be perfected... in games this large and complex there can be things that crop up as unexpectedly potent, but we will continue to hone balance and the PvP experience as we move forward.
Originally Posted by FunkAyFOO
If you normally play in a group, you can be the specialist to take down the elites; otherwise, it's a balance because you have to deal with all types of enemies. You can also try for alternate sets and loadouts, one for high DTE and other for balanced.
Depending on the weapons that the different squad members are running, this even sounds like a cool delegation. Nemesis backline to handle Elites and a lighter-fare frontline for the reds and purples. Nifty.
This has been an interesting conversation to follow. I appreciate the different types of feedback and suggestions, everyone.

What are the moments in the open world in particular that you have enjoyed the most?
Please keep in mind, everyone, PvP veteran or first steps in the DZ... the different ideas, preferences, and thoughts of players are all important to consider and discuss.
As much as fishing drones is likely an interesting thing to talk about, it is pretty off topic to the game and our forums - I'll be closing this thread now.
Originally Posted by DarkKnight27us
To get the riot foam kills you actually have to wait just a second or so after they're hit so that the foam can get them stuck. If you shoot the foam and kill them before they get stuck it won't count.
Good tip. It can be hard to wait too.
Originally Posted by lair360
The only thing they are trying to do is getting the community more angry (the majority that worked so hard for their gears and char build).
Nope. No one on the dev team is trying to ruin the game, drive people away, get the community angry, or any other form of intentional self-sabotage. Games like The Division 2 may go through changes to difficulty, gear, balance, etc for the betterment of the game - not to personally spite any of the playerbase.
The Discovery Mode itself may provide more information - the success/completion rate of Discovery Mode runs might be very insightful.

As well as how many groups who complete the Discovery Mode go on to finish the Normal Raid without a hitch.
Originally Posted by CJ Fresh
Not sure what a solo narrative spin off would bring to the table that isn’t already here. Maybe a more personalized agent origin story?

Save the money and resources, stick to what you already have going on. It’s way too early to even start talking about another division game with the shambles the current one is in
I'll admit, I found this confusing - it seems like you're posing a suggestion then shooting down your own request with the second part.

Though in reading through some comments it's been interesting to see the different aspects of The Division's world and narrative that sticks out to some of you.
Originally Posted by ABrokenGamer
Because they're too small to be considered "ships."

Dere do be summat o' a difference, ye ken.
Fair enough. Ghost Boat sounds better anyways.
Keeping in mind that changes made in the PTS do not necessarily get transferred over to live 100% unaltered... the feedback around skill builds during the PTS was very promising for the update.
Originally Posted by PointyMarmot
How would you even have -10%? That means one out of every ten bullets comes back and hits him! (I know it's a bug).
Well, to be fair, even if they hit themselves that's still a bullet hitting something. Accuracy would go up.

Thank you for the additional report, Dies..Irae.

14 Jul

Originally Posted by Harshilizer
I see a lot of people on these forums whining about loot drops and getting purple items , im not sure what difficulty you have it set on but i been doing as many heroics as possible lately and im nothing but a casual gamer. And i have to say i havent seen anything but GS 500 drop on these runs. Heroic really isnt that bad takes a touch longer but the challenge is good and the loot is good to. I took a long time to try heroic cause everyone kept saying how hard they are, but if you play the game the way its intended they really are not that hard. So i say keep the tables how they are and maybe people will be forced to learn to build a heroic build, and you dont need a clan for it all my heroic have been pugs and the people have been great. So keep d...
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Originally Posted by Uhnomuhlee
Lastly, what skills are you running?
I was wondering the exact same thing - especially with double dipping In Rhythms. I personally would recommend Sniper Turret and Healing Drone - but that's just me.
Why this thread wasn't named The Ghost Ship I'll never know.