

13 Jan


Originally posted by slavemasterlol

Same for me and all master, gm and challenger players i know, all of us seeded into iron 2.

We were able to find the problem and are working on a fix. There's a chance it could require you to re-seed but we'll see if that's avoidable.


Can you DM me your Summoner name so we can take a look?

12 Jan


Originally posted by BfMDevOuR

Do we need honor level 2+ to get it? If so... hehexd.


11 Jan


Originally posted by Chantrak

Do players still get all the chromas for ranks below the one they achieved?



Originally posted by Tywacole

Was I wonder is if the chroma is locked too. Like I if I get diamond then decay to plat, do I get the diamond chroma at the end of the split ?

The Chroma is based on your actual rank when the season ends, so in your example you would get the Plat chroma. You also can't lose the skin once you've earned it, so for example a player who is Gold or above and has 80 split points will have the skin unlocked even if they demote to Silver but don't have 1600.

10 Jan


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

And 200 games for one skin doesn't seem a tad unrealistic to you?

We based the number off of how many games people actually play. It's also not intended to be easy to achieve or accessible by the majority of Silver & below, we wanted to keep the best way to earn it to be to climb to Gold or above. We'll definitely be watching to see how many players do earn it, and if it's below what we expect we'd make it easier to get.


Originally posted by bz6

Well I sure hope the high elo reports will be un-paused come start of S13. The community seeing swift and more importantly consistent action taken towards disruptive behavior (in all its shapes & sizes) will have a ripple effect to the lower ranks, especially if content creators are exposing the updated report systems.

The escalated content creator report path is a part of the trial that is just pretty clearly successful and we're trying to work on how to expand. The more general moderation had more mediocre outcomes, causes of which are likely fixable, might just take more time in the kitchen.


Originally posted by Nicky-Santoro

Any chance you are considering performance-based adjustments to LP/MMR gain and loss?

Yes we are considering those.


Originally posted by Xanhomey

So basically half of the points we used to earn, but still earning even if we lose. Got it.

Does seem fair, since you guys did make it clear that the amount of games below gold will big.

Thanks for responding!

Edit: Sorry to bother you, but while I was looking at the screenshot yesterday I noticed that there's a border given as a reward for SP, so I was wondering if this is a new type of reward or the new ranked border?

The system is entirely retuned so the old values don't actually have any relation to the new ones, it was mostly convenient to keep the concept of split points and the associated systems to build improvements on top of. I'm looking at the screenshot on my phone so can't see too clearly but it looks like it might just be a placeholder icon? I know there aren't any borders on the rewards track at least.


Originally posted by bz6

Pretty bummed out at the lack of Ranked updates from the season start videos. No mention of solo soloQ, flex improvements, Clash, and high elo moderation. Is there anything you can shed som extra light on boss? /u/Auberaun

Not a lot I can specifically talk about yet. The team is working on a lot of rune recommender & champ select followup/polish work now that the season is basically launched while we plan some of this year's bigger bets. For high elo moderation, we ran that for ~ a month (Nov-Dec) and have data, now that we're back from break we'll figure out how we'd like to proceed but the reviews themselves are paused right now.


SP values have been changed, you get 10 for a win and 6 for a loss. Those other rules for autofilling etc. are removed. So it'll be closer to about 200 games for Silver & below. Also remember that you still get chromas per rank, someone in silver will only have up to the Silver chroma while if you hit Plat you'll be able to flex that in game, no other way to earn those than improve

09 Jan


Originally posted by ClownFundamentals

It's really impressive how they managed to film all of these videos within just the past 5 hours.

brightmoon called me at 2am this morning and told me we're responding to player feedback and made me improvise this whole thing now i'm going back to sleep thanks reddit

07 Jan


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you possibly share more surrender rates, this is pretty interesting data

Not sure what would be interesting and I don't wanna get too deep into numbers, but the fun thing I always see in any surrender data is that most regions behave similarly enough, except for Korea which surrenders way more frequently than the rest of the world. Perhaps notably this only shows up in surrenders after 20 minutes, their FF rate pre-20 is close to everyone else's.


Originally posted by ubernat

OK but fast forward to now. How many ranked matches have early surrender? Why is early surrender allowed in ranked?

Can only see the past two years right now, it's about 2 - 2.5%, and that hasn't really changed over that time.


Originally posted by Odious_Decible

You know what would be pretty valuable contextual information you could share?

  1. Knowing how often a ff vote comes up out of the total number of games.
  2. Knowing how that number compares with previous seasons.
  3. Knowing how gap-made matches and your failed agency experiments cause stomps and ff votes.

Spoiler Alert: It's higher than previous seasons. A lot higher.

You've had to turn the game upside-down on everything from dodges, player lobby information and now ff votes to band-aid over the game you ruined, and your answer is to just go next. Its laughable.

Offhand I can only see back to season 7 and if a game ended via surrender or no surrender, general trend looks like seasons 7-9 were pretty flat, overall surrender rates had a pretty noticeable spike with season 10, that recovered slowly through seasons 11 and 12. Directly comparing seasons 7 and 12, surrender rates are only slightly higher.

06 Jan


Originally posted by GoldRobot

Our data shows that comeback rates when a team fails a 4/5 yes early surrender (before 20 min) are low; teams have a generally good sense of what a "winnable" game is.

Or that could be because people give up cause they have option to FF? So just remove vote before 20m.

When the vote before 20 minutes was first introduced, it didn't actually change overall surrender rates almost at all, it just took many of surrender votes that passed at 20 minutes and let them occur earlier.


Originally posted by -SNST-

Can you guys please PLEASE look into the surrender system so abstainers do not count against Yes votes? Abstaining at all shouldn't mean a 3-0 (3 yes votes, 2 abstains, 0 no votes)

My biggest gripe with the surrender system is counting abstainers as no voters by default. If people don't even bother no-voting, why should they count against yes voters?

This isn't an official take but I'd think we want to assume that any player's default intent is "I want to keep playing the game" unless they specifically indicate they don't.

I think a pain point with how it works right now is that the timer to start a surrender vote is based on when the vote ends as opposed to starts, so people "waste time" on the next vote timer by not immediately voting. That's a change I think could be good for us to make.


Originally posted by ToXic_Trader

However it's important that opponents have time to feel powerful with a lead and games aren't abandoned too soon

god i hate this statement

Do you feel similarly if we flip it to "It's important you have time to feel powerful with a lead"? Being able to flex your champion's power fantasy when you're the big, fed, succeeding character is one of the highest moments you get in League and it's something we value you being able to access.


Originally posted by Acegickmo

Our data shows that comeback rates when a team fails a 4/5 yes early surrender (before 20 min) are low; teams have a generally good sense of what a "winnable" game is.

While I don't think the real conclusion is relevant to normals, this is obviously because people dont try to win when 4/5 vote to leave at 15? Not sure why they would pretend this is real

It's definitely a combination of factors, the mental state of a team that has 4 people willing to take the loss immediately is one of them, but we can also look at measures like gold leads to see that when these votes happen the opponents do have a fairly substantial material advantage.


Originally posted by TheSituasian

Can you guys make it so the suggested sum spells remembers it being set to 'off' instead of it being reset every game please?

Yes that is also planned work!