

16 Feb


Originally posted by MightyMackinac

I, for one, really appreciate the hard work. It shows. The game is beautiful, plays well, and is a joy to play. Obviously, it has it's problems, but that's to be expected. I love that you guys are taking the time to communicate and work with us. Makes me really glad I bought into the game.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Storm_Fireblade

/u/BioWareJer can you please also try to fix mine? I am stuck at the same mission but for me it is the sarcophugas within the Tomb of Yvenia that does not have any interaction button. Already completed the challenges and the three other tombs were fine.

My origin ID is: Stormi_Fireblade

I've been troubleshooting for more than four hours now, several re-installs, three chats with EA Support Members that couldn't help. Incredibly frustrating by now. I just need to have the "Explore Tomb of Yvenia" part checked but I cannot interact with the sarcophugas.

EDIT: Here are screenshots:


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I'll add your ID to the slack channel, they are looking server side at solutions!


Originally posted by ikbrain

I might be just applying my own work standards. I actually hate how low "OK, let's push it to prod" has fallen these days. And I truly believe that this more than anything nullifies all the "heart and soul" so oftenly mentioned by dev-related people. Plus, getting older kind of taught me to give much more focus to the final result rather than to amount of effort.

It's sad that so many talented people are given such poor management/corporate constraints that they are forced to put their name on a product this... underwhelming. I hope you all are doing fine, but I really can't say "good job".

Hey that's fair. We agree with you that the constraints are difficult and sometimes unfair in this industry and day and age :)

I appreciate the support and good wishes.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Thanks! _^

From support: can we ask them if they have early warnings completed in expedition -> critical -> challenge list?


Originally posted by LeSmooze

Can you comment at all about the loading issues people are experiencing? I've currently decided to wait until the 22nd for the day 1 patch because I can't play missions without missing half the content for loading too long.. and then loading again because the team is too far away. I don't wanna bother, I just wanna know if the team is working on an optimization for this, or if it's a server issue or something else.

You mean the long load screen times? I know there were a lot of optimizations to bundle loading (the thing that takes the longest) in the Day 1 Patch, how much better, I am not sure. Are you running off SSD? That has helped some other folks...


Originally posted by ArchbishopTurpin

Count me in the list of people really impressed by the team's response times and reactions.

You can tell everyone working their asses off over there that I've gone from total skeptic about this game to massively excited. And it is 100% because of these responses and how readily you want to adapt to what we need.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Bonk_EU

Oof nothing more uplifiting to do? :) But in that case i applaud your commitment.

Thanks :)

We are trying. Really hard.


Originally posted by ikbrain

Haha and here I thought caring is releasing a well-polished quality product. Good thing it's just answering posts on rd. My boss will be so excited about my workflow next week!

Well that's a bit mean.

I'm sorry you aren't happy with the result, but rest assured the issues you are seeing are not due to a lack of caring from the devs. People have worked themselves to the bone to make this game as good as they could and deserve some respect for the sacrifices they have made above and beyond the 'job description'.

Also posting on Reddit and fixing issues are not mutually exclusive, I can do both :)


Originally posted by Bonk_EU

Doing his job. A round of applause everyone!

Well technically I am on sabbatical, but I care deeply about our players' experience so I make sure to respond where I think I can be helpful :)


Originally posted by smita16

Idk man honestly the sub is very disheartening to look at. I'm not surprised most of the devs have stopped visiting they would get torn to pieces.

To be clear - technically they haven't 'stopped visiting', most are deeply involved with fixing all the issues that are being discovered. Almost all issues here are being looked at by many folks, including Brenon, Cam, Ben etc.

I expect very high engagement post launch madness.


Originally posted by AncientHorizon

I was able to fix it doing as you instructed. I was also able to replicate the problem. What happened was I swapped to my headphones and changed the audio setting from Speakers to Headphones in options. That replicated the issue, reloading fixed it. Thanks for the reply, hope my info helps.

Also the sound design in this game is phenomenal on the whole, thanks for such amazing work. :)

Great to hear! Thanks so much for the kind words and the patience :)


Originally posted by executive313

As someone who was beyond skeptical about this game I have to say you guys being so active changed my mind and made me buy the game. I am loving it so far and truly enjoy it.

Awesome to hear - thanks for joining the party :)


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Thanks! _^



Originally posted by Musely

We can work on getting that added to the main thread. Give us a few.



Originally posted by SalvajeCartel

😭😭😭😭 alrighty then, well i guess ill share my report on when the audio thing happened the most. 1. I cant use machine pistols with my interceptor, everytime am chaining abilities and using fast machine pistols i fire the thing and then no audio comes out. I hope this is fixed forreal on day one!

Logged, thanks!


Originally posted by Admiyer_me

Yes, thank you, sorry for being harsh, but Mass Effect Andromeda left me with a weird aftertaste.

All good! I worked on all four. Me too :)


Originally posted by smita16

I know people are upset regarding the performance of the early release, but biowarejar has answered over 28 posts in just over 24 hrs!

It doesn't make up for some of the concerns, but it shows that they care!

People are gonna downvote me because they think I am a fanboi but I think we should appreciate and encourage communication.

Also it's 'Jer' not 'Jar' lol :)


Originally posted by smita16

I know people are upset regarding the performance of the early release, but biowarejar has answered over 28 posts in just over 24 hrs!

It doesn't make up for some of the concerns, but it shows that they care!

People are gonna downvote me because they think I am a fanboi but I think we should appreciate and encourage communication.

Thanks! I'm trying lol.

There are a LOT of people playing. And a LOT of issues, most of which we didn't see/couldn't anticipate until the game was truly shaken down by millions of people.

This is what we expected, and if you recall Casey Hudson's blog - how this game succeeds is not how good it is out of the gate. It's how we as a team respond to our players and how we quickly we can address issues that are discovered throughout the live service.

We made some good decisions, we made some bad decisions...the important thing is being able to admit that and try to solve the problems as quickly as possible.

I appreciate the shout out - and I want everyone on this sub to know that there are hundreds of people working insane hours *right now* in order to achieve this. It's the directive straight from our GM, and we are all 100% committed to achieving it.

Whether it's a bug or a QoL feature/su...

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Originally posted by Tyrosus

The lord giveth and taketh away indeed.

I think they will be able to fix it - it's been reported a handful of times and seems to be related to entitlements being given by the server incorrectly. They are testing (as messing with your profile can break a ton of crap) - but I am optimistic.


Originally posted by dejoblue

There is an annoying sample frequency desync when transitioning between the login screen and the game. Here is a video I made showing the issue:

44.1 and 48K sample frequencies work, but if you go non standard such as 96 or 192K(I imagine 88.2 as well) then this issue occurs.

I hope this helps.


Spoke with Frostbite audio - officially only 48k is supported. Anything higher can cause the mixjob to not be able to keep up at the DAC.

Sucks, but at least it's 'expected' behaviour from the engine.