The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

17 Jul

Well... that is unfortunate. Sadly, there is no way to recover items lost due to selling or deconstruction.

Also, the attempts at dunking on the OP don't really help anyone. If there's no advice or anything constructive to add, then please avoid just antagonizing others.
Thanks for the reports on this, everyone. I'll keep my eye out for more talk about this (and add it to my notes.)
Originally Posted by xcel30
Eagler bearer is a strong exotic, that is hard to get, i have no problem with being a exclusive reward for completing the current normal version of the raid, and it's intention is being that. The gear sets are meant to be used in the raid, most of them are somewhat weak but have the intention of buffing the whole team instead and you only get these items that should improve your raid experience, if you already showed off that you don't need them.
I see it as sort of in the same spirit as why you don't typically get gear way above your level in the level 1-30 phase on the game. Better gear - gear more in line with your character quality and skill - d... Read more
Originally Posted by VersatilityToad
O thought they were implementing a system where you had to be granted shepherd xp anyway? It would make more sense instead of request matchmaking. You could request a shepherd especially on side missions
I personally see it as something of a status symbol or stamp of assured quality... not unlike another system that uses different statuses, symbols, or groups in its jolly cooperation in order to differentiate allies.

Indeed if only I, as a Shepard, could be so grossly incandescent.
Originally Posted by TribeCheckAHoe
I agree with you on some points.. and btw! I love discussions like this! I know we're kind of off topic.. but..oh well.
I couldn't agree more, on all fronts. As long as the thread doesn't split up and start having two different conversations side by side we should be all good.

Something to also keep in mind, while player vs. player encounters can provide very unique experiences, we humans often lack as much of a sense for the dramatic as our artificially controlled counterparts. Perhaps more intense and organic scenes, but with a craft-able opponent, you have craft-able experiences too.
As Hammer suggested, make sure you're not clicking around into other windows too much on startup. But I'd suggest restarting Uplay, and even a game reinstall with DX12 off. If you're still running into this issue, please reach out to Ubisoft Support and they'll do their best to help you find a solution.
As some other players in this thread have mentioned, and as rosch15 alluded to in so many words...
RNG is RNG on all platforms. There will be confirmation biases, there will be (for lack of a better term) Gear Envy..,

But it's just RNG being RNG.
Originally Posted by Wee.Irn.Bru
Hi my name is Alan......
I am having problem with graphics on The Division 2.
Hey Wee.Irn.Bru, reinstall the game and Uplay itself (if on PC) and try launching again. If this graphical weirdness persists, please reach out to Ubisoft Support with as much detail and info (and ideally a screenshot since this is such a visual issue) included. They'll do their best to help you find a solution and get you back to playing properly!
Originally Posted by rosch15
In my case, some emotes miraculously disappeard. The fields are empty now. Let's hope they wil fix this issues with next update.
If you can recall, do you know which emotes seemed to vanish, and when did you notice they were gone?

I'm moving this to general discussion for more visibility.

16 Jul

If I may pull back the curtain a bit (and hopefully this doesn't come across as a one man pity party because it's not...) the feedback on the forums can be mixed - it can also be loud and uniform - but for many of the day to day topics it is incredibly mixed. Difficulty, Enemy Behavior, Weapon Balance, Specializations, even things like Gear and Exotics (how/where they drop, not necessarily the overall quality) are all topics that over time and within the same thread you can often find countering or even flatly contradictory feedback. For many things, going with an option many players like can leave just as many feeling bitter.

That said, there are times where we look at a preponderance of collective feedback and, through different iterations, make some changes that (to be seen) I think will be extremely positive. In this case, I'm talking about Skills and Skill Builds as they moved from live, to PTS Days 1 & 2, to the rest of the PTS.

Writin... Read more
Originally Posted by Visualsun
Too much emotion driving these threads. Too little logic save for a select few.

You can TLDR every loot thread into "More god rolls for less amount of time spent". Increasing the numerator and decreasing the denominator.
Perhaps. But examining how individual players interact with the system is just as important as the system itself.

Thanks for putting this thread up, it's been very helpful for consolidating a lot on this topic.
Which minigun(s) has this happened with (location-wise), does the issue persist across character and game-restarts?
Originally Posted by Thumper-NB2019
We tried doing the Air & Space Museum this morning and we could not get it to start. The screen to start, select difficulty and MM would not appear. A number of us tried in our own sessions, grouped and ungrouped and nothing. Has anyone else had this happen? We are on PS4.
Does this persist even after rebooting the game and fast travelling to the mission site?
Originally Posted by eskimosound
HAL from 2001 A Space Odyssey...Dave, Russians Near By Dave...
I can't be the only one who would want an unintelligible Scottish man yelling at me where to go, right?

I typically run into ISAC navigation issues with ledges or some of the more vertical sections... not usually when maneuvering through the streets. Like AgentSyn showed us through the screenshot, what are some of the most ridiculous directions ISAC has sent to you?
Originally Posted by RichardOshea
As with any change we need to dore more than just look at the theory behind it; we need to see how it translates into the game via the players.
I couldn't agree more. I'm very curious to see how it all plays out in PvE and PvP.
Keep in mind things tested on the PTS may not go live 100% unaltered from how they were on the PTS.
Thread closed for toxicity and trolling.
Greetings Agents,

The servers will shut down for maintenance on Thursday, July 11th at 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 12:30 AM PDT.
Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

Please follow this thread for any updates as the maintenance progresses.

Thank you,
The Division 2 Team
Hey everyone. This thread is getting increasingly toxic and needlessly aggressive, despite being an important conversation. Please reign it in or it will be closed.
Originally Posted by jmart83
You definitely need more stability. Your output is fine which I'm sure you can tell at the range, but you miss a lot. I recommend a yaahl mask, preferably with dialed in on it. You'll land WAY more shots.
I can't be the only one who maxes stability and 2nd focuses accuracy on most weapons, right? ...Right?