

22 Aug



  • Fixed using Transference right as you fall into a Teleport Volume resulting in function loss (being unable to use Abilities, etc).
  • Fixed being unable to interact with Necraloid or use Transference in the Sanctum Anatomica immediately after completing The Lotus Eaters Quest. 
  • Fixed Sevagoth Prime’s Shadow having an entry in the Codex and in Player Profiles. 
  • Fixed instances of too-dark lighting in the Helminth Room of the Orbiter.
  • Fixed a map hole in the Albrecht’s Laboratories tileset. 
  • Fixed being able to access the Gear Wheel during The Lotus Eaters Quest. There’s a time and place for everything! But not now. 
  • Fixed elemental FX being applied to the entirety of the Impaktor Fist Skin, instead of just the hitting edge.
  • Fixed loss of function if Atlas cast Rumblers with the Rumbled Augment equipped just before dying. 
  • ...
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Hi Tenno, if it all possible I'd love to see a screenshot of what you're seeing! Also what device you are playing on, if you don't mind sharing. Considering performance may vary greatly between an iPhone XR and an iPhone 15 Pro for instance, we would need to know what device you're experiencing weird visuals on. 

It would also help to let us know what graphic settings you have in the in-game settings! 


21 Aug


iOS Specific Notes: 

  • Fixed touch control virtual buttons being visible during a cinematic in The Lotus Eaters

The Lotus Eaters Quest Changes & Fixes:

  • Improved the VFX during the quick time events.
  • Fixed being unable to progress in the Quest after spamming Transference.
  • Fixed Warframe disappearing and player being stuck in broken state when opening the Arsenal after closing the Quest Completed screen.
  • Fixed being able to open the Pause menu during the quick time events, which allowed players to walk away from the cutscene.
  • Fixed Ally Highlight being visible on characters during Quest.
  • Fixed the border of the sand spin VFX showing when FOV is set above the default.
  • Fixed issue with character posing not transitioning smoothly when leaving cutscenes.
  • Fixed issue with character idle pose...
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iOS Fixes

  • Made significant improvements to reduce hitching / stuttering during gameplay. Players can expect smoother gameplay with more stable FPS across game modes and devices! 
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s Warframe would have  unusually low texture quality.



A strange call comes from beyond and must not go unanswered. 

Concerned with a strange disturbance in the Man in the Wall's domain, the Lotus bids you to investigate. This kicks off The Lotus Eaters, a short prologue Quest that will set the stage for Warframe: 1999 and ...

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20 Aug


Greetings TennoGen artists! 

We have just released a web version of the TennoGen Workshop from TennoCon 2024!

We understand that not all TennoGen artists can attend TennoCon in person. While the workshop primarily targeted a casual & curious audience — not necessarily established artists — we respect that many TennoGen contributors wanted to know what was shown and discussed!


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19 Aug


Thank you Tenno, we have these logged! 


Hi Tenno, are you still experiencing this? If so, please provide more information like where you are getting stuck and what you are seeing, as well as what device and OS you use to play. 

On 2024-08-16 at 4:12 AM, SilentSigil said:

TennoGen purchases being locked to the iOS platform, scummy practice in my opinion. Who’s spending all their time for Warframe on an iPhone? 

Hi Tenno, 

TennoGen are not locked to the iOS platform. TennoGen purchased on iOS can freely travel to any other non-PC platform (Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation). However, TennoGen purchased on non-PC platforms cannot move to PC, and similarly TennoGen purchased on PC cannot move to non-PC Platforms.

You can read about how TennoGen & Cross Save intersect here 


14 Aug

9 minutes ago, ZacherytheAnubis said:

if it's not tennogen for newer frames that have no cosmetics, despite being out for 2-3 years, i dont want it. seriously there are some AMAZING tennogen skins for all these frames that have been releasing that have absolutely 0 cosmetics. atleast styanax got a bump, but what about the others that have 0?

TennoGen is certainly a process that takes time! For what it's worth, Lavos, Sevagoth, ...

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Hi Tenno, we are trying to investigate but can't seem to reproduce the loop you are describing. Is it possible to have you send a recording / video of your experience so that we can understand and reproduce? You could send the video to [email protected] , or post a link (YouTube, for example) here! Whatever is easier. 

Thank you! We hope to get this resolved for you. :) 


Apologies Tenno! We are working on resolving ASAP. 


Tenno! The next batch of TennoGen arrives with The Lotus Eaters on August 21st. Here's a closer look at what to expect:


Styanax Ares Skin, by blazingcobalt & Vis

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13 Aug


Thank you for the reports! Our team has flagged this, and we have a fix going out with the next iOS update. Thank you for your patience! 


Apologies Tenno, there is a known issue with controllers not being able to access maps. We have this on our list of issues to address! For the time being, one workaround is to tap the screen to pull up the map. The game will switch to touch controls on the fly, and switch back to controller gameplay the moment you press a button on your Xbox controller. 


Hi Tenno, this is a known issue! Though it is related to all controller setups on iOS, not the Razer Kishi specifically. 

We have it on our list of issues to tackle, but for the time being, you can always do a quick tap of the screen to pull up the map. Then, pressing any button on your controller with automatically switch controls back to the Kishi.


Hi there! We have been investigating Arsenal / mod issues, and recently rolled out a new Modding UI for mobile! Are you still experiencing trouble as of Aug 13? 

Could you please provide a bit more info about the line "but i cannot highlight the mod to upgrade it" ? 

If you believe a video would help highlight the issue, please feel free to send it along. You can upload a link here or email [email protected] - whatever is easiest for you! 

07 Aug

Sorry to hear this, Tenno. This sounds like an issue for support, as they will be able to examine your Cross Platform Warframe account more formally than we can on the forums. You are also describing something strange with Cross Platform Save, and support can most certainly investigate.  Please head to the Support Desk and submit a request! https://support.warfram... Read more

The latest iOS update lowers the rate of crashes, improves touch controls as it relates to equipping Mods in the Arsenal, helps players who have found themselves stuck on the launcher screen, and more. While we are calling this a hotfix, it is actually a small CERT update (learn more about what that means here). Depending on your Automatic App Update preferences, you may need to manually update the app.

... Read more

Sorry to hear it, Tenno! This sounds like an issue for support. Please head to the Support Desk and submit a request! https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us 

06 Aug


Hi Tenno, thank you for the feedback! This is known, as console controllers being used on mobile devices don't offer a 1-to-1 experience with how they work on their respective console. As such, the touchpad on a PS4 or PS5 controller will not function the exact same way when it is being used as a mobile game controller via bluetooth. 

Small tip: if you are trying to use the touchpad to activate Transference, you can also press R1 & L1 simultaneously to trigger Transference!